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 So let's see here.......

One may host a weekly poker party at their house and not be in violation of local or international zoning ordinances. But if one were to host a weekly Bible study or small prayer group in their home they would be in violation up local or international zoning ordinances. Is this correct?


 2014/3/31 8:52

 Re: So let's see here.......

Weekly poker party seems to be more commercial than studying God's word.

 2014/3/31 9:01

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


First off, I am not condoning anything that goes against Christianity period, we have been beat up for years now.:( Now, I am not concerning myself with these things anymore, I am just writing off all these happenings like this, to the end times. Now you will have your folks that agree with me, then you will have the ones that say, Bill, this is the reason this country is in the shape it's in because of weak Christians that don't fight back. Well the only ones that should rebuke me on my attitude, is the ones that have fought back, and personally made a difference. Please list what you personally did to right a wrong.


 2014/3/31 9:18Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057



I know that there are many groups who get around this by rotating whose house they gather at for times of fellowship so as not to be a burden with parking at any one neighborhood. If you have a Bible study group or prayer group that meets only once a week(although I think we should come together daily :)

I realize of course this does not take away from the reality behind these laws which are an attack on Christianity in general.

God bless

 2014/3/31 10:10Profile


The whole world system is anti-christ. Rotating houses and keeping a low profile works well for many.

 2014/3/31 10:24

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


by just-in on 2014/3/31 7:24:09

The whole world system is anti-christ. Rotating houses and keeping a low profile works well for many.


Greetings Just-in

Never said they keep a low profile :) Just that they rotate houses as to not be a burden on neighbors. I would not advocate any christian keeping to low a profile as we are called to share the gospel with the lost :)

I agree the world system is anti-christ and I believe the government system and church systems go hand and hand with the world system that is why they come out attacking CHRISTIANS, they want nothing to do with the LIGHT!

God bless

 2014/3/31 10:33Profile


Keeping a low profile is not necessarily synonymous with 'not sharing the gospel". The subject is Home Bible/Studies and lots of people parking outside a residence and possibly a lot of noise and activity. Low profile could mean spread out the parking, and break up into several house churches if you are too big. Nothing related to sharing the gospel or not sharing it. Be wise.

 2014/3/31 10:39

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


by just-in on 2014/3/31 7:39:10

Keeping a low profile is not necessarily synonymous with 'not sharing the gospel". The subject is Home Bible/Studies and lots of people parking outside a residence and possibly a lot of noise and activity. Low profile could mean spread out the parking, and break up into several house churches if you are too big. Nothing related to sharing the gospel or not sharing it. Be wise.



Of course you are right about that. I hope my comment did not come off as defensive I did not mean it to be so.

God Bless

 2014/3/31 10:46Profile


No not all. I welcomed the opportunity to clarify my post. We definitely should not engage in something that would prevent us from sharing the gospel.

Blessings to you.

 2014/3/31 11:20

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