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 Not even one

There is no one who does good, not even one...... That can be refreshing knowing we are all covered by His blood.He washes away all r iniquity and cleanse us from r sin. Who can say, I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin. Prov 20:9 How then can we despise our neighbors or brothers and sisters in the Lord, or look down on them with distain for when they sin Prov 14:21 did not God show us His kindness, tolerance patience for us when we sinned Rom 2 Oh Lord, help us to love one another with your love poured into our heart's by the Holy Spirit.

 2014/5/25 21:14

Joined: 2009/1/11
Posts: 77

 Re: Not even one


Andrew Wales

 2014/5/27 8:27Profile

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