Saints,This is a thread for support on saints using the mac version of the downloader software that you can obtain here: of the current version of beta v1.0 there is no shortcut icon that installs on the mac desktop also because of lack of support for Java the software will have to run on Terminal commands. Step 1. Install the software .jar file from the above link. By downloading it and double-clicking on it.Step 2. Load Terminal. Double click on Macintosh HD icon, go to Applications folder. Then to Utilities folder. Then double click on the Step 3. It should load you into the home folder in terminal so just type the command "cd" [space] .. and then enter. just like below (this will move you up one folder system)cd ..Step 4. Repeat this step and type the same with .. Step 5. type ls and then enter which will show you the folders where you are and you will notice the Applications folder.lsStep 6. type cd Applications and then enter:cd ApplicationsStep 7. type cd Sermon\ Downloader/ then enter:cd Sermon\ Downloader/Step 8: type the exact command below and press enter (this will load the program if you have java installed, be patient the first time it loads it will connect to the internet and download the cache file with all the speakers and load them).java -jar SermonDownLoader.jarthat's it you should see the window loaded and you can start to choose speakers and download sermons. We will be doing some support videos for using the software shortly.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon