Nobody talked about it, maybe i missed it, however listened to it two times. And only then heard what he was saying about the tetrats (4 blood moons in a row) that fall on jewish feast days. Always something BIG happens, and this time he expects the greater exodus of God's people before September 2015. More historic proof, more detailed comparisons and altogether better researched than all previous version of that news story:“Pastor Levy’s Prophetic Warning that America is Egypt - Part One” Topic : In Part One of a two-show series on the parallels between modern America and ancient Egypt, Pastor Levy provides a foundation for the fascinating yet sobering revelation God has given him concerning the fate of the United States. His message: “America is Egypt. Great famine is coming. 2014 is last year to prepare. South of the Equator is only place to survive.” “Pastor Levy’s Prophetic Warning that America is Egypt - Part Two” Topic : Today’s program is Part Two of Rick’s interview with Messianic Jewish Pastor Levy. The discussion starts with the four blood moons in 2014 and. 2015. Pastor Levy reveals a stunning list of similarities between ancient Egypt and modern America Most importantly, Pastor Levy reveals the soon-coming date that he believes marks the beginning of the collapse of the United States of America.