I love both the new ways and the old ways and I wish that I could read it more and that it could change my life more!!!!Because Jesus is so cool and I want to know more about him
_________________Dominic Shiells
Daryl, thanks for the info. My wife again came to the rescue and we were up late last night downloading (or uploading?). I had a great day at work again listening and weeping before God as I heard the Duncan Campbell revival account on top of David Wilkerson's call to anguish (sp?). I do need to get the bible though, thanks for the input. Right now I'm still carrying the tapes, the tape player, mp3 player, and speakers, and it is kinda' cumbersome. Thanks again and God Bless. Barry
_________________Barry Voss
I don't seem to have as much time to read as I do to listen, and I have heard that men tend to gain more from the listening than women (can't prove that), but I enjoy listening. As I listen though, the Holy Spirit inevitably will cause something to stand out in a way that causes me to check it out further. I can then go home and get out my bible and reference books and dig in further. This study seems to be more fruitful that my daily reading efforts were before listening started. Also the number of times I can go through scripture give me better recognition skills to determine false statements made by people and taking in more text at a time gives a broader "feel" for the scriptures. It kind of gives you a wider view for personalities such as Paul, contexts etc. Hope you enjoy! God bless, Barry