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Discussion Forum : General Topics : A vision of God's glory and coming unity of the Body of Christ

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Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


I appreciate reading the different perspectives
on unity, and we can all benefit from this

Several of you have hit on a very important
point concerning the unity of the Spirit and
the unity of the faith. Every child of God
is in Christ, in dwelt by the Spirit of God,
baptized into one body, joined to one
Head. You can't divide Christ and you
can't divide His Body, but where division
comes in is where we are joined to a man
or an organization or a sect, it is in this
respect that we are not in the unity of the

As believers are being perfected and
matured through the ministries of
Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors,
and Teachers, the Body of Christ will
come into the unity of the faith, being of
the same mind, having the same love,
being in one accord.



 2014/4/8 13:52Profile

 Re: George

Hi brother George,
Good to meet you sir, the word that gave it away was you mentioning, "heaps"...thats a very aussie way of saying things:)

 2014/4/8 18:14

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