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Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777


It is not just the tv, it's the "screen" altogether. .... it is truly an addiction....

Well – here I am reading a screen too. Of course I could absolve myself by noting that it’s Christian and edifying. But alas - there is a deceitful, arrogant, self-righteous spot in my heart that would relish the experience of feeling superior to other sinners. Even this topic could be a subtle distraction from my own sense of neediness and smallness, something the entertaining world does quite well. This then becomes a form of entertainment – an opportunity to engage in the delicious game of speck- spotting - but eating up the mental time needed for learning more about my rich inheritance in Christ – and what that requires of me.

“entertainment is a substitute for the joy of the LORD"?

So true! Entertainment can serve as a means of filling the unbearable cavern of emptiness deep withing - which can only be filled by the joy of the Lord.



 2014/4/2 10:43Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


The command is to obey.

 2014/4/3 13:18Profile

Joined: 2008/5/3
Posts: 435


"The command is to obey."

You are correct, and i just woke up. Re-reading your last post again on the first page, what an extreme statement, and so true. We follow ourselves, because our love and our thinking is corrupted. Satan will never obey, and we are on his side. How sad.

We are in serious trouble, and we ourselves put us there. Now i understand what i saw last Sunday in church in the pastor and the elder in the row in front of me: the prayer and all the joyful celebration didnt go to the God in heaven, it was a celebration of the God in us which on that day was awefully close to the "god of us". Yes too much shouting and stomping, we celebrated ourselves, and how good we are, and how privileged we are to associate ourselves with His name. Jesus help us, we don't even understand how blind we are.

Thank you HeartSong, the Lord uses you to call us back from our deep deep error.

your brother George, in love with the saints.

p.s. my wife just came in before i could post this, and told me that one of our dogs just died. He had fever since 3 days because he did fight with his twin-brother and he lost the fight, then was so weak that he did catch a virus, and now just passed away. Never fight with your brothers and sisters, it weakens everbody, always love them and support them. Never mind the differences, if you disaree just let them know, and if you have to, depart and leave them alone. I have to visit this place one more time next Sunday, maybe I was wrong, and they can find the way back to the real Jesus, Lord of kings, worthy to be praised in sincerity and awe.

 2014/4/3 20:50Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 835
Alberta, Canada


HeartSong said: "Our playground, and that of our children, is the worldwide web, and just like a spider web, it is designed to trap it's prey until the powers that be can come and suck the life blood out of those that become entangled."

Sobering words. This generation has become so dependent on the web and all the devices that are available to access it. Particularly the young generation, as you said. They are plugged in 24/7. And are perishing. It seems that God in mercy will have to do what I sometimes do when I see spider webs out in the back yard. I take a broom and give them a swipe.

Allan Halton

 2014/4/3 23:55Profile

Joined: 2008/5/3
Posts: 435


Follow up: All is good in my local church, they reconsidered
their ways, was an excellent meeting today. An elder came up
and we did pray for Zach our guest from L.A. and he gave his life
to the Lord today, after walking out on the worship time initially.

That still has the same problem of deep base and base drums
that make your stomache vibrate. I would say thats what asks
for the demons to dance, for the most part. Well one demon
got drived out from a girl that went to the floor screaming.

We need to talk about the music again, however i'm happy
that Zach did respond to the invitation, the Lord opened up his heart!

 2014/4/6 3:39Profile


{quote]Sobering words. This generation has become so dependent on the web and all the devices that are available to access it. Particularly the young generation, as you said. They are plugged in 24/7. And are perishing. It seems that God in mercy will have to do what I sometimes do when I see spider webs out in the back yard. I take a broom and give them a swipe.

It's not just Millennials that have become entangled in the Web. Gen Y and X and the Baby Boomers have been hypnotized by the screen, too. The web is reaching out and entrapping many and it does not respect any generation.

Look at each tab at the top of this page to see the damage this spider web is causing. To me, this is the main reason why there is no revival in Christendom. And this is a world-wide epidemic.

 2014/4/6 10:31

 Re: porn in the church

Just-in, thanks for raising this important issue.

I copied a few of the stats below from the website you linked. If these stats are true I am shocked but also dismayed that the church today does not seem willing to have much of a discussion about this in order to help those who are bound. 50% of all christian men say they are addicted to porn??? Why are so few talking about this if this is indeed the case?

Porn in the Church
Pornography is prevalent everywhere today. In fact, one in eight online searches is for pornography. Because porn use thrives in secrecy, many church members are trapped in a cycle of sin and shame, thinking that they're the only ones facing this temptation.

Pron in the Church Stats
51% of pastors say Internet pornography is a possible temptation.

50% of all Christian men and 20% of all christian women say they are addicted to pornography.

75% of pastors do not make themselves accountable to anyone for their Internet use.

Regular church attendees are 26% less likely to look at porn, however, self-identified "fundamentalists" are 91% more likely to look at porn.

 2014/4/6 19:31

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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