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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Just curious but are SI phone calls anything like the forums or do people make more of an effort to speak to each other with dignity and respect? Something to consider as you plan out this call, otherwise it could become very "interesting". I am looking forward to the call and pray that the Lord speaks to and through all of us...thank you for doing this brothers!!!

It is a prayer meeting so we are to look to the Lord and not to judge others. May we also learn and be humble from other speakers who share, thank you brother Mark for your observation the SermonIndex forums do need alot more love, humility and preferring each other better then ourselves.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/4/18 15:22Profile


Brother Greg, perhaps the Lord will lead us all to examine our hearts tonight, for those who call in. Surely, if it was the Holy Spirit who governed our hearts in a spirit of gentleness in Missouri, why is He not also governing our hearts on these forums? If we cannot be tenderhearted and kind with one another, "covering a multitude of sins" or if we cannot humble ourselves and repent to one another when we are NOT this way, then what hope do we have of EVER experiencing revival?

 2014/4/18 16:15


I for one repent of the harshness of some of my posts in the forum. I ask forgiveness from my brethren.

Also I need to review the SI protocols again.

Brother Mark thank you for your gentle admonishment.


 2014/4/18 16:30


Call will start in about 2.5 hours. Trust nany will be edified. Trust Christ will be glorified.


 2014/4/18 16:31


1.25 hours till call.

 2014/4/18 17:41


Listening to your heart in Missouri and hearing your honesty again was one of the highlights of the trip...much love you brother Blaine!!!

 2014/4/18 17:44


Saints secret church call about to start. Please join if you are able.


 2014/4/18 18:45

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


Listening now, this is awesome! Thank you lord.


 2014/4/18 20:14Profile

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