brother patrick is sharing powerful verses about laying down our lives for others and obeying God's commands in love.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
sister naomi is sharing testimonies from the underground church of china from her experiences with empower ministries.
brother Greg, if possible it would be a great blessing if you could perhaps obtain a written account of the story that sister Naomi shared regarding the Chinese christian "David". His story brought me to tears...very powerful!!!
Emailed you brother Mark. Sister maggie is leading the saints in hymns right now on the call and some saints are going to continue to pray.
brother Blaine is leading into a time of intercession now feel free to call-in.
Thanks, this was awesome! even though I fell asleep listening late last night, just being able to put a voice with some of the names on the forum made it all so much better. I hope and pray it can happen again soon. God BlessMr. Bill