Poster | Thread |
| | 2014/5/16 13:22 | | makrothumia Member
Joined: 2005/5/19 Posts: 724 Texas
| Re: Mad man?...or annointed Preacher? | | Thank you HezWelling for the question.
makrothumia _________________ Alan and Dina Martin
| 2014/5/16 14:20 | Profile |
| | 2014/5/16 15:53 | |
| Re: Mad man?...or annointed Preacher? | | Well, Neil 2 of their links are:
The Message Hub Read, Print, or Listen to the Messages of Bro. William Branham in over 50 languages.
William Branham Evengelistic Association Home of Voice of God Recordings
That should tell you something |
| 2014/5/16 20:03 | | sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | Quote:
The Message Hub Read, Print, or Listen to the Messages of Bro. William Branham in over 50 languages.
William Branham Evengelistic Association Home of Voice of God Recordings
Thanks for pointing that out brother. We must be very wise. He did say some good things in the message but it seems he has anger in his preaching which does not work the righteousness of God.
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2014/5/16 20:20 | Profile |
| i beg to differ, my dear brother Greg | | "brood of vipers"?
or how about when Paul suggested that some go beyond just the foreskin and cut the whole Johnson off?
or Paul reading the Holy Ghost riot act to that "magician" on Cyprus.....called him “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?"
pretty angry, wouldn't you say?
this isn't directed to you, and i'm not trying to fuss with you, but I get so weary of the limp wristed passive aggressive christianese "rebuke".....
if you witness a neo Pharisee hectoring some stumbling brother, call the Pharisee what he is.......a brood of vipers.....or a feller like Doug Phillips....y'know the World Vision leader?......till it was revealed that he had been molesting her since she was 16......he's a "son of the devil, full of deceit and villainy".
guys like him get me more amped than secular homosexuals....and remember what Jesus said would happen to those who stumbled or made sin these little ones. The Lord fit them with a millstone and drop them in the deepest part of the ocean.
and if we want to talk about "angry"......what about Ian Paisley, and what I regard as one of the greatest sermons of the last third of the 20th century...."Fundamentalism Vs. Apostasy"?
God love you dear brother, neil |
| 2014/5/17 11:26 | | sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: i beg to differ, my dear brother Greg | | Agreed brother.
I just thought some of his statements were quite outlandish and he did have a harsh tone that was more accusatory and not really aiming at biblical sin.
for instance his rant about birches (sp?) ie shorts. and the man with gorilla legs that were full of hair. He might have been really upset if he saw john the baptist and ezekiel with their hairy legs propeshing in the wilderness.
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2014/5/17 11:44 | Profile |
| what i didnt tell you was this Greg | | the only reason I found this pastor.....was type "America's most racist pastor" in Google....what happened was that he went on an immature ten minute rant about, "mulattos' and "mixed race" marriages, just the kind of stuff the secular press LOVES to use to illustrate how "BAD" we all are. (i'm laughing....also there was another thread about whether we have to "PROVE" the Bible...that to me is just lunacy)
anyway, so I went to bro Don's church website, selected two audio sermons, and with no pre-judgment, prayerfully listened....and to tell you the truth, I didn't pick up a focused "message", except that he loves Jesus....and that's MORE than Good enough for me.
a man or woman passionate about Jesus? that's my brother and sister.......does that mean I would defend immature public statements on race?
I believe what we really need in the Church is real PASSION about Jesus, whether that is demonstrated thru tears, anger, laughter, love. Real passion.
like Ian Paisley said, "you get on fire in that pulpit, and people will come out to see you burn!"
(and maybe catch on fire themselves)
much love, neil |
| 2014/5/17 13:00 | | savannah Member
Joined: 2008/10/30 Posts: 2265
| Re: NO ? | |
From the website of the 'church' Reagan pastors'.
"The objectives and goals of the Happy Valley Church of Jesus Christ and Pastor Donny Reagan is that the message of God through his prophet messenger William Branham will restore this end-time church back to the original faith of the Apostolic Fathers in the book of Acts."
From deception in the church website:
Name: Branhamism/The Message Founder: William Marion Branham Date of Birth/Death: April 6, 1909 - December 24, 1965 Birth Place: Burksville, Kentucky Year Found: May 1946
Brief History: William Branham had been hearing voices since he was seven years old. Finally, in May of 1946, Branham was commissioned by an angel from God to be the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ. He was given two gifts: healing and the word of knowledge. His healing ministry was started.
Sacred Text: The Bible
Cult or Sect: Branhamism is a sect for it split from the Pentecostal Movement in the late 1950s when Branham began preaching strange doctrines.
Beliefs: The followers of William Branham believe that he is a prophet sent from God and that we are living in the Age of Laodicea or the final church age. God revealed his word through William Branham (called Brother Branham), Brother Branham is the Voice of God to we who are living in the end-time. The beliefs of the "Branhamites" center around the teachings and revelations of William Branham, especially "The Revelation of the Seven Seals" and "The Seven Church Ages" (these texts can be accessed at They do not believe in the Trinity and feel that the denominations do not have the full revelation of Jesus Christ. One of the more radical beliefs of the group is that of Serpent Seed which states that the first sin committed occurred when Eve engaged in sexual activities with the Serpent in the Garden of Eden thus causing "the fall of man."
Size of Group: Unknown
Remarks: William Branham's credibility (in the eyes of his followers) comes from his miraculous healing ministry and his visions. Despite the fact that Branham is supposed to be the voice of God, he falsely predicted the end of the world to occur in 1977. He stressed that this was a "prediction" and not a "prophecy," however, he never explained the difference between the two terms. Followers of Branham do not view his failure as a sign of his failure as a prophet. They feel that Branham was not speaking the words of God, but his own. Since man is fallible and Branham was a man, his failure does not merit grounds for disbelief of his mission from God. Branham claims that the angel which commissioned him was present with him for his entire life and his followers claim that he fulfills the Biblical prophecy of Malachi 4, 5 and 6 and Revelation 10:7.
For more info on this deluded false prophet go to: |
| 2014/5/17 17:43 | Profile |
| Re: what i didnt tell you was this Greg | | Passion yes, but not fleshly rage and self righteousness pompous religiosity that acts as though they know better than God does. God is good and we are not. And we have plenty to be humble about. These people are masquerading as the Lords representatives. They are filled with rage and venom and do not represent the Jesus of the Bible. They certainly do not speak with the anointing of the Holy Spirit as far as I can see. It’s all flesh and pride. Frankly I am so tired of religion and men who pretend to know God more than you and I. A tree is known by its fruit and if you really love Jesus you will reflect who Jesus is. |
| 2014/5/17 18:50 | |