Poster | Thread |
| Re: What do you think? | | Nasher
What do you think is the best translation to your audience?
These days it's something to find a young man who can read let alone write. I, like you enjoy the KJV, but I started out with the living translation.
I only understood one thing and that was I loved Jesus and He loved me.
By using that translation, I learned who Christ was and developed a relationship. When I turned 19 the LORD moved me over to the KJV. When I started reading that, it felt like I just went from elementry school to high school.
Karl |
| 2005/4/14 14:54 | |
| Re: | | Quote:
it's not the kjv's poeticness I like, it's the accuracy!
Surprise everybody... I agree with this statement!
Seriously tho, it's very tempting to want to give out a modern version with the intention of giving them something they will understand.
The problem I see with that is that there really is a very serious problem with modern versions, and that has been debated to death on other threads... but suffice it to say, if I was to give out modern versions, knowing what I know about them, I would then be obligated to follow up with someone and explain why they shouldnt use a modern version... after [b]I[/b] gave them one.
It would be very confusing for someone, and hypicritical on my part.
I admit, I dont give out Bibles... not sure why, just never occurred to me. In America most everyone has a Bible of some sort. But if I was to give them out, I would have to give out KJV's. The great lie of this age is that the KJV is too old to understand. But my 8 year old reads the KJV, and with the exception of an old word here and there, he understands it very well.
But lets also not forget that without the Holy Spirit guiding the reading, scripture is impossible to understand anyway. If the Lord is drawing someone to Himself, and He is doing it thru scripture... they will understand.
It's not up to us to convince people of Christ. All we can do is present it. The rest is up to the Holy Spirit, and I think we sell Him short when we try to make everything so simple for an unbeliever to understand. Sometimes we dumb it down way too much... and I think that shows a general lack of trust in the Holy Spirit to do what scripture says He will do.
All we have to do is lift Him up... He takes care of the rest.
Krispy |
| 2005/4/14 15:22 | | Tears_of_joy Member
Joined: 2003/10/30 Posts: 1554
| Re: The whole bible? Or just the NT & Psalms | | Today I was in front of dilemma what to send to one old woman. I had in mind that is person who has never read bible (just few chapters from the bible of one sister in the train),and we decided to send her NT&Psalms. I think it depends on person who will read the bible - if the person is familiar with the evangelical and new testament truths then it is good to start reading OT also, but if the person gets bible in the hands for first time , I think its better just NT.
But in both cases let us pray for those who have received and will receive the Word od God. At least we must have burden for those who have received from us, to intercede before the throne of grace for them. |
| 2005/4/14 17:53 | Profile | PTywama3 Member
Joined: 2005/3/1 Posts: 156 Tacoma, WA
| Re: | | The New King James and King James aren't very far apart. They both use the same manuscripts. I don't always care for blank looks. Its a great stand to take, really, KJV or bust. I have only ever handed out one King James bible, my own personal bible. I've also handed out a (New?) Gideon's New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs "pocket bible" because it was what I had available. I don't think reliability should be your sticking issue, ever. Ever. God protects His Word. Go with your instincts, go with what God tells you. I would say, quite honestly, I doubt it will be to hand out a KJV mainly. If its that much of a sticking point to you, explain to the person why you're doing what you're doing. People aren't stupid, give them a chance. Let God help them make up their minds, you just be the tool.
However, Tears_of_joy, I'd almost always go with the KJV for a person 60+. Traditionally, its sound. They've probably been read to out of it, even if they are new to the Church. I think Linus used the KJV.
I'd like to say here and now that I am not your mainstream evangelist. I never have been, and I don't know if I will ever have the effect of such a title. One thing I do know, I trust His people. More than one has knowledge of the subject at hand, and many (many) have wonderful imput. I try to take it all, but stick to the most relevant. _________________ David Reynolds
| 2005/4/14 18:58 | Profile |
| Re: The whole bible? Or just the NT & Psalms | | Quote:
Perhaps I should give them a complete bible and tell them to start in the NT?
yeh, thats it.
When I started handing out Bibles, I had some NT's only, and it just didnt feel right, and then Holy Ghost laid it on my heart to only hand out WHOLE Bibles.
Its just didnt feel right.
| 2005/4/14 19:38 | |
| amending my prior statement | | in my car I carry whole Bibles, both english and spanish in the NIV versions AS well as Gospels of John in both english and spanish. This morning I picked up a pair of Latino daylaborer's who were hitchhiking back to the city. I don't know much Spanish, but greeted them with a hearty "Jesus es Dios", as they climbed into the back seat, and I handed them a spanish Gospel of John, NVI. One of the brothers sat the entire trip with his face buried in those precious truths.......Bro's, thats what its all about!!!! watching another feast off the Word!!
You can buy Gospel's of John from for 25 to 30 cents apiece, a cheap price for Jesus to get the reward for His sufferings , doncha think?
BUT........when I give away the Word, a Bible, its the whole thing.
As far the tediously familiar KJV only debate, (which I am NOT trying to reignite) its hard for a lot of folks to EVEN read, let alone dig into elizabethian english, so......
I was studying/praying/meditating over the 51st Psalm, and had the NIV, ESV, and KJV versions of the Bible spread out before me, as I studied, it was a blessing, and I pray we......... ....well, lemme leave my prayer to the Lord.
| 2005/4/14 19:50 | | Heavenlyman Member
Joined: 2005/3/29 Posts: 51 Australia
| Re: amending my prior statement | | GLORY TO GOD
This is a very strong thing on going at the moment that is another ploit of the enemy's scheme. Another diversion to focus our eyes on. I always having trouble of this. This is only my own opinion please don't judge me for this. I learn the word of God in the begining of my walk with God by using NIV bible, and now I am able to follow the KJV & NKJV, but i still use the NIV now and then. It's not about which version we are to hold on or read. It's about the word of God, It is The Holy Spirit that brings the DEVINE revelation of the word of God. Many of our brother that been persecuted they don't have the KJV on their hand at the time but they crave to read HIS Holy Word, even it's just a piece of pamplet it use to speak in the man's heart.
Let our eyes focus on reaching out to the lost and to the face of the One who bring life to us. Let us focus ourself to the WORD OF GOD and FOLLOW it with all of our heart. |
| 2005/4/14 20:33 | Profile |
| Re: | | I'm with Neal, I dont want to turn this into a KJV debate... there are many other threads that deal with that.
But for me personally, I agree that it [b]is[/b] about the Word of God. And those who share my opinion that the modern versions are perversions of God's Word, how then can we agree to hand it out to unbelievers? Thats [b]not[/b] to say that people havent been saved reading the NIV (I was saved reading the NIV!), but I can not in good conscience promote or give away something that I know corrupts the very Words of God.
Lest anyone think that I believe Elizabethian English is of itself "holy", and thats why I stick to it... please dig into this site and find the threads that discuss the KJV issue. It's not about language, it's about manuscripts, and this debate goes clear back to the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. The 1st & 2nd century church fathers were writing about the difference between manuscripts. The devil began to corrupt them before the ink was dry on the originals.
But that shouldnt surprise anyone... the devil has been corrupting God's Word since the garden of Eden.
[b]Gen 3:1[/b] [i]Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, [b]Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden[/b]? [/i]
Is that what God said?? NO! ...this is what God said:
[b]Gen 2:16,17[/b] [i]And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, [b]Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat[/b]: But of the [b]tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it[/b]: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.[/i]
Like the Bible says... the devil is very subtle. And he has proven that with the modern versions.
So, without igniting a huge debate about it, all I am trying to do is clarify why I feel strongly about not giving out modern versions to unsaved people. We all have to answer for ourselves before God... I for me, you for you. Do as you feel led, and I'll do as I feel led. And we dont have to agree... it's ok.
By the way, the NKJV is [b]not[/b] based completely on the same manuscripts as the KJV. That is a deception. While it does lean more on the Received Text than the other modern versions, it does include many footnotes that lean heavily on the corrupted Alexandrian Text, and implies that the Recieved Text is suspect. Also, the Old Testament is based on a completely different Hebrew manuscript than the KJV. Read the introduction from the translators in the front of the NKJV.
Krispy |
| 2005/4/15 8:26 | |
| Re: | | By the way... it's very hard to talk about giving away Bibles with the KJV issue coming up. I believe it is one of the most impotant issues in the church today. Every Christian has to look at this issue, pray about it, study it... and make a decision. I truly, honestly, whole-heartidly believe it is [b]that[/b] important.
Krispy |
| 2005/4/15 8:36 | | philologos Member
Joined: 2003/7/18 Posts: 6566 Reading, UK
| Re: | | Quote:
I've also seen a lot of NT Gideon's floating about, I even had one at one point in time, but I don't really know much about that translation.
Hi The Gideon's are an organisation rather than a Bible version. They provide Bibles free for hotels and schools. I think they are using the NIV at present, but I'm not sure. _________________ Ron Bailey
| 2005/4/15 9:33 | Profile |