Poster | Thread | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
Also seeing the video you realize there is no way out of suffering in many cases. Even if you recant you will still die, perhaps a worse death. This calls for the perserveance and boldness of the saints to stand for our Lord in that hour. Only Jesus Christ can make a man strong in such a situation. In our flesh we can never do it.
Amen. The more I walk with God the more I see how weak I am, of how much evil still dwells in me. Time and time again my own heart deceives me into thinking I can somehow make it without God's grace. That I can somehow stand in the midst of temptation, fear, pressure. Charles Spurgeon said we need to be "being filled" with Holy Spirit continuously because we leak. If this is true, then I must leak like a sieve!
And not only that -- the more I go on with God the bigger the holes seem to get. My confidence in the flesh dwindles even more as once again sin is detected in my members. The way I talk to my wife when agitated, the way I lose my patience with my children. If I still struggle in these areas, how in the world can I hope to remain stalwart for Jesus with a gun pointed to my head - or even worse, a child's head? Without grace, there's absolutely no hope, no assurance to stand even for a moment.
Because I recognize this lack in me except for God's grace, I am very hesitant to look at another person's failure with an air of self-superiority in the same situation. My heart goes out to this man's soul, his family, children, etc.
_________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2014/5/20 11:47 | Profile | rufnrust Member
Joined: 2010/1/9 Posts: 261 Indiana
| Re: Christian Denies Christ and is still beheaded in Syria (very graphic) | | To deny Christ at that point. Wow! I as well watched the video and remembered the words of a song by Teri De Sario "Clouds Without Water" 'We call ourselves Christians, a name after You. And then we deny you by the things that we do.'
This has had a profound impact on me. How we deny Him in our attitude and actions even when we are not under the gun. I have repented afresh and encountered great grace from the Lord to press in to Him.
Russell _________________ Russell
| 2014/5/20 17:06 | Profile | havok20x Member
Joined: 2008/9/14 Posts: 980 Pineville, LA
| Re: | | Paul,
Thanks for your post. Too often I look to myself to think that I can "push through" and overcome whatever obstacle I face.
Golly, I can't even blink apart from the grace of God.
It makes Jesus all the more wonderful to me when I realize just how weak I am. |
| 2014/5/20 17:17 | Profile | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
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It makes Jesus all the more wonderful to me when I realize just how weak I am.
Amen. How easily we forget that grace comes through weakness, not strength, and through humility and not pride. It's a deep blessing when God begins shows us how corrupt we are apart from Christ. When we get revelation on how dark we are, Christ shines all the more brighter. This is Pauline theology 101.
I lose power the moment I feel I can make a stand for God based off anything but free grace. That is, as soon as I begin to think there is something in myself which elevates me above this Syrian man - something stronger, more resolute, more genuine and committed that would somehow allow me to not deny Christ should a gun be pointed at my head. If I believe this then I am already deceived like Peter in spite of all my zeal and Christian resolution.
The truth is that many of us men of God can't even look at an attractive woman without stumbling in our minds and denying Christ as we yield to secret lust. Where is the distinction between denials? One is merely outward, verbal, with naked shame like the man in the video -- the other is inward, silent and with secret shame. This is why I refuse to judge this man with horror and disgust in his recantation. Inwardly, at least, I know am guilty one thousand times over of the same crime when AK-47s of lust, anger and impatience have been pointed at my head by the enemy. _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2014/5/20 18:41 | Profile | ginnyrose Member
Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Yes, I am from the Anabaptist tradition but am not aware that many (I know of one) of my forbears were Anabaptist during the 15-1600s. But we do have this tradition in which we are taught much about their faithfulness and how we can take lessons.
However, not many moderns have been the beneficiary of this upbringing or been taught this. Moderns live for the present comforts and "woe on me if I become uncomfortable". I suspect each generation will have to be taught there may be coming a time when one may have to die for their faith.
In my childhood there were men who loved to talk about the martyr's faithfulness and how they died, using the "Martyr's Mirror" as their resource. I grew up hating that book - I saw the pictures and they instilled horrible fear in me. I could well imagine the pain these victims experienced when they were burned at the stake, or worse. But I am a grandmother now and I see things differently. And one of them is that you need to keep on teaching the young as I was and never mind their reaction.
What scares me is how so many moderns think God exists to make life comfortable. "He knows what I am going through..." It is all about me - ever see these posts on FB? It is all about God easing my discomfort. How on earth will these folks deal with persecution if it should come?
Personally, I do not know how I will respond but am not going to worry about it now. What I am concentrating on now is my walk with the LORD so that if and when bad things do happen I will be able to trust him to see me through - just like he did when daughter Regina died 18 years ago. (To this day I do not understand the intense grief people experience when a saint goes to his/her reward.)
God is good even when life makes little sense.
_________________ Sandra Miller
| 2014/5/20 21:00 | Profile |
| Re: | | And pray tell what of those who are standing for Christ. Marion Ibrahim, a young Sudanese Christian mother, will be executed for her faith in Jesus because she will not renounce Christ.
Asia Bibi may have the dubious honor to be the first woman executed in Pakistan for her faith in Christ. For she will not renounce her faith in Jesus.
All around the world there are tens of thousands of Christians imprisoned in death camps who will not renounce their faith in Jesus. Particularly in places like North Korea martyrdom is there eventually destiny. Yet the thought of renouncing Christ does not enter their minds.
It us estimated over 309 people a day are martyred for Christ. I ask what if them?
it is estimated |
| 2014/5/20 21:01 | | dfella Member
Joined: 2010/7/9 Posts: 295 Canton, Michigan
| Re: | | Jesus made a very clear unambiguous statement in Matthew 10:32,33 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
The man who died made this statement, “I testify that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of God.”
One was telling the truth, the other was not. You be the judge, whom are going to believe? Jesus told us to judge righteously.
As for Peter's denial, it was after Jesus made this statement in Luke 22:32, But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and WHEN thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
We must also remember that Peter was not the only one who denied Jesus, they ALL denied Him, and Jesus prayed for them all in John 17.
The example of the Peter I would encourage us as Christians to follow and emulate is the Peter AFTER his conversion. This was the Peter who was martyred for Christ being crucified upside down. The same Peter who in Acts chapter 2 spoke boldly against Christ's murderer's.
To use the example of the Peter who denied Christ before his conversion is unwise when it comes to whether one can think they can deny Jesus Christ and still get to heaven.
Here is a testimony of a young girl at Columbine who after being shot twice, once in the leg, once in the chest, and then her killer grabbed her by the hair lifted her head up and said, "Do you still believe in God?" and she replied, "Yes", before he put the final bullet in her temple that killed her.
I will go to my grave with this statement before God and man, If I would publicly deny Him before men, I would not want to go to heaven, because if I did, it would make Jesus a liar. I just do not wish to believe in a jesus that I can deny and still somehow reap the benefit of eternal life.
God's grace is never meant to COVER ones sin or denial of Him, it is a divine enabling to get us out of sin and to boldly stand up for Christ just like the millions who have already done so.
I do not wish to sound spiritually prideful or contentious, that was a road I once traveled and do not wish to travel again. At this point I will refrain from any more input and commit this subject to prayer.
_________________ David Fella
| 2014/5/20 22:05 | Profile | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
To use the example of the Peter who denied Christ before his conversion is unwise when it comes to whether one can think they can deny Jesus Christ and still get to heaven.
I don't think this was what was being conveyed, but that's okay.
God's grace is never meant to COVER ones sin or denial of Him
Nor this.
Sorry my postings were unclear. I guess it's time for me to step back from this discussion as well! God's blessings to you.
_________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2014/5/20 22:38 | Profile |