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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Religious parents ‘could be criminalised’ under new law

A sweeping parenting law, which may be included in the Queen’s Speech tomorrow, could criminalise parents with strict religious beliefs, a columnist has warned.

The so-called “Cinderella law” would carry a maximum prison sentence of ten years for anyone who deliberately harms a child’s “physical, intellectual, emotional, social or behavioural development”.

Writing in The Times, Libby Purves commented, “we have a record of insouciant, well-meant legal drafting; and once something is enshrined in law it can cause problems either by reckless enforcement or by palpable unenforceability”. ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/6/4 11:51Profile

Joined: 2011/8/23
Posts: 1727
Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama

 Re: Religious parents ‘could be criminalised’ under new law

Dangerous, indeed.

Never, EVER believe ANY government or journalist or talking head who feeds the line, "The law will not be enforced that way" or "the law is not intended to reach that far." Ever. The more defenders decry critics on those grounds, the more certain you can be that exactly that kind of enforcement awaits.


 2014/6/4 12:23Profile

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