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Joined: 2010/12/1
Posts: 69

 Reformation or revival

I was listening to David Wilkerson one day, having had much teaching on the end times I realised that I was hearing the clarion call or the trumpet call.

pentecost was "fully come" at the early Pentecost and restored around 1902 or so. The feast of trumpets part of he larger feast of Tabernacles had not been restored as these are end time events.

Please consider as I try to gently lay this out. You will have heard that the jews had three feasts Passover Pentecost and Tabernacles. Each has a profound effect on us if we are willing to continue the walk.

Reformation as in the time of Luther, Wesley the Anabaptists, the Pentecostals not only brought life to the church but brought great change with it. Part of that change was understanding much more of Gods word like seals being removed from the book.

Hebrews 6 discusses the foundations of repentance from dead works, faith towards God doctrine of baptisms, note the S baptism of water and baptism of spirit, laying on of hands and resurrection of the dead and judgement in the house of God.

I came out of the restoration of the laying on of hands from the 48 "revival". Just as each reformation is rejected by the last move of God and often with violence, ours was also by the Pentecostals.

We now have the same choice, this feast of trumpets I believe we have been entering for some time now is a call to come out of her my people. With it will be the last two foundations restored. Judgment in the house of God and resurrection from the dead.

I have been considering the profound errors and stubbornness in the church often refusing to embrace the call of God and move forward often because of the belief that my church is on the cutting edge of Gods work. This goes all the way back to the Catholics and every work of God "died" as a denomination refusing to go forward and set a fence up on what they believe, so God move on.

Technically I am from the last move, traditionally I will be the most opposed to this the new move. I have had a sense that the heart of God is not looking for those with the "best truth", but the best heart. People who are soft and reverent towards him, people who love him and holiness. When I consider that there are millions of people who have a reverence towards him but do not know him and are in other religions, I think the Lord is going to look to the heart to determine who he draws.

How many of us will miss out on what I believe is the culmination of salvation, the culmination of the infilling of the spirit, the culmination and finest moment in Gods work with man? If we are honest we would have to say most of us.

Why? How much did we pray within this last twenty four hours? The issue that God has been dealing with in us, like drugs, pornography or pride, have we been submitting to the spirit of God and bringing this as led by the spirit or have we been running and hiding this area.

As we know God only deals with one area at a time, and if we stop the process he will not move on. Its time to cry out for Gods mercy and try with us once more. The great falling away will not be from the lost, obviously, if we are disobedient to the leading of he spirit concerning sin then we are prime candidates for the great falling away.

Secondly why would we settle for second best, God wants a perfect bride for his son, without spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing and he will have it. Sactificatiion which is the work of the Holy spirit in us regarding our character, is a process and that process does have a completion date.

So often you hear, we cannot be perfect until Jesus comes, I agree that it takes faith in the word of God to agree with what it says. It is so easy to replace sanctification with Justification the initial cleansing. But just as I washed my new car, I was not surprised to see it get dirty again, so with our souls.

It does not matter if you agree with anything I have put forward the only thing I would ask is that we be sensitive and obedient to the leadings of the Holy spirit, hold to our current marriages, forgive people, mend broken bridges with people who don't deserve it and listen (or tarry)

Watch and pray, ask some friends around for dinner and prayer. If your church is as dead as the last two that I left you could not round up people to a prayer meeting with a scatter gun. in other words do it yourself and pray together be silent together and see if there is a leading of some kind.

Blessings from down under, Oskar

Oskar Abley

 2014/4/2 12:52Profile

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