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Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Where should we preach?

Proverbs 8:1-5/Proverbs9:3 ------ I thought it would be refreshing to hear the diffrent ways in which the gospel is getting out to our world so I started this post. It can be easy to feel that your life in ministry is not worth much if you don't street witness and preach on the streets as many on this site do. Not all are called to do this type of ministry. So since what the Lord has others do is as important I thought it would be good to start a thread on the different ways people have been used by God and the diffrent types of extra (out of church bldg type) ministries people are being lead to do. My hope is that everyone will start to see that even the smallest most insignificant cup of water given in Jesus' name matters in Heaven and doesn't go un-noticed by God. God Bless Bro. Daryl


 2005/4/11 22:31Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Where should we preach?

I thought it would be good to start a thread on the different ways people have been used by God and the diffrent types of extra (out of church bldg type) ministries people are being lead to do. My hope is that everyone will start to see that even the smallest most insignificant cup of water given in Jesus' name matters in Heaven and doesn't go un-noticed by God. God Bless Bro. Daryl

Bro Daryl, great idea for a thread. I think it will be very edifying and encouraging for people to hear all the ways God has used people to preach the gospel. Even through this online ministry God has in some ways allowed me to preach the gospel over 2 million times. That staggers me everytime I think about it.

"Did Jesus Preach in Cathederals?"
-George Whitfield

The answer to that question is "No", Street preaching is something very interesting in church history, men like wesley, whitefield and many others where used powerfully of God to preach in open air.

Preaching is in a sense [b]prophesy[/b]ing which is sharing the Word of God with unction and the power of the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 14:1: Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, [b]but rather[/b] that ye may prophesy.

We need to call out to God for unction and the gift of prophesying to believers and unbeleivers that the Word of God may become real and effectual to people.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/4/11 23:15Profile

Joined: 2005/1/29
Posts: 154
Kansas City, Missouri

 Re: Where should we preach?

Bro Daryl, great idea for a thread.

I’ll second that, what a great idea. As we read through the forthcoming posts how God is using SI members in different areas of Ministry, it is my hope the Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance as we pray these various outreaches, and we will take time to intercede one for another that the unction and anointing will rest upon each of us and will enable us to bring in this last day harvest of souls.

My wife and I beginning in 1994 have been in the Long Term Care outreach Ministry. Currently, we along with a dedicated group of friends Minister weekly in two Mental Health Care facilities, and two Nursing Homes.

We have been honored over the years to share Christ with hundreds of dear elderly folks, many at or near that midnight hour. And to hear Christ say to so many “today you shall be with me in paradise.”

Whatever your calling may be, what an awesome privilege to be “Called, equipped, and sent.”

God Bless,

Tony Sexton

 2005/4/11 23:45Profile


Yes preaching on the street is very important. Men like A W Tozer and Billy Sunday were saved at street meetings.

Prison ministry is very important! It was in jail when a minister got through to me.

Elderly homes are also important. I used to work in one. They need Jesus!!

 2005/4/11 23:54


I have been thinking a great deal about street preaching as of late...however, recently I came across a group/organization of street preachers whom I found very disturbing.

I am a little discouraged because I feel that street preaching is very valuable, but those who do it (minus perhaps Lazarus1719 :-) ) are often shockingly distasteful in their approach.

I usually prefer not to speak out against other people and ministries but I am still stunned by what i have recently witnessed.

Any encouraging words from those who practice this ministry? Are there moderates out there? People who don't insult their audiences etc...?


 2005/4/12 0:25

Joined: 2005/3/1
Posts: 156
Tacoma, WA

 Re: street preaching

I got mistaken for an undercover cop once. Gotta love teenagers. I guess I don't really "preach" on the street, but I'm not afraid to strike up a conversation and pray with or evangelize to a person. Seems like the friendly conversation is a big part of it though.

I've "preached" with a group in schools overseas and at a rather informal little church service.

I think I'm better equipped to handle the listening end of things, though. I'm not a very good preacher. In fact I think I'd say I'm down right aweful at it.

David Reynolds

 2005/4/12 2:14Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


Any encouraging words from those who practice this ministry? Are there moderates out there? People who don't insult their audiences etc...?

My first preaching, as a 16 year old, was open air preaching outside a pub. Every Sunday evening at 'throwing out time' we would take an old wooden chair which served as our pulpit. We did this Sunday by Sunday for some years.

When I was at Bible College I led the Open Air Witness team, and no one who insulted the crowd was allowed on our mobile pulpit.

For some years I conducted a preaching witness by a bus-stop in a shopping area in Birmingham UK. Most times others would join me but at times I was on my own. The buses came at 15 minute intervals and you could see them approaching up the hill. This provided 'training' in getting to the point and finishing it off, before the bus took my congregation away. :-D

I have preached in many countries in halls and conferences but there is something 'extra' about 'open air preaching'. I never used 'pa' believing that the natural 'reach' of my voice was a good target area. I am not much in favour of amplifiers in halls or outside them. There is somthing about 'lifting up your voice and crying aloud' that seems wonderfully natural; added to which, you annoy less people who are too far away to listen but who object to the strains of your amplifier.

'preaching' however is a varied word in the scriptures, and mostly it does not describe the method but the content. It is the word 'evangelise' and you can do that in the street or by the bedside of a dying man, or at the bus stop, or in the coffee lounge. Christianity spread through the world by personal conversations not set piece sermons.

Ron Bailey

 2005/4/12 5:18Profile

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 498


I have been ministering to some homeless people especially those with mental disorders. The ministry is not usually involving any preaching or scriptures at first; the main thing these guys are looking for is to be accepted and just having a casual conversation with them over a meal is something they do not expect even from the saints. As my discernment increased I began to become aware of demonic bondage upon many of these souls. I brought this to the Lord in prayer and he brought it back to me and my Brothers and together we have been engaged in some spiritual warfare when we pray for these people. Everyone whom we have prayed for has been delivered and made whole in the name of Jesus Christ, to Him be praise honor and glory forever. Amen.

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya

 2005/4/12 8:45Profile

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri


Christianity spread through the world by personal conversations not set piece sermons.

I think this is important to realize as we so often miss opportunities to minister to those before us day by day. May God quicken us to know the hour of our neighbors visitation.

My ministry began shortly after I was truly born again and filled with the Spirit. I would witness to folks on a personal conversational level. It took a while for my life to get where it needed to be. It was such a train wreck. I thank God that people in those early days when I was not in line with God's word, but so desperately was pressing to get there that folk did not condemn me and snuff out the fire God was kindling. I hope to some day be as Spiritual as those people were who held there peace when any one could have spouted off and wrecked my faith. You have no idea how important what I just said really was.

In time God called me to minister as an assistant Sunday school teacher and then in about a year I was young adult teacher. It was around this time that TonyS and several other folks were called to go into the Nursing Homes to minister monthly and then shortly it would be weekly. Singing the old timey hymns and preaching the old fashioned Gospel. We have been in this ministry for over 10 years now in several facilities twice to three times weekly.

My 5 children in the early days were growing up and that was a ministry in its own rite. They are all youth age now teens and such except one, he was the 6th and is 4 years old. Two of my sons are preachers. One is wholly dedicated to preaching anywhere including on the streets. He is 14. We will see what God will do with all of them.

Over time my studies at the Jewish Roots institute and personal studies has occasionall opened doors to teach Sunday School teachers how to study and teach in conferences. I have taught basic theology to the congregation for some years. I enjoy apologetics.

In about 2001 or 2002 I took over as an 'interim' youth pastor at our church. We have lots of youth with lots of issues. I have ministered to them almost every Tuesday night. That is a quite an issue in itself. We have to reach the kids or we can forget it all.

In December 2003 God shook me out of my slumber and set my path to repentance in an overwhelming way. The urgency of the time was great. It was then that I began to teach and preach the word of repentance. First I was brought into contact with Andrew Strom by some divine appointment. From there I found Sermonindex and a host of beloved folk that were feeling the word of repentance and holiness as I was.

In 2004 I ministered repentance in every setting almost. Streets, parks, churches, rodeo halls, bingo halls, convention halls, etc. These ministeries were in addition to all the others that continued at the same time. As a minister of repentance I called the church to return to to their first love and forsake the 'little bit of Egypt' that was causing them a whole lot of spiritual problems. During this time I have had the pleasure of meeting many repentance ministers.

So here we are. The word of repentance is going forth, but do we remember that repentance is only one facet of the Gospel? I have taken it in hand to tell folk to "go on unto perfection... not relaying the foundation of repentance..." Many have repented, and many have hardened themselves against God. To teach them to Walk in the Spirit. Not repenting over and over and over. That is a powerless Christianity comparitively. Folk need to walk in the awesome power of the Holy Ghost. Get on fire and stay on fire.

Yet, what has happened? A lot of what I mentioned in "Survival of the revival" has happened. Repentance gets preached until the folk repent and then the word next week is repent again and so on and so forth. Pretty soon things get pharisaical and nit picky and fearful. That is not Christianity- it is legalism.

What is the solution? Preach the WHOLE Gospel and don't be afraid to let the chips fall where they may. Prostitutes on the street that God will send your way need the GOSPEL with a capitol 'G'. They need the transforming power of the Holy Ghost. Homeless folk need the Gospel with a capitol 'G'. They need a miniter with the goods that can lay hands on them and they be set free from bondage right on the streets! We can preach repentance till were blue in the face, but do we have the goods?

God Bless,


Robert Wurtz II

 2005/4/12 8:48Profile

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 498

 Re: as many as ye shall find

but there is something 'extra' about 'open air preaching'. I never used 'pa' believing that the natural 'reach' of my voice was a good target area. I am not much in favour of amplifiers in halls or outside them. There is somthing about 'lifting up your voice and crying aloud' that seems wonderfully natural

I know this is probably not biblical :-) but I am of the conviction that there is something of the message and spirit that is carried in the voice.

I think this is important to realize as we so often miss opportunities to minister to those before us day by day. May God quicken us to know the hour of our neighbors visitation.

I had been up all night and was immensely frustrated at my situation (long story) but I walked passed a man whom I was prompted to talk to but, I quenched the Spirit and focus on my own infirmities. The man began to walk with me actually and now I was in open defiance of unction in me, as we walked he engaged me and I gave him a cold shoulder and short responses. Suddenly I car drove past us and stopped in front of us and out popped two Jehovah’s Witnesses…well I was immediately moved with indignation. I was about to tell them why I did not believe the way they did, but the did not engage me, they simply ignored me and walked past me as if I did not exists and they headed straight for the man who was walking along side of me. He received them with joy and began to talk with them, by this time I was some distance away from them all, because during this whole episode I continued to walk brusquely as I tried to brush off this man. I looked back and I clearly had no grounds to talk to the man now as my own conscience condemned me. It was the most saddening, deeply challenging and self revealing moment in my ministry, that drove me to tears as I wondered what the Lord had planed for this man but the devil had intercepted. The term “instant in season and out of season” took on a whole new meaning for me.

I hope to some day be as Spiritual as those people were who held there peace when any one could have spouted off and wrecked my faith. You have no idea how important what I just said really was.

I think I may have some idea…the man who inspired that statement is a personal friend :-)

One is wholly dedicated to preaching anywhere including on the streets. He is 14. We will see what God will do with all of them.


So here we are. The word of repentance is going forth, but do we remember that repentance is only one facet of the Gospel? I have taken it in hand to tell folk to "go on unto perfection... not relaying the foundation of repentance..." Many have repented, and many have hardened themselves against God. To teach them to Walk in the Spirit. Not repenting over and over and over. That is a powerless Christianity comparitively. Folk need to walk in the awesome power of the Holy Ghost. Get on fire and stay on fire.

Sir, this is a God-sent message! I was just musing to the Lord today about the lack of a instruction in most churches of a clear course to follow after, “the sinners prayer”. I think there is a place for “repent and be baptized” but once this is accomplished we need some tent makers like yourself, the wise men and scribes who were promised to the church are largely asleep but as they are awake your message will gain more laborers.

What is the solution? Preach the WHOLE Gospel and don't be afraid to let the chips fall where they may. Prostitutes on the street that God will send your way need the GOSPEL with a capitol 'G'. They need the transforming power of the Holy Ghost. Homeless folk need the Gospel with a capitol 'G'. They need a miniter with the goods that can lay hands on them and they be set free from bondage right on the streets! We can preach repentance till were blue in the face, but do we have the goods?

Your so right hear. The true gospel is hard to preach in the institutional church. It is all together a different religion to the one most people signed up for, they simply do not want the religion you are offering, their content with their own god and not with the living God. Sometimes I when on the street, I feel like the Lord is saying, “The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage”.


James Gabriel Gondai Dziya

 2005/4/12 19:42Profile

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