Yesterday morning I was sitting and thinking of a moderate financial need I have. I was only thinking of it and also thinking I will need to pray about that about now. The phone rang as I was thinking and the brother on the phone wanted me to do a few hours work with him in a couple of days and the amount I wil be paid is just the amount I was thinking of. God answered my prayer before I could even pray it! I know it's kind of a small thing maybe but it's still meaningful. If I posted this in Scriptures and Doctrine I might title it God knows what we need before we even ask and is actively looking out for us. I know you've likely been there and done this before in your walk but it touched me again yesterday morning. Blessings.
_________________David Winter
What a blessing! Thank you for sharing....I call those "love pats" from the Lord. It encourages my faith to hear of this - blessings.....
Excellent, nobody does timing in a more comforting way than Jesus.If we have a need, not a want. If we don't get what we want, its because we do not actually need it:Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
I know your heart welled up with delight, joy and praise...and it does mine, too, when I hear of these testimonies. Thanks for sharing.
_________________Sandra Miller