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| A vision of God's glory and coming unity of the Body of Christ | | ” It is amazing how unbelieving a believer can become. One might as well call Christ a liar, and His apostles false witnesses of God, as to deny that God is going to have a Body functioning in absolute unity of the Spirit, with each member in his proper place, and all members working together as one harmonious whole. Here again, there is only one reason why ” believers” refuse to believe it, and it is because we have never seen it wither in our own experience or in the history of the church…….The churches long and bitter history of disunity and strife does not prove that God’s word means disunity when it speaks of unity. If God said it, it is going to come to pass; and if Jesus prayed for it, all the devices of Satan cannot prevent the glorious fulfillment of that prayer of faith.” ( George Warnock)
I read this passage from George Warnock the other day as I was reading a small book by him a friend and brother from Canada sent me. He sent it a couple of years ago and I am just getting around to reading it. It is always exciting when God confirms a word that He gave to you and that is what the above passage was for me. The Lord burned the above truth into my spirit last year. I was out walking in the springtime last year and I came to the entry point of a path that I walk. I was amazed when I looked down the small hill. The path was gone, and had been replaced by a raging river that could not be crossed. The Spirit of God fell on me and He began to show me things.
Now first let me talk about the passage that George is referring to when he said ” If Jesus prayed for it,” ( meaning the unity of the saints) for this is the Scripture the Lord burned into my soul as He gave me the vision. The Scripture is from John 17…………..
” Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which believe in me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou , Father art in me and I in thee, that they may also be one in us; that the world may believe that thou has sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one; I in them and them in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may now that thou has sent me, and has loved them as thou loved me.”
And the Lord asked me if I believed that. Did I believe that? Do you believe that? And so the vision. The vision was of the Church. In the natural I was looking at my path which was now gone, swallowed up by spring time flood waters. All the landmarks were gone. The small creek that meandered beside the path, its path defined by the landscape, was gone. In the spirit the small creek represented the Church as we know it. In the natural the confining banks no longer existed, and the mighty river was flattening everything and re-creating the landscape, such was its power. Everything that was not anchored or deeply lodged was simply swept away. In the spirit this represented the Church of God visible in one-ness. One Body, one Church , one Christ, One glory. The banks and the landscape could not contain it and it began to flow straight and it had immense power. It could not be stopped. This brothers and sisters, is a vision of the Church coming out. Coming out of what? Coming out of everything that is not of God. And as it does, as it rises up and overwhelms the banks that has contained it for 2000 years, the banks being the confining work of men and their own kingdoms and denominations , it begins to gather enormous power. Finally, it begins to flow as one, as it has always been designed to do, and as God said it would and as Jesus prayed in faith to the Father for.
Do you believe it? Can you see it? Is the Spirit even now speaking to you? Believe it brothers and sisters, not because I tell you or anyone else tells you but believe it because it is written and therefore will come to pass before the Lord returns. And why will it come to pass? ” That they may be made perfect in one and that the world will know that you sent me and loved them as you have loved me.” So you see brothers and sisters it is for the perfecting of the saints and for a witness to the world. “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” (Eph 4:11-13)
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Mat 24:13-14) You see brothers and sisters, it is for a witness to the world, it is so that the world will know that God sent His son. Can we say that Christendom has been a witness to the world? Has it not in fact been quite the opposite? Marked by factions and strife and division. A mosaic and labyrinth of denominational walls and vanity and disunity. This is not the Church of the high priestly prayer of John 17 or the promise of Matt 24. It comes down to this, will Jesus’ words come to pass? When the river begins to rise up, and it is rising brothers and sisters, will you join it? Will you leave the well-worn meandering creek that has been contained by its bank that has been shaped by its landscape?
Will you join with a mighty rushing river that recognizes no containment but is simply swept along with the force of the Spirit? This one-ness is coming, even now it begins. The Church will be one before the Lord comes back. Of course their will be counterfeit unity, and it will be at the expense of the Truth. The counterfeit unity will seek to be identified in a one-ness with the world. The genuine unified Body will be a mighty remnant of believers who refuse to be identified with anything other than Jesus, no matter the cost. The Truth standing upon the foundation of love is the bedrock of the mighty flowing river of God which flows straight and true, back to the heart of the Father from where it originated.
Like a mighty flooding river That overflows its banks Flood the deepest parts of me And fill me up with thanks
With love and grace and mercy Lord Flood my heart this day And with your mighty torrents Lord Wash my sins away
Wash away the boundaries Lord That speaks to who I am Redefine me with your love When you release your mighty dam
Where once there was a quiet creek Rise up and overflow May I become a river deep And may this river ever grow
And everywhere this river goes That flows from Calvary Would wash men in your love and grace Rise up and set men free |
| 2014/4/4 14:49 | | SolaVeritas Member

Joined: 2010/6/29 Posts: 156 SK Canada
| Re: A vision of God's glory and coming unity of the Body of Christ | | Thank you, brother, for sharing this!
It strikes me as a sign of trouble that your post has not more views when it actually reveals a vey unique and precious promise from the Lord himself. Why is it that so many of us mindlessly click on "Movie Review" while skipping over "A vision of God's glory." A vision of God's glory! Shouldn't we be saying to ourselves: "WOW, I must read this!" (speaking to myself here, foremost, I've overlooked this post for days).
I praise Him for still speaking in visions to his sons and daughters. How much we all need to hear from the Lord himself in a time of information overflow that seems to drown out His voice. |
| 2014/4/5 21:30 | Profile |
| Re: | | I had the same thoughts SolaVeritas. Had a brother share that same thought with me on the phone today. My only explanation was that folks like controversy and contention sometimes...........bro Frank |
| 2014/4/5 23:31 | | AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: A vision of God's glory and coming unity of the Body of Christ | | Brother Frank,
Thank you for sharing what the Lord has been showing you about the unity of the Body of Christ. I was in the Word the night before you posted this, studying the scriptures concerning the prayer of Jesus to the Father that we all might be one even as He and the Father are one. I don't believe that there is a single prayer of Jesus that will go unanswered, and then as you mentioned God will have a church that is perfected in the unity of the faith. This is impossible with men but possible with God. Jesus is the one that is building His Church. There is so much disunity in the church today because there are so many carnal Christians. The perfecting of the saints will bring unity to the Body of Christ.
Mike _________________ Mike
| 2014/4/5 23:50 | Profile | noone Member

Joined: 2008/3/17 Posts: 75 United States
| | 2014/4/6 0:27 | Profile |
| Re: | | The Lord is bringing a unity that many will reject because the cost will be too high for them. There is a cost to join the world's false oneness unity, too. However, many will not realize that cost until it is too late.
Jesus was praying for inward unity with Him and each other and the world offers outward unity which is not real unity, at all. Unity is not conformity and does not cause you to lose your individuality in Christ.
Unity in Christ also does not guarantee that you will be able to work with a brother, but it does provide heartfelt fellowship. We see that Paul could not work with Mark for a time, but later Mark was a great benefit to him.
Years later, Paul finds the formerly useless Mark “useful,” as revealed in the apostle’s concluding epistle. “Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministering” (2 Tim. 4:11).
Though you may not be able to work with a brother, you still can have unity.
The Ecumenical Movement eventually will result in the one religion as we find in Revelation. It is entirely against God's purposes. We should not join their ranks. In order to maintain the unity of the Body of Christ, we cannot join any organization. Organizations are something foreign to the Word of God and always inject something foreign into the Body of Christ. We do not fellowship with organizations, we fellowship with people (who may be in organizations).
So, we cannot join any organization, we cannot work with any organization, but we do realize that in any organization there may be God's people there. You have God's people everywhere. Our line should be that "we do not fellowship with organizations, but we do have fellowship with God's people whether they are in an organization or not. This is where the line is drawn. If anyone is condemning you for not being interested in unity because you haven't joined their organization, you should know that they are pressuring you to support and join them and you do not have to. This spirit does not come from God and you can already discern that they would inject something foreign (un-Christlike) into your fellowship with them.
I time of great sifting and shaking is here and is intensifying as the loyalties of men's hearts are being revealed.
I too, like Warnock's writings very much.
| 2014/4/6 0:39 | |
| Re: | | Bro Mike writes.......
"God will have a church that is perfected in the unity of the faith. This is impossible with men but possible with God. Jesus is the one that is building His Church. There is so much disunity in the church today because there are so many carnal Christians. The perfecting of the saints will bring unity to the Body of Christ."
Amen brother. If God says it, it will come to pass. Let all men be liars and God be true............bro Frank |
| 2014/4/6 14:17 | | InTheLight Member

Joined: 2003/7/31 Posts: 2850 Phoenix, Arizona USA
| Re: A vision of God's glory and coming unity of the Body of Christ | | Quote:
The Truth standing upon the foundation of love is the bedrock of the mighty flowing river of God which flows straight and true, back to the heart of the Father from where it originated.
Thank you for sharing this vision of unity among the Body. The Scriptures agree with this idea of the foundation of love being the bedrock of the river.
If we demonstrate the love that was in God towards Christ, and in Christ to us, the world will have to confess that our Christianity is genuine and from above.
When the world sees people of different nationalities, under the power of the Holy Spirit, become one and love one another even to the point of self-sacrifice in very difficult times - they will be amazed.
There is currently a certain oneness of belief among brothers, but Christ's love is often lacking and we don't bear one another's burdens or love each other heartily. If we abide in His love and let that love fill our hearts then the supernatural power of that river will flow.
In Christ,
Ron _________________ Ron Halverson
| 2014/4/6 19:39 | Profile |
| Re: A vision of God's glory and coming unity of the Body of Christ | | Such truth! Jesus will have His bride because He said He would and she will be dressed in white and she will have an abundance of oil to last through the dark night before His return!
Regarding unity, imho there is little unity of the Spirit in this country because His work and presence is so rarely seen anymore. So much of what we see is just the work and presence of men...their lofty ideals and valiant efforts. It is good religion but results in dead orthodoxy and a lukewarm church that bickers endlessly over comparatively, meaningless issues. But throughout history when there is a genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit, petty differences among brothers fade into nothingness and the church puts aside her mere talk and returns to the front lines to reach out and save the lost.
Today, we have it reversed. Most churches and most believers are more interested in figuring out their doctrine and lining themselves up with others who agree with them...and thus they come to a smug "unity of the Mind". Ironically, that includes of course, their doctrines about the filling of the Holy Spirit. So many Christians today seem to have their doctrine ABOUT the Holy Spirit figured out just right...but very, very few are actually filled with the Holy Spirit! Entire movements have been deceived into thinking that this is all that it takes to come into the true unity of the Spirit.
But this is not the case. It is usually the unlearned ones who have very little figured out, who simply want God and to lay everything - every little thing on the altar. These are the ones upon whom the Holy Spirit will be poured out and just as on the day of Pentecost, the ensuring revival brings with it the TRUE "unity of the Spirit". Not because they had their differences squared away, but because they had the REALITY, the ACTUALITY of the Holy Spirit sweeping them up in the River of God beyond anything humanity has ever seen. Not just a toe in the river or even to the chest, but swept up fully in total surrender to the Lord Jesus.
This will be the eventual testimony once again of the Church in these last days. |
| 2014/4/6 20:31 | | a-servant Member

Joined: 2008/5/3 Posts: 435
| Re: | | Amen ! brother Mark, you see it as it is.
have to say, this forum is growing heaps right now because of such posts like this, that simply did not exist when i joined. or i was too blind to recognize them.
quote: "TRUE "unity of the Spirit". Not because they had their differences squared away, but because they had the REALITY, the ACTUALITY of the Holy Spirit sweeping them up in the River of God beyond anything humanity has ever seen."
always my point as well, forget the differences, thats just 'college discipleship'lets go for the ACTUALITY of the REALITY of THE Holy Spirit.
Now the gift of being able to apply discernment is more important than ever, because the fakes are now of such high quality we really have to watch out. Jesus will keep us, but we have to be like children, and wiser than the one that tempts us with pleasures and riches. Jesus says, get behind me, now.
Authority is an interesting thing. Once you come under HIS authority, nowbody can touch you anymore. And thats the secret of obedience, once you love him that much to obey HIM, they fire missiles at you, and you just laugh about it, and pray for them, they have nothing on you, but you care for the destiny of their soul. show compassion for your enemies. amen.
| 2014/4/6 22:58 | Profile |