[i]"Where sin abounded, grace did abound more exceedingly: that as sin reigned in death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" [/i] Romans 5:12-21.We note Paul's strong expression, "grace reigned ...". This plays havoc with our ideas of grace, for we think of it as something which we receive. But according to the apostle, IT IS A POWER which exercises sovereign dominion. It is not so much that we lay hold of grace but that grace lays hold of us. It has taken us from the reign of sin and insisted, "Now they belong not to you but to me!" It has taken us from the realm of death and said, "You have nothing to do with them now; I am the one who governs here!"So it was not that we asked for grace, but that grace not only asked for us but took us and made itself Lord over us. We belong to grace, and grace will never let us go from under its reign. Grace has begun to reign over us through righteousness unto eternal life. Need I say that the righteousness is supplied not by us who are forgiven but by the Saviour Christ Himself? The eternal life also comes direct from Him. It follows then that the grace and the righteousness and the eternal life are unshakable and unconquerable, for what can sin and death do against Him who has completely defeated them and rendered them powerless? It is Himself who is the free gift, or the grace-gift of the Father to us. He has been made Lord over us for life, that is, for all eternity, since His life never dies. --Poul MadsenThis is taken from Madsen's expositions of Romans 5:12-21, [u]When Grace Reigns[/u].http://www.oscar51.net/ttm/ttm13-5.htmlHis other valuable exposition of Romans 5:12-21 is part his series, [u]Chapter by Chapter Through Romans [/u], 10. ADAM AND CHRIST (Chapter 5:12-21) http://www.oscar51.net/ttm/ttm07-2.htmlRoger
_________________Roger P.
That is a question we have all been asking doesnt it say And this is the message which we have heard from him and proclaim to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him - none! 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him while we are walking in the darkness, we are lying and not living out the truth. 7 But if we are walking in the light, as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of his Son Yeshua purifies us from all sin. 8 If we claim not to have sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we acknowledge our sins, then, since he is trustworthy and just, he will forgive them and purify us from all wrongdoing. 10 If we claim we have not been sinning, we are making him out to be a liar, and his Word is not in us.
_________________Dominic Shiells
Take 1st John 1:8 that says "if we say we have no sin, we lie and the truth is not in us," now that is, we have never sinned, and we have no unconscious sin, all of us have unconscious sin, every one of us. So in that sense none of us can say we have no sin, all of us have unconscious sin that we have not seen yet, and we cannot deal with until it becomes conscious. But see very clearly that the normal Christian life is defined in two verses in scripture, one is in James, "whoever knows what is right to do and does not do it, for him it is sin." So if you know something is wrong and you don't do it, that's sin, conscious sin, not unconscious sin, but still sin, but conscious sin is what God is concerned about, that's what you have control of, and 1st John 3:9 "Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin, you don't commit sin if you are born of God."
I havent done a super indepth study on Pauls thorn but here is what I come up with.2 Cor 12:7(ALT)..beating me with its fists [fig., treating me harshly], so that I should not be puffed up with pride. (BBE)..one sent from Satan to give me pain. (CEV)...sent to make me suffer terribly.(KJV)...the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. I personally don't belive it was eye glasses or a habitual sin. I belive it was a messenger of Satan to buffet him (slap him in the face..fight..)I belive there was a certain messenger of Satan that fought against him. How many feel strong and pridefull after large spiritual battle? I know I am far from pridefull when I feel as though I am in the middle of the battle. All I can do is trust in the Lord... or beleive that his grace is sufficient for me. I just don't see how eye glasses would keep you from being exalted above measure or that there is a sin that cannot be overcome through Jesus Christ. Thats just my opinion. Then again I haven't done an indepth study. I just looked around at the word buffet. (ALT=Analytical-Literal Translation)(BBE= Bible In Basic English)(CEV= Contemporary English Version)PS. Is there already a thread on this? I would like to look at it... If there is would someone PM it to me? Thanks.
_________________Josh Parsley
Sinless perfection is not achieveable by anyone other that Christ Himself. No we do not walk in habitual sin. But to place the burden of attempting sinless perfection upon yourself is not entering into His rest. That rest is found in justification by the blood and unmerited favor.Again, what is the purpose of grace? Is it not God's love bestowed upon us while we were yet sinners? Does His grace make us sinless and perfect? Yes, it does, but only by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, not by any works of the flesh. The perception of personal acheivement to obtain favor with God is rooted in deception. Lack of perfection will humble the most committed of christian, and keep him/her from swelling with pride. I cannot find worthiness in what I do. I can only find it in the finished work of the cross. That's why Paul proclaimed ever so clearly that He preached only Jesus Christ and Him crucified. To God be the glory, now and forever amen.
I remember Ravenhill saying something like this: I'm not preaching its impossible to sin, I'm preaching its possible not to sin. (If someone has that exact quote please help me out) I agree with the statement. Well I guess what I'm wondering is "What is sinless perfection?" I thought it meant that you could get to a place where it was impossible to sin? If thats correct I disagree. I guess I need to know what sinless perfection means (or what everyone means when they say it) to be able to agree or disagree.