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Joined: 2008/4/12
Posts: 1306
Hampshire, UK



So are Brownsville and Pensecola one and the same in terms of events?
I always thought they were two different places and two seperate events! Just shows what I don't know! I Learnt something.


 2014/5/13 16:27Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 Re: Why Toronto and Brownsville were not "True Revivals" - Richard Owen Rob

We should be judging revival or any move
of God not by the manifestations but by
the fruit.

Discernment is needed and obviously all
demonic manifestations should be dealt

In revival history manifestations of laughing,
shaking, and fainting or what is known as
being slain in the spirit have occurred in
true revivals as well as the demonic.

Whenever man has attempted to steady the
ark, usually the Spirit has been quenched.

John Bevere, who wrote a book on the fear
of God was ministering in one of the
oriental countries when the Holy Spirit
moved in such a way that joy and laughter
came upon the people, a little later, the
fear of The Lord came upon the saints
and the laughter ceased.

I have been in meetings where there was
laughter taking place that was mostly in the
flesh, but I have also been in meetings
where it was the real deal.



 2014/5/13 17:22Profile

 Re: Why Toronto and Brownsville were not "True Revivals" - Richard Owen Rob

I was in Toronto at the very beginning. It was something very special for the first several weeks. I saw more people openly repent of and confess sins than anything else. It particularly touched teens.

The meetings went from around 6 PM until 3 AM 7 days a week. I would get home at around 4 AM go to bed and be at work for 7:30 AM and not be the least bit tired, work all day and go again that night. My wife and i did this for the first 2 months at the Dixie Rd church. Every night was a who's who of the church as leaders came from all over to see what God was doing.

IMO everything changed at a meeting in a bible college in Toronto. From that point on it began to attract a different crowd and they began defending what was happening rather than just leaving it alone. I never went back after that and it changed drastically into manifestations for manifestations sake. It became a show from what others who visited told me.

I have read and heard many things from people who were not there themselves in the beginning. I remember the repentance, the crying, the unity and openness of 2 month when I went to a little church 7 days a week for 9 hours, only slept 3 hours a night and was not tired a single second of it. It was a wonderfull visitation.

Marc mc

 2014/5/13 18:49

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650



Yes I believe they are the same event. I thought Brownsville was a place as well but it was the name of the church.

I have always been wary of holy laughter primarily because it has never happened to me ;)


 2014/5/13 18:50Profile

Joined: 2008/9/14
Posts: 980
Pineville, LA


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

 2014/5/13 21:27Profile

Joined: 2008/3/17
Posts: 75
United States



Re: "Brownsville Assembly is in Pensacola I believe. But I also have heard and read that Toronto was more egregious than Brownsville. No revival is perfect. But I know that very strong preaching took place at Brownsville because I have listened to many of the sermons. There was also deep repentance. Was there some fleshly exhibitions? Sure. But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water."

This is true. I was there at the early stage and deep repentance was THE ONLY message. I believe it changed later on when all the commercialization was occurring turning it into a machine. You definitely cannot throw out everything that happened there at the Brownsville Assembly of God


 2014/5/14 0:29Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


A topical article by Dr. Brown:


 2014/5/14 6:27Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185



Brother, I believe that you are spot on with
What you have shared on your experiences
at Toronto. I believe that it did start out as
a true move of God, but it got hijacked by
the enemy. The leadership bears much of
the responsibility for allowing manifestations
to become the focus. The Holy Ghost always
exalts and glorifies Jesus, and anytime we
make it about a particular sign and wonder
or a man, the Holy Spirit is grieved.



 2014/5/14 7:49Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Why Toronto and Brownsville were not "True Revivals" - Richard Owen Rob

I was listening to a Derek Prince sermon and in it he said a friend of his went to Toronto and asked the Lord, “How much of this is of You?” And the Lord replied, “About 25%, which is more than what is going on in other churches.”

The Lord saw the positive side of 25% and wouldn't squash it; while we, mere humans beings, see the 75% and want to squash it dead. Just saying.

God bless,


 2014/5/14 7:51Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


Lysa, I agree with you that there is a large
Segment of the Body of Christ that is so
obsessed with the counterfeit, that they are
missing out on what is truly of God. With
others. it is just the opposite, with them
anything supernatural is embraced as
coming from God . True discernment
discerns both the true and the false.
The Word exhorts us to "prove all things
and to hold fast to that which is good."



 2014/5/14 10:04Profile

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