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Discussion Forum : General Topics : Praying to kill Obamacare

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Very good post, Frank.

 2014/4/18 13:44


Do you actually know any of the testimonies of the saints that were there? When we actually get to know people and take the time to listen to the testimonies of the saints...

Yes I do and yes I did listen...a lot, but i try to not only listen - I prayerfully help out as many as I can, in any way I can. Anyway, I respectfully want to bow out of this "discussion" because I am failing to get my 2cent point across and because I love you too much dear brother Frank to continue in this vein. Have a blessed day, I am going to work in the garden, it is a balmy 80degs down here!!!

 2014/4/18 14:07


Bro Mark writes........

"Yes I do and yes I did listen...a lot, but i try to not only listen - I prayerfully help out as many as I can, in any way I can."

Good for you brother...........bro Frank

 2014/4/18 16:30

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


RE:/// Would they comply with Obamacare? Would they pray for deliverance from it? Would it even be an issue with them? I wonder…///

I would guess that they would be in tune enough to see the bigger picture, I feel very assured that the last thing that they would do is get on the websight and sign on, but I would also assume that they would not refuse to paying the penalty/tax (what ever it is called)

 2014/4/18 19:39Profile


I am listening to your precious testimony right now in fact...truly a wonderful testimony to the Cross of Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing this tonight brother!!!

 2014/4/18 20:48


Thank you brother, I love my Aussie brother :).....bro Frank

 2014/4/18 21:16

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