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sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Christian Denies Christ and is still beheaded in Syria (very graphic) | | This report is from:
WARNING! THIS ARTICLE MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG AUDIENCES. Earlier in May BTJ reported on the situation in Syria. BTJ missionaries from China are currently serving in Syria, and the situation is not getting any better for them. With the increasing avoidance of Syria in the media comes the increasing atrocities. The Islamic rebels, who have been supported by the US government, have been raiding churches, terrorizing orphanages, crucifying Christians on crosses, and in one instance, even playing soccer with their heads.
Things reached a new level when a video was recently released this week when a known Christian was forced to renounce his believe in Jesus Christ. The Christian was told that he would not be shot if he renounced his Christian belief and claimed that there was no God but Allah. The Christian repeated the phrase as he was told, “I testify that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of God.”
the rest of the article and video can be watched here:
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2014/5/17 22:45 | Profile |
SteveHale Member
Joined: 2007/2/15 Posts: 244 NSW Australia
| Re: Christian Denies Christ and is still beheaded in Syria (very graphic) | | Sometimes I fall into the trap of relying on my own strength and say " Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." But the fact is without the strength that comes from God I am more likely to say " I don't know the man!" May God have mercy on that mans soul! And also on those men that did that to him. May we all hold onto Jesus as our one and only rock, as there is coming a time when a man will rise and be given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them.
blessings Steve _________________ Steve
2014/5/18 2:03 | Profile |
PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | I think these sorts of forced conversions and beheadings will one day happen in North America, once Islam fully takes over.
Couldn't watch the video. I already deal with enough death as it is. _________________ Paul Frederick West
2014/5/18 17:21 | Profile |
| Re: | | I made a standing rule that Persecution Watch wound not glory in the gory. For us to focus on the grisly details of how saints are martyred is to give credence to what the enemy is doing. I see no redemptive value in watching this video. Particularly when the individual has denied Christ.
We should be focusing on house saints are living out the reality of Jesus Christ in the midst of persecution. Even living out the reality of Christ in the midst of martyrdom.
And of course we need to be praying for these saints who was spilling their blood for Jesus.
My thoughts.
Blaine Scogin
2014/5/18 18:05 | |
dfella Member
Joined: 2010/7/9 Posts: 295 Canton, Michigan
| Re: | | With the utmost humble fear and respect I have absolutely no desire to watch the video and would personally remove the link. While I would also loudly echo that God would have mercy on this poor soul and (souls), it is hard to see any hope for such a renunciation of Christ.
In light of the historical accounts recorded in Foxes Book of Martyrs, Martyrs Mirror, The Pilgrim Church, one will not see such a denial of Christ, but a holy God given boldness and grace to proclaim Him.
While I agree with not glorying in evil, I would more so apply that to our past sinful lives and wicked living. I do see value however in the accounts that have been recorded for our benefit of the death of His saints as it is a testimony of HIS faithfulness and not their own.
Next to the Holy scriptures and word of God, I would highly recommend that every Christian read at the very least Foxes Book of Martyrs.
I also believe that for those who have been called to pay the ultimate price in their own blood, a special grace of God is given.
Of the over 260 some odd views of this thread with only a few comments I wonder which side of the fence people are landing on this? _________________ David Fella
2014/5/18 20:50 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member
Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Recanting to save your skin for a few more moments is not new. The early church found this issue troubling - people who did this sometimes survived and then wanted to be in fellowship with the brotherhood again.
Seems to me one should talk, discuss this issue before we have to deal with it and come to some kind of understanding how one is to deal with it when it comes.
This issue tore up the early church, some saying they should be accepted and others said "NO!". What should a church do if a member recants in face of pressure only to come back and want to rejoin the brotherhood of Believers? _________________ Sandra Miller
2014/5/20 9:10 | Profile |
| Re: | | Sandra you are from a tradition from those who have spilled their blood for Jesus. Has a situation ever come up where one of Anabaptist persuasion denied Christ to save themselves but later wanted to rejoin the Anabaptist ranks?
I have heard accounts of some early Anabaptist who recanted their faith and joined the Catholics or Protestants. But for the most part the early Anabaptist suffered martyrdom rather than deny Christ. Indeed their legacy was rich in what they left us.
Blaine |
2014/5/20 9:47 | |
PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | It's unwise to judge this man for recanting. None of us know what we would do in a similar situation. Peter was sure he could never deny Jesus, even if "these other" disciples would deny him. And that was the exactly where he ended up falling, with all his zeal and fire and oaths of uncompromised faith. The same God who hardened the heart of Pharaoh could have strengthened Peter with grace at the very moment of his testing, but did not. He allowed him to fail in the very area he thought he could prevail.
I love the Lord, but without His grace, I would probably deny Him if a Muslim put a knife to my son's throat. I'm just being brutally honest. I don't trust my judgment; I don't even trust my perceived love for God - for it is scripturally possible to leave your first love for Jesus. You can be in love with Him today and out of love with Him tomorrow. Red hot this month, lukewarm next month. You can have victory over sin in the morning, but end up in sin by the evening. We are so fickle, so transient, so prone to judge others and prognosticate what we would or would not do in situations we have never faced.
Our only hope is God's grace in the time of need. Anything less is a product of manipulative willpower prone to happenstance, and the wishful surmisings of a deceitful heart. _________________ Paul Frederick West
2014/5/20 10:35 | Profile |
Lysa Member
Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: Christian Denies Christ and is still beheaded in Syria (very graphic) | | Someone posted a video of this same beheading on FaceBook and I thought I could shut my eyes before I saw anything horrific and I was wrong.
I cried for 10 minutes on the mere seconds that I saw; not just because I saw an actual beheading but because this man had literally said the Muslim prayer that restored him to the Muslim faith.
So that was a Muslim killing another Muslim which isn't supposed to happen. This is the result of the evil of radical religion and NOT JUST Muslim religion. Radical Hindu's are just as bad and I'm sure we can name more.
Satan hates God's people.
_________________ Lisa
2014/5/20 10:46 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | Quote:
It's unwise to judge this man for recanting. None of us know what we would do in a similar situation. Peter was sure he could never deny Jesus, even if "these other" disciples would deny him. And that was the exactly where he ended up falling, with all his zeal and fire and oaths of uncompromised faith. The same God who hardened the heart of Pharaoh could have strengthened Peter with grace at the very moment of his testing, but did not. He allowed him to fail in the very area he thought he could prevail.
I love the Lord, but without His grace, I would probably deny Him if a Muslim put a knife to my son's throat.
Amen brother the reason posting is for us to realize brutal terrible martyrdoms are happening everyday all around the world and in the safe West we never see or think about it practically speaking. May God give us grace in that hour if any of us are called to be in such a situation. May God be with all those who are in the place of laying down their lives as their Saviour did for the world's sins.
Also seeing the video you realize there is no way out of suffering in many cases. Even if you recant you will still die, perhaps a worse death. This calls for the perserveance and boldness of the saints to stand for our Lord in that hour. Only Jesus Christ can make a man strong in such a situation. In our flesh we can never do it.
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2014/5/20 11:10 | Profile |