Poster | Thread |
| "Lunch Lady said i can't pray" | | Just watch. Words fail me. on one hand, grief overwhelming me, watching the tide of darkness loom, on the other hand, knowing Jesus will never lose one of His little ones: |
| 2014/3/30 16:42 | | DEADn Member
Joined: 2011/1/12 Posts: 1395 Lakeland FL
| Re: "Lunch Lady said i can't pray" | | I would agree. This is the political correctness virus running rampant in our schools. _________________ John
| 2014/3/30 20:34 | Profile | MaryJane Member
Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: "Lunch Lady said i can't pray" | | Greetings Neil
So sad that someone would stop a little one from praying and scolding her as if she had done some kind of wrong. I often think of the little ones and pray for them, this world is growing darker each day we need to be praying with out ceasing...
God bless maryjane |
| 2014/3/30 21:17 | Profile |
| Re: | | Soon, they will be telling us all that we can't pray or get together in each other's homes for the Lord's business. |
| 2014/3/30 22:58 | |
| | 2014/3/31 3:20 | |
| Re: | | Thanks for the link, markuskiwi.
"The main code that was used against Salman was from the ICC’s “Use and Occupancy” code, which defines “the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for the gathering of persons for purposes such as civic, social or religious functions,” as either a business or an assembly. Religious gatherings that consist of under 50 people are classified as a “Group B occupancy” or “a business group,” and must be subject to business building code regulations. Religious gatherings that consist of 50 or more people and/or are held in a facility that is over 750 square feet is considered a “Group A occupancy” or an “assembly group” and must adhere to assembly regulations.
“This is not just a code in Phoenix,” explained Tom Wandrie, the Deputy Director of the Development Division in Phoenix. “This is a code across the nation.
“IWandrie outlined that according to the code, occasional gatherings in one’s home are permissible, but not on a “regular basis.”
“If you’re conducting it with people not in the family unit, you’re getting into a commercial [operation],” he stated. “Religious worship is an A-3 occupancy.”
"Furthermore, code officials outlined that if a person lived in a residential zone, and they were meeting regularly with others for prayer or Bible study at a residence, it would be a violation of the applicable zoning ordinances, since the activity would then be considered to be commercial. Commercial activities are not allowed in residential zones.
According to online information, the entirety of Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia and Kentucky, among other states, all have enacted the “Use and Occupancy” code of the International Code Council. Additionally, the organization not only creates regulations relating to public use facilities, but also private residences."
When asked if regulations such as these will affect not only home churches, but also city churches who have regular separate small group gatherings at the homes of its members, he answered in the affirmative.
“Everyone is going to be affected,” he told Christian News Network. “They can force you to spend a lot of money you don’t have.”
Whitehead said the only entities that won’t mind the regulations are “big churches with a lot of money.”
“And they’re not saying a thing,” he commented."
In Silver Spring, Maryland, The Gazette newspaper outlined from code officer Susan Scala-Demby that “when there is a regular, formal service held inside a house — no matter the number of people involved— the house is considered a church,” and that it therefore requires an occupancy permit, which costs between $400 and $900. Hemal Mustafa of the city’s building construction division added that the homeowners would then also be required to make upgrades to the house to bring it into alignment with the National Fire Protection Association’s fire code, the state’s accessibility standards, an international mechanical code and national electrical code. The paper advises, “But without the permit, any church service held in a house is illegal.” |
| 2014/3/31 8:18 | |
| Re: | | The sooner we are hated, hounded and hunted down the better it will be for all of us. Then we will understand why we have been taught to love not the world. We only need to be hated just once and we will get it. Then we will either discover that we knew not Christ or we will discover Christ our redeemer and out strength. |
| 2014/3/31 17:49 | |
| Re: | | You don't have to wait that long. The day a person was genuinely saved and walked after godliness, they experienced hatred. I think one better discover and know Christ before the "hounding" and "hunting" days that you speak of.
| 2014/3/31 18:05 | |
| Re: | | Quote:
You don't have to wait that long. The day a person was genuinely saved and walked after godliness, they experienced hatred. I think one better discover and know Christ before the "hounding" and "hunting" days that you speak of.
Hating this world is a simple matter of loving the Father. Being hated of this world is a simple matter of believing into Christ. If there were many who held onto both of these things we would know it because it could not be hidden. When the Lord God called out to Adam in the garden is it possible that He did not know that Adam was in sin? The calling out of God is His mercy not His ignorance. By such a calling, to those who know God, is separation come. Such a calling is happening right now throughout the world yet we say, 'of what shall I be afraid?' We boast and we parade the name of Christ like a trophy as though we had done some great thing ourselves. In the end we will have to comprehend that which we have done in our own bodies, with our hands, our eyes and our mouths.
Being misunderstood is not hate. Being disbelieved is not hate. Being required to comply with foolish laws is not hate. The heathen and the righteous are by such laws equal.
Being hated is when the very means of sustenance is taken from you. Cold and hunger, being spat upon, hit with rods, taken unto death and laid waste, is hate. Such things are coming. When they do it will be the voice of God crying to us by violent means, because we would not listen when we were called to come out of the world and to be separate. Only then will we make a proper separation and only then will such hatred as is unto death be a song of thanks. Today few are even capable of imagining how they will praise God when their loved ones are taken.
My prayer is that persecution will come suddenly and teach us all. We will hold the hands of our brothers children as they are taken to be with the Lord, and we will have peace in that hour. And when it is finished, the wrath of God will be poured out upon the earth and men will mourn as in the hour of death, but death will not deliver them. |
| 2014/3/31 18:38 | |
| Re: | | Those who have not been faithful in small things will not be faithful when more is required. Those who have been "wearied by the footmen in the land of peace (wherein they did trust), will not be able to contend with the horses in the swelling of the Jordan?" Jer 12:5
Some by God's mercy will be pulled out of the fire. Jude 1:23
Everyone is being tested by the current shaking, which is mercy NOW, to prepare them for the Bridegroom.
There is a merciless war being fought right now in "peaceful" America(as the lion is seeking and devouring many) and the Enemy is shedding rivers of blood. Do you not see it? When the swelling of the Jordan comes the hearts of many will be revealed as the quiet apostasy manifests in the "Great Falling Away." |
| 2014/3/31 21:56 | |