Brother Michael,You wrote;"Your right Rahman I do Love SI... that's why I don't like all the disarray ... I do not like the strife it turns me off and calls into question the whole Lounge area"Well first off bless God that we're talking/posting ...We're never gonna get perfection on this side of imperfection but the difference of we saints is that with Holy Spirit's help we at least reach towards it ... If you really think about it there's a lot more good going on in this SI forum than evil, evil just seems to jump out more ... But you/we certainly should'nt let that stop us from posting as we'd all be at a loss if God had something to say to us thru you ... So how about this strategy? ... It takes two to argue in the flesh, the Word says don't return evil for evil, so if as Paul says you know you're the strong amongst the weak bear the weaks infirmity and just bow out in Christ love and chalk that one up to God's straightening out ...