My good friend and brother in Christ Tony Moore recently went on to be with the Lord on 5/7/14. I had the privilege of teaming up with him for some time in sharing the gospel on the streets. Tony will be greatly missed. But he is more alive now than ever. What an awesome heavenly reception he must have received! This is a video of him preaching the gospel in Long Beach, CA. Edit: In case anyone wonders, I believe he had some type of sudden stroke. He was in a vegetative state and on life support and feeding tube for some time before he passed on.
Thank you for this . May the Lord bless many more of us with the zeal to preach His word on the streets to the lost Preaching on the streets reach the many in the masses who dont know Him because the idea of Church attendance is too foreign even intimidating to them
Amen KPYee. Glad to hear you were encouraged.
so was i thanks for posting ,,awsome preaching from you and your friend ,,god bless you ,,and light up your heart to keep om preaching ,,may he find a replacement amen
Amen brothagary, thanks and God bless you too. Please pray for Tony's family, both saved and unsaved, and his upcoming funeral service on Sat 5/24/14 at his church. Thanks in advance.