The following is an article from regarding the change of marriage act that is set to go in effect in June 2005.
Ten Canadian Lebanese community groups speak out against any change in the traditional definition of marriage.
*/Let us keep the definition of marriage as is!/*
The Supreme Court of Canada, in its ruling on December 09, 2004 to leave the decision of whether to legalize same-sex marriage up to Parliament, has stated that the federal government has the jurisdiction to legislate the civil definition of marriage and that the government had the constitutional authority to expand the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples.
"If you stay silent, there will soon be a law to make sure that you remain silent ... "
The instant response of the Liberal Government asserted that the matter will be left to Parliament to decide on next month, and that it supports the change in the marriage definition to include "same-sex marriage."
The below-listed Canadian Lebanese Community groups, advocates of human rights, sanctity of the institution of marriage, faith in Almighty God and the respect of human rights, strongly believe that any hasty meddling in the traditional definition of marriage will progressively lead to negative social and moral repercussions that will weaken the stability of the Canadian family, which is the foundation and the safeguard of the our society.
We call on all Members of Parliament to vote for keeping the definition of marriage as is, and to give same-sex marriage a different title that does not include the term "marriage."
Marriage, since Almighty God created man, has been a sacred union between a man and a woman, and this is how it should remain. All religions honour the value of marriage and any change in it will be a flagrant insult to the followers of all religions.
Our groups will send this release to all Members of Parliament making them aware of the solid and clear stance of the Canadian Lebanese Community in honouring the traditional definition of marriage. Members of our community will not vote for any candidate who votes for changing this definition.
Our country Canada, which is known as the Dominion of Canada, was built by men and women of great faith. It did not come into existence through a war, but rather through a series of meetings and dinners with speeches, presentations, food and music. During those meetings and dinners which took place in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on September 1, 1864, the draft terms of the /British North America Act/ were discussed. That week, one of the founding fathers of Canada, Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, then Premier of New Brunswick, was reading the Bible. He came across the following verse in Psalm 72: "In His days may righteousness flourish, and peace abound, till the moon be no more! May He have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth" /(Psalm/ /72: 7-8)/.
This verse struck him as a perfect description of what he and our other founding fathers wanted this new country to be. They wanted Canada to be under God's dominion from shining sea to shining sea. From that time, the verse "May He have dominion from sea to sea" became an indelible part of our Canadian heritage, and has served as a reference point for our nation's identity. In fact, to this day, Canada's official motto reads: "A Mari Usque Ad Mare," meaning "From sea to sea" as a testimony to a sacred heritage that recognizes God's dominion. Will proclaiming or believing in that dominion now be considered old fashioned?
We further believe that this pivotal social-ethical matter should only be decided by the people of Canada through a clearly worded referendum, not by the courts or Parliament.
We are at a critical point in our nation's history. We should not and must not remain silent and leave others to decide on our behalf what negates our beliefs, values and family unity.
To those who oppose the proposed change in the definition of marriage we say: "If you stay silent, there will soon be a law to make sure that you remain silent. Let your voices be heard loudly and clearly before victory is gained by those who prefer to see you silenced forever."
Originally published in the News & Views Newsletter, April 4, 2005 __________________________________________________
I have no idea what will become of my country if this law goes into effect. As a voter and one of the majority who is against this type of lifestyle, what Parliment is doing is against democracy. Since when does the minority speak for the majority of Canada? or any democratic nation?
What I don't understand is if the Liberal government which is a minority government this time around wants to get votes, wouldn't it be wise to get it from the majority?