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 Completely His - K.P. Yohannan

Completely His - K.P. Yohannan
GFA Prayer Meeting (2014-03-07)

We keep on reading books to figure out what it means to live for Christ.

How our life must be lived.

The entire Bible has only one subject: the Lord Jesus Christ.

The 39 books in the OT have only one subject, types, shadows, pictures and prophecies about Jesus.

The 4 gospels talk about how Jesus lived.

The book of Acts talks about how these people understood this one important thing: Jesus died on the cross, he was buried, he rose again, and we are not our own for He died for us.

Absolute total abandonment, renouncing everything, and life itself.

As a result of that, they were like a steamroller, nothing could stop them.

You could accuse them, you can beat them up, you can break their bones, you can burn down their house, you can burn them on the stake, you can put them in prison and this journey is described and how we must respond in the letters.

And finally the book of Revelation concludes with looking at Him who sits on the throne, the Lamb as though He was slain, and the worship continues.

How simple.

Very simple.

But we have made it so complicated.

We are so lost with preachers and books and explanations and we are like lost sheep.

So how do we really discover or understand Jesus?

Well the simple thing is, I think, just read the Bible.

Maybe stop listening to a lot of preachers and stop reading a lot of books.

When you read the account in the book of Acts, it's about the first thirty years of these peoples lives.

How they lived.

The question is, why are we making it so complicated?

There are preachers who take one half sentence and explain it for 5 weeks.

When I was a pastor of a local church some years ago I remember teaching through the gospel of John and it took me four or five months to get through the first seven verses.

But did that deep profound explanation in Greek and Hebrew and this tense and that tense...

It's like someone writing an email or letter to you and you get all the dictionaries and commentaries out to try and find out the profound meaning...

The real problem with Christianity in the West today is that information and knowledge has become spirituality.

It is not.

Pharisees did that. And Jesus said all of you are going to hell.

He said the problem is, you know all about knowing God, but you don't want to come after me.

You don't want me.

Because I call for you to come and die.

And live.

Unless you pick up your cross.


Unless you renounce your rights and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.

And we are explaining so much of discipleship

That in the end, that explanation becomes the reason for us to satisfy and live carnal, selfish lives.

Apostle Paul talked about, we carry in our body the dying of Christ, so death works in us and life for you.

And we are ever so eager to invent new methods, new techniques, new information...

We seem to have the information and we talk about it like marketing something without the yearning and heartache and passion.

And when we read the book of Acts we find the choices they made were not easy and they couldn't do it but the Holy Spirit did it for them.

Maybe it is best you stop reading a whole lot of books and stop and say


Please fill me with the Holy Spirit

One of the results of being transformed by the love of Christ, the Holy Spirit, is that we recognize the brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ

And we see in the book of Acts that they were

Praying, fasting, thinking about Jesus and the result is they are talking to people about Jesus

And these brothers on the mission field, the only thing they own is the Bible

And the Word of God reveals only one thing: the Lord Jesus Christ

And they fell in love with Him

How difficult it is for you to obey simple instructions in God's Word

The world all around you, the distractions, the worldliness, the shopping malls, the friends and relatives, the facebook!

All this stuff is ten thousand times more dangerous as enemies of your soul, and you compromise continually to become one with the world

So what is more dangerous?

Those in Nepal trying to kill our brothers, facing persecution, or the worldliness and materialism and your friends and relatives and the preachers and books and computer and internet.

All the knowledge and information removes us from Christ Himself and abandoning our life for His cause.

 2014/4/19 9:25Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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