Bringing this back up for saints to see. Trusting it will be an edifying time where many brethren are sharing and our Lord will be present when 2-3 gather in His name. Feel free to have your house church or even church group present on the call, or individually at home.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Dear Saints,Bringing this back to top of board. Believe God will bless us with an awesome call this coming Friday. Please promote and come on.Blaine
Dear Saints,Please do come on the Secret Church Conference call tomorrow night. There will be some Spirit filled brothers who will be sharing about the cross of Jesus. Also there will be Spirit led prayer and praise in response to the given word We trust that Jesus will be lifted upBlaine..
Bringing this back to top of board.Blaine
Dear Saints,Lord willing we will.convene tonight for our secret underground church conference call. Call details are as follows.......Call times are...7 pm to 1 am Eastern6 pm to 12 amCentral5 pm to 11 pm Mountain4 pm to 10 pm Pacific(Pacific folks have it nice:)Call number and pass code are...281.548.8367.......261475#Lord willing some Spirit filled brethren will be bringing some messages of exhortation on the cross. Then followed by prayer, worship, testimony, etc. Then line will.stay open into early Saturday AM to pray for persecuted church and global harvest.We cannot promise you David Platt. But Lord willing, maybe a Christ centered call where you will be edified.Please consider joining all or part of this call tonight. Also your house group or church are invited to come in on speaker phone. Please do keep this call in your prayers through out the day. Pray you will be able to.join us.Because of Him,Greg Gordon. Sermon IndexBlaine ScoginPersecution Watch
Saints,Do plan to join the call either for the entire 6 hours or just part of it, please feel free to call in at any point in time.
Please pray about coming on call tonight.
Just curious but are SI phone calls anything like the forums or do people make more of an effort to speak to each other with dignity and respect? Something to consider as you plan out this call, otherwise it could become very "interesting". I am looking forward to the call and pray that the Lord speaks to and through all of us...thank you for doing this brothers!!!
Mark I think the call will be dignified. For one thing we will ask for God to be present in our midst. Their will be exhortation from the word interspersed with prayer and testimony. Brother we are having a prayer call. Not a discussion forum. Trust you will be edified if you come on.Blaine
Lord willing, the call will reflect more of the spirit of our meetings in Missouri.Blaine