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 A Question About Secret Church

Does anyone know if Secret Church by David Platt will be live streamed this coming Good Friday? If so register? Can the live stream be accessed from an Android mobile device?

I went to the web site and could not find any clear answers to these questions. What I did find was registration for s group simulcast that required you to purchase the license and study kits. At this I was a little disheartened with David Platt and wonder if this is not profiting off of the popularity of his Secret Church at the expense of those who lay down their lives for Jesus. May God forgive me if I am being judgmental here.

I would like to listen a live stream if possible. And I would like to recommend it to Persecution Watch. But I do not want to pay a fee to be in a secret church. I cannot imagine are brothers and sisters who risk their lives to meet for fellowship paying a registration fee.

I would appreciate any clarification from the forum.

Blaine Scogin
Persecution Watch

 2014/4/12 14:02

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

 Re: A Question About Secret Church

greetings bear

I have actually never heard of David Platt or Secret Church but I did a Google search and according to their website it does look like you have to pay in order to view the broadcast. They offer different packages the cheapest being 49.50 for five people to view and take part.

All I was able to find out.

God bless

 2014/4/12 14:45Profile


Thanks :MJ. That seems to be what I found out as I was talking to Greg Gordon. Watch the board in a few minutes for an announcement.


 2014/4/12 15:18

Joined: 2005/6/17
Posts: 285


on you tube you can see a few of the last years secret church meetings...



 2014/4/12 17:38Profile

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