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Discussion Forum : General Topics : WARNING - BILL JOHNSON and BETHEL CHURCH by Andrew Strom

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Joined: 2008/9/14
Posts: 980
Pineville, LA


I am going to make another thread along these lines, because I don't want to veer too far off from the OP.

 2014/5/20 14:42Profile

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego

 Re: Andrew Strom's video


I have been away from this stuff for a long time, never bought into the prosperity message, never liked the music written by rockers who went from crazed sinners to faith giants in 24 hours.

Barking, shaking,screaming and crashing into walls? These are the things that so totally consume a person that they become incapable of hearing sound gospel so as to be even saved from sin let alone useful in the kingdom!

Has Charismania completely abandoned the gospel of repentance and conversion?

And sucking the young people into this spiritual drug alternative?? Wickedness of the lowest order!

Tom Cameron

 2014/5/21 0:25Profile

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