Br. Karl,It is not my intent to badger you about the thought of "nominal christian." This is a very important aspect which you have brought up. It is important that those who call themselves christians understand that we all are called unto maturity. Paul always prayed that we are like minded in this aspect. Listen to his words.Phil. 3:14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:15 Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you. 16 Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind. It is our walk with Christ that enables us to know Him. To know Him means that we learn to agree with Him. As we learn from Him, He delivers us from the bondages of sin that are in our lives. The Scripture you quoted says this perfectly.23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.Those who continue to follow the desires of the flesh will remain in bondage to the carnal mind. They will not walk with Christ. Those who are babes in Christ are always encouraged by Paul to move on to maturity for this very reason. Only the power of living by the Spirit will set you free from the bondage of the old man.In ChristJeff
_________________Jeff Marshalek
I believe if someone "accepts" the Lord, but never matures and eventual lives a carnal life is suspect.. as in they were probably never truly saved to begin with.I believe also that todays evangelism techniques and programs are much to blame for this scenario... ya know, say a prayer, sign the card, whoosh... you're saved.No understand of sin, no understanding of how badly we've offended God... no understanding that Hell is a real place... no appreciation for what Christ suffered on our behalf.Someone who has a true appreciation for what God did so that we could be saved from eternal Hell will want to mature... and want to obey Him. And I dont think you can be saved without that appreciation. Instead, they've joined a club.Krispy
One of the most unbiblical terms I have ever heard is carnal Christianity that says someone can be a Christian and yet be as carnal as those who are outside of Christ. Jesus said If anyone loves me, he will keep my word. John 14:23. The terminology of carnal Christianity itself is an oxy moron. It would be like saying a person can be a loving cereal killer. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. James 4:4. Keith Daniels said There is no such thing as a worldly Christian. If you are worldly then you are not a Christian. Those who fornicate, those who murder, those who rape, those who lie and commit all sorts of abominable deeds are not sons of God, they are just like their father the devil. If they were sons of God, then they would do the work of the Father. They are enemies of God, not children of God. Because they have not been born of God they can not please God. John 15:4. Those who are of Heaven are holy, and those who are of earth are evil. Mark my words, if you share in the sins of the world, you will share in the punishment of the world. 2 Timothy 2:19 says Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity. It is not a light thing for a man to claim to be a Christian. The claim to be a Christian is the profession to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Those who follow Christ follow in His ways. Did Christ say in vain I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done? John 13:15. Those things which Christ hates His followers also hate and those things which Christ loves His followers also love. Its a mockery to the entire kingdom of God to even use the term carnal Christian in a way that hints to the possibility of living in sin while having a relationship with God, for it is impossible to serve the flesh and serve God at the same time. A servant can not serve two masters. Matt 6:24. You either go the way of the world or the way of Christ. You are either for Christ or against Christ. Luke 11:23. If you love him, keep his commandments. John 14:15. As my friend Brad Lanphear said, Its all the way or the other way. I highly recommend the sermon "what it means to accept Christ" by A W Tozer which talks directly on this subject. He talks about those who want Jesus to be Saviour but not Lord, and how there is never one without the other. For just a few good clips of this sermon here is a compilationc alled "A W Tozer Preaching" found at: