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 Savannah and Rev Enue

that's why I titled the thread "mad man or prophet?"

Martin Luther?......mad man or prophet?

 2014/5/18 20:42

 Re: Savannah and Rev Enue

Luther started well but ended very badly. As a Jew you know all about it Neil.

 2014/5/18 21:29

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: Door #1 or Door #2?

Ques. 1) Neil[aka HezWelling]?...perfectionist or calvinist?

Answer ____________

Ques. 2) Neil[aka HezWelling]?...male or female?

Answer - male

 2014/5/18 21:58Profile

 oh no

Ques. 1) Neil[aka HezWelling]?...perfectionist or calvinist?

Answer ____________

I flee from the "-ist's"

I believe God, and I follow Jesus. Sometimes I camp at the Jabbok, like Jacob, and wrestle with God. Sometimes, like Elijah, I camp in the Kerith Ravine, and watch for blackbirds, lonely. Sometimes, I linger on my rooftop, idle and rootless, and see Bathsheba. Sometimes I weep for hours like Jeremiah, with visions of death and fire. Sometimes I eat broiled fish, and I can almost hear Jesus asking for a piece. sometimes I sit still, and can ear Pauls quill scratching the words "scum of the earth".

sometimes. sometimes. sometimes. But always God, merciful and loving.

what kind of "-ist" is that, do you think?

 2014/5/18 22:14

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: oh yes!

"what kind of "-ist" is that, do you think?"

My post accomplished its purpose. The 'this' or 'that' questions you asked in your prior posts in this thread are not to be answered by choosing A or B either.

My Ques. 2 to you I could answer, as could all who know of you on S.I., and none would raise the slightest argument.

Does 2+2=9 or Does 2+2=12?
Was Adolph Hitler a pacifist or a moralist?

You did not address or take issue with my Ques. #2 which asked if you were a male or a female,and then I myself had the audacity to answer it emphatically by stating you are a male. Why did you not take issue with that? I do not wonder really!

The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.
The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
He raiseth the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.
He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.
The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength to his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.
1 Samuel 2:6-10

 2014/5/18 23:03Profile

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