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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

 Do we play with things we don't fully understand...

I have been reading about this very disturbing and sad case since it came out in the news. Here is a link if you want to read further:

In this case two twelve year old girls lured their friend out into the woods and stabbed her repeatedly. Their motive was because they wanted to prove a mythical internet meme was real. They wanted to become proxies for a fictional character.

After reading this story, it has been on my heart wondering if there is not more to it. Is it possible that children are playing with things of the occult and the enemy and do not even realize it? There is so much violence in television, movies, music, video games, books and it has to have an effect on people. One of the most popular kinds of books geared for the youth is a genre called dystopian. In these books its all about surviving no matter what it takes, end of the world, death, darkness, and corruption themes. Many of them that are written offer no hope, in fact in many hopelessness is the theme. Despair is a common theme in them as well. Dystopias are often characterized by the dehumanization of people. What spirit is behind these forms of entertainment and should we be so trusting as to let out children have access to it with out truly knowing what it is? Is it harmless or does exposure to it have lasting effects? Does it make us less sensitive to the real world of pain, suffering, and sorrow around us?

Just some things that are on my heart and I am praying about. Of course there is hope in this fallen world, there is light that shines bright into the darkness to which the enemy can not stand against. That light is CHRIST JESUS! It is true the world is fallen, the end will come but unlike much of today's entertainment we do have hope, we do have a SAVIOR who has suffered and dead so that we might live.

God bless

 2014/6/4 9:55Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri

 Re: Do we play with things we don't fully understand...


Parents should educate themselves and be very diligent where music , movies, bootis, games, etc. are concerned.Our children are being targeted by the enemy of our soul. There is no doubt that these girls were involved in something ray dark and satanic.We are called as parents to train up our children in Godliness.


 2014/6/4 15:37Profile

 Re: Do we play with things we don't fully understand...

HI Sister,

Yes we absolutely do have hope. The curtain of the ages may be drawing closed, the darkness may be falling all around and the world may be crumbling and falling before our very eyes.......but Jesus. The end of the ages means that the Lord is on the horizon. With Spirit's eye we look and see the glory that fast approaches. The culmination of all things is the glory of Christ. The great darkness is only a prelude to the light that outshines the sun. We walk the narrow path towards the light that can only be seen by Spirit's eye. And nothing can separate us from it.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus reveals the Light that causes the brightest sun to shine like a mere candle. This light conquers the darkness of sin and death. As many that are led by the Spirit of God are sons and daughters of the most High. This Holy Spirit has delivered us from bondage and the chains of fear whereby we can cry out with all of our hearts........ Oh Father! There is a glory in God's adopted sons and daughters that is only intensified and revealed as they are entwined in the sufferings of Christ.

We are saved by hope, and not as the world hopes. This is the blessed sight given to us whereby we can see His glory. We can touch His glory and we can encounter His glory. Even as we are persecuted and killed all the day long we shall discover and have discovered that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. No matter the tribulation, no matter the persecution, no matter the distress, nothing shall quench the light and the glory that dwells within these earthen vessels. The full revelation of His glory comes first through His children then culminates in His appearing............bro Frank

 2014/6/4 22:40

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