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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality


This is a new book by Michael Brown that was released. I am glad in-part that he is taking a scholarly attempt to lift up biblical principles and standards when in many mega-churches homosexuals are allowed and accepted.

book description:

The question of how the church deals with homosexuality has become the great moral and spiritual issue of this generation.
How do we respond to gay people who tell us how much they love the Lord and experience God’s power? How do we answer them when they say that the greatest law is the law of love, and that love requires us to embrace them as they are? What do we do with the argument that the Old Testament laws (such as the prohibition against homosexuality and the dietary laws) no longer apply?

Gay and Christian? will provide solid biblical answers, clearly written and based on sound scholarship, in a compassionate way that causes the reader to wrestle with the issues and discover the biblical truth. The book also provides practical guidelines for ministry and shows readers how they can resist the gay agenda while reaching out to their gay friends and family.

Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/5/9 20:16Profile

 Re: Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About

I purchased a copy of this book myself because I personally cannot tolerate homosexuality in any part and will never even on pain of death tolerate it, support it, encourage it and lie against the truth to defend those wicked and perverse men and women who have pressed this Satanic agenda onto society for the ends of their own gratification.

I think the end of this will be bloodshed. I have to say that this book makes for a more psychological defence of the weakness of humanity, especially North American obsession with individual rights, than it does for making a case for understanding the reality behind homosexuality. It is so American to set a Satanic temple on the high street, to openly worship Satan, before children, in the influence of children and then to say that it is like a sweet shop where, being just another choice, so as to walk by as though it had no other meaning, it is overlooked. In the end we miss the reality that Satan cannot be found in a temple or a sweet shop he is found in the air. Homosexuality is first and foremost a lie. Thereafter it is a perverse and deviant action which if allowed to develop will become the most hateful religion the world has ever known. Guess what it has been allowed to develop and it is becoming the most hateful and perverse religion in the world. Homosexuality is a spiritual ambition of Satan because of itself it is sufficient to defeat the gospel of Christ in the minds of men, women and children.

Homosexuality is an abomination and those who promote it are wicked, perverse and evil no matter how loving they are or claim to be. When or if they want to ask me I will tell them so plainly they will not be left with a choice but to either kill me or if not receive in their own bodies the just recompense for their blasphemies and perversions. On that basis come and ask you perverse and wicked man and let God make the separation.

 2014/5/10 3:20

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Genesis 6:5
New International Version (NIV)
5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/5/10 11:36Profile

Joined: 2011/8/23
Posts: 1727
Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama

 Re: Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About

The homosexuals will respond with a litany of so called gay Christians who will point up their own piety and conversion experience as proof of their Christian faith. This absolutely puts the lie to "eternal security" mixed with "easy believism". It boldly underscores the truth of Matthew 7:21-23.

We are a church of uncleanness and we dwell comfortably in a world of uncleanness.

Hebrews 12:25-29
See that you do not refuse him who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven. At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” This phrase, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of things that are shaken—that is, things that have been made—in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.


 2014/5/10 18:34Profile

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego


Eloquent, Andrew, as usual!

"When you see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place..."

When the world thinks of demon possession, cartoonish images of Mr. Hyde and his ilk come to mind. Snarling, drooling, gutteral roaring, an old contorted ugly man- perfect image for this rare abberation of humanity.

But the enemy is much more clever than that. He takes his poison and makes it look sweet and innocent, even to co-opt a happy word like "gay" to add frosting to the deadly cake.

Make no mistake, sodomy can wear bright clothes and happy labels, but it is a most sinister form of demonic possession. It is designed to kill, and spread the killing far and wide.

One might have thought that when the world-wide AIDS epidemic was tied to homosexual activity some years ago that there would have been a wake up call. That never happened. The father of lies would not allow truth to prevail in this arena.

Growing up, I had a cousin that was dear to me, a best friend- but he bought this thing in his late teens. He lived to his 30's, died a wretched death, one more victory for Lucifer.

Tom Cameron

 2014/5/12 11:43Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


It is encouraging to this grandmother to come onto a Christian site that stands for Biblical truth, especially on moral issues. People who will dig their heels into the ground and say "NO!! This is evil and must be repented of, never

If the world keeps standing I wonder what kind of perversion will be embraced next by pseudo Christians? Not that I really want to know but when you think things could not get any worse they somehow do.

The responses to this issue encourage me. Thanks!

Sandra Miller

 2014/5/12 14:27Profile


But the enemy is much more clever than that. He takes his poison and makes it look sweet and innocent, even to co-opt a happy word like "gay" to add frosting to the deadly cake.

Make no mistake, sodomy can wear bright clothes and happy labels, but it is a most sinister form of demonic possession. It is designed to kill, and spread the killing far and wide. Sidewalk

You hit the nail on the head brother in saying these things so clearly. If I may share a little regarding my own experiences and then perhaps others will give more thought to how they are gong to address this terrible reality which is upon us.

I was born and grew up in a former weaving community in West Yorkshire. I trained as a weaver one time myself and even thought of making a living at it. The town is called Hebden Bridge. Hebden is the name of a river and bridge is self explanatory. When I was seven years old I recall walking out in the country side which surrounded my family home and came across a number of hippies who had occupied old derelict workers cottages from the 19th Century. They gave me a drink and a sandwich and I recall thinking how nice they were. Little did I know that what they represented was so dark few could have comprehended it at that time. Their bright coloured clothes and their long hair, their musical instruments and their "strange" vegetarian food were all innocent enough to a child and most likely to most other people in this small Yorkshire community.

Today Hebden Bridge is the homosexual capital of the whole of the UK. Hebden bridge itself has the highest incidence of suicide in the whole of Yorkshire. Yorkshire itself is by far the largest county in England. My sister is a lesbian and I have on a number of occasions gone in a cover of the Lord into the heart of the lesbian community to listen and comprehend what was being said and the spirit of what it all meant. I discerned more demonic reality in Hebden Bridge than I have in any other place I have lived. It is a malevolent spirit, yet it dances in bright coloured clothes, eats no meat and declares itself tolerant and respectful. See if you once look it in the eye and speak "sin" it will attack you in an instant without hesitation. Hebden Bridge is also steeped in the occult, especially witchcraft and new age concepts.

The interesting thing is that homosexuality is not even seen as a negative reality and no one even mentions the witchcraft at all, never.

My experience of Hebden Bridge goes back to the late 50's and early sixties twenty years before the current problems began to be reported. Let no one tell you that homosexuality is a sin which has no consequence on the people who tolerate it. The people of Hebden Bridge are paying fully for their willingness to embrace this sin in the many deaths of its children and young people. Hebden Bridge includes Heptonstall which was founded in the 12th Century. So in just 50 years this stable God fearing community has been turned into the lesbian capital of the UK and has the highest incidence of suicide in Yorkshire.

 2014/5/12 14:59

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