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TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Entertainment vs. Recreation | | There are a couple of threads that have discussed what type of entertainment might be suitable for true believers.
There is the Ravenhill quote that "entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy."
Did he mean ALL entertainment or was he using exaggeration to make a point?
Another question is this: Is recreation the same as entertainment? For example, if I take a hike in the woods or go fishing because I like to, is that entertainment? At least for me?
I tend to think that God wants us to enjoy his creation. Some do this by camping or other outside activities while others play games like baseball.
Is this wrong? If I do these things am I substituting it for joy? What if I find joy in doing it? Can't certain forms of entertainment or recreation be done as unto The Lord?
If a Christian is not to participate in any form of recreation or entertainment, what would that look like? I believe that Jesus in his 33 years likely had some recreation. What do you think? _________________ Todd
2014/4/2 14:35 | Profile |
Heydave Member

Joined: 2008/4/12 Posts: 1306 Hampshire, UK
| Re: Entertainment vs. Recreation | | That's a good question TMK. I had thought the same thing. I suppose what most folk have in mind on the recent discussions is entertainment in the sense of Theatre, movies, tv, etc.
But we have to be honest and admit we all enjoy some form of recreation like gardening, walking, playing sport, etc. Maybe this is different in that we are not passively being entertained, but engaging our minds and bodies in something.
Anyway, good point. _________________ Dave
2014/4/2 15:15 | Profile |
ZekeO Member

Joined: 2004/7/4 Posts: 1014 Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
| Re: Entertainment vs. Recreation | | I do not think we should ask these types of questions, they only find relevance in man centered religion. Paul said it quite well, whatever is not of faith is sin. _________________ Zeke Oosthuis
2014/4/2 15:34 | Profile |
MrBillPro Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | You know The Pope is supposed to be the Vicar of Christ, sometimes I wonder if us Christians have many Vicar's of Christ ourselves? Should we really entertain, "no pun intended" every thought or quote from every Pastor as this is what Jesus told us personally to do? What if I were to have quoted "entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy" would I have been taken as serious as Ravenhill? In God's eyes were all equal, I personally think that listening to what God tells us, is much more important than man. If God wanted our steps to be directed by man, he would have had man write the Bible without his inspiration. If we limit ourselves to the places we attend because of man's opinions, and God wanted to use us in that place, but we listened to man, now what? _________________ Bill
2014/4/2 15:42 | Profile |
proudpapa Member

Joined: 2012/5/13 Posts: 2936
| Re: | | This is a good question.
I am reminded of a group that was experiencing great revival but they wanted to pursue more holiness less carnality and less worldliness so they descided to stopped having volleyball fellowships. I am not sure if such was a cause or an effect but I feel that it was probably around about this time that the revivle started becoming less with in that group.
2014/4/2 16:21 | Profile |
| Re: | | ZekeO, you are right!
If this thread successfully defines what is proper entertainment or recreation for a Christian, then they have only successfully become religious, creating "rules" to live by, rather than living by His life.
Gorillas are often entertaining to me when I view them in the zoo. People laugh at them and imitate them and are often more entertaining than the gorillas, themselves. However, I am not about to invent a "monkey see, monkey do" religion.
Interesting, how Christians think being a Christian is just a matter of IMITATING behavior, but for the most part they are imitating each other and not Christ.
And as far as imitation goes, the Christian life was never intended to be an attempted "imitation" of the life of Jesus. Paul clearly explains that our life now is the "manifestation of the life of Jesus in our mortal bodies" (II Cor. 4:10,11). |
2014/4/2 17:13 | |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | One of the main reasons I ask these questions is because if we truly care about our walk with the Lord then the last thing we want is a seared conscience.
Let's face it, we folks here in the US have a lot of "leisure time" or let's just say a time when we are not working. I know this is not true for everyone but I think in general that is true. We work our 8 or 9 hrs a day then come home and we have several hours before we go to bed. Not to mention weekends.
Back in the "old days" and certainly in bible times I don;t think there was a lot of down time. You had to work long hours just to survive. The same would be true of the pioneers, etc. It is still true for the Amish, etc.
So we do have a lot of time that is available for us to "fill up." Even if we spend 2 hrs a day in the Word (which I think would be way more than average) we would still have several hours left. What do we do with that time?
Television for many is the lazy default. When I watch TV i try to watch good stuff which generally means Andy Griffith or Leave it to Beaver or some classic movie. But I probably watch too much. But like I said it is a lazy default.
I don't feel convicted about the TV I watch- which goes to Zeke's point. But the question is- should I be? _________________ Todd
2014/4/2 17:13 | Profile |
MrBillPro Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
TMK....I don't feel convicted about the TV I watch- which goes to Zeke's point. But the question is- should I be?
My opinion, you already answered your own question. "I don't feel convicted about the TV I watch". _________________ Bill
2014/4/2 18:05 | Profile |
MaryJane Member

Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: | |
The idea of leisure time usually means "ME" time for most people. Its time spent doing what "I" want, what "I" enjoy. Perhaps if we were living for JESUS, taking up our cross daily, submitting unto HIM and seeking to be a servant to others and HIM we would be for more busy then we ever thought possible. Perhaps it just comes down to praying and asking GOD what HE has for you to be about today. The answer might surprise some...
GOD bless maryjane |
2014/4/2 21:25 | Profile |
| Re: | | If it "usually" means "ME" what does it mean the other times?
Some of you guys can't be for real.
You are preaching a religion of self-flagellation.
2014/4/2 22:49 | |