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 FREE Secret Underground Church Conference Call

Dear Saints,

Lord willing, next Friday, 04.18.25 Sermon Index and Persecution Watch will host a FREE secret church conference call. Preliminary call info is below.

Time of call.......
7 p.m. To 1 a.m. Eastern
6 p.m. To 12 a.m. Central
5 p.m. To 11 p.m. Mountain
4 p.m. To 10 p.m. Pacific

Call number and pass code are.......

Call is aiming for 6 hours with an emphasis on the victorious cross of Christ. Call will be open to all. Saints may stay 6 minutes or 6 hours. (Hopefully longer than 6 minutes) Goal of call is to glorify Jesus and edify saints.

Please keep this call in prayer as this is being put together on the fly by Greg Gordon and myself. The idea came about as we were talking about the David Platt Secret Church.

One thing about this call. It is FREE. There will be no registration or licensing fee. All you pay is your long distance.

Lord willing, more info will be forth coming.

Blaine Scogin
Persecution Watch
Eph. 6:18

 2014/4/12 17:17

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: FREE Secret Underground Church Conference Call

Looking forward to this time to be in the presence of the Lord and with saints. May many saints commit to this 6 hour period to sit or kneel before the Lord for this time.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/4/12 17:22Profile

Joined: 2005/6/17
Posts: 285


may God bless your work



 2014/4/12 17:39Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Also wanted to mention that saints do not have to pray to be a part of this, you can simply call in to just listen to the preaching of God's word and hear some of the prayers of the saints and agree in your heart.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/4/12 17:43Profile


Dear Saints,

Lord willing, Sermon Index and Persecution Watch will be hosting a FREE underground secret church conference call this coming Friday night. Call info is at beginning of thread.

Church tradition tells us Jesus was crucified on a Friday. Thus the focus of the call will be the victorious cross of Christ. Particularly over the nations. Thus we are praying for saints to be edified by the cross and take the glorious message of Jesus to the world.

Please be in prayer for this call as it is still a work in progress. What Greg and I are aiming for is a time of exhortation from the word by brothers, worship, prayer for the global harvest and persecuted church, testimonies, etc. Lord willing, all to flow in the Spirit.

Most importantly we need the saints. Please promote the upcoming call through your social media contacts. This call is FREE. No registration fee. All you pay is your long distance.

Lord willing, will post more info as things unfold.

In His Bonds,

Blaine Scogin
Persecution Watch
Eph. 6:18

 2014/4/13 14:34

 Re: Call Update 04.14.14

Dear Saints,

God be Praised the Friday night call is coming together. So thank you for those who are praying for this special event.

We do not want this to be just another con call. But a call conducted like an underground church in China. As such the call will be long. But then, for the persecuted, fellowship is precious and they maximize every moment.

The first part of the call for about 3 hours different Spirit filled brothers such as Frank McCleny and Edgar Reich will.Be exhorting us from the word. And then the last 3 hours will be a response of prayer, testimony, worship, and maybe a speaker for the global harvest or persecuted church.

Again this is only a rough schedule as we seek the Spirits direction. But believe God will bless us with a special time this Friday.

All are welcome. Call is open to all. Lord willing there will be opportunity fir all to participate. Please promote call through your social media. You may stay on call as long as you wish.

Will post more updates as call comes together. Please continue to keep this Friday night call in your prayers.


 2014/4/14 11:30

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795



Please consider joining for this time (6 hours) or a part of it. There will be many brothers exhorting for the first 3 hours and then 3 hours of prayer and worship. Some house church groups will be tuning in live. If your church or small gathering wants to be involved just call in and put the phone on speaker or have speakers attached to the phone.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/4/14 14:45Profile

Joined: 2006/2/7
Posts: 296




 2014/4/14 17:01Profile

Joined: 2006/2/7
Posts: 296


I am just now learning about this and am hoping to join in. By the way, you mention David Platt earlier in this same thread - i got a chance to watch his message he gave on prayer at the T4G conference this year (last week) and was moved in my soul. It is one message this nation's prayer warriors and intercessors need to hear, in my opinion. And, if anyone finds a link to watch it please post:)


 2014/4/14 17:04Profile

Joined: 2009/6/18
Posts: 11


Here is a link to the David Platt message:

 2014/4/15 11:38Profile

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