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Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


Charles Spurgeon Said:
"If sinners be dammed, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one GO there UNWARNED and UNPRAYED for."


 2005/4/10 1:04Profile

Joined: 2004/3/31
Posts: 901
Melbourne, Australia



pij wrote:
I think the problem is we are still expecting to "bring sinners" to our church to get them saved, which I'm not against but I can't think of one example where Jesus invited someone to the synagogue. What I do read is that the religous were angry with him for drinking wine and eating with the outcasts of society. Saturday nights restaurants and bars are filled with people. Who is reaching them? "The Son of man cam eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children." Matthew 11:19 KJV


I think that anyone who is serious about reaching the lost, must go where they are. Myself, I am a sales man in the tool industry, which puts me amongst the 'dregs of the earth' on a daily basis. I also go out to a local university, feeding resident students, where I mix with more 'cultured sinners'. All this with a view to muster up the courage to start open air ministry.

It's good that you're raising this issue, as it needs to be raised, in the body of Christ, however, you may find that you're preaching to the converted here.

Aaron Ireland

 2005/4/10 1:12Profile

Joined: 2005/3/14
Posts: 1

 Re: Hanging out with prostitutes, homosexuals and thieves!

One thing to consider;

If God tells someone to go and hand out here or there they should by all means go and follow orders – regardless of appearance. BUT, this can also be a trick of the enemy used to get believers separated from the flock and surrounded by bad influence. If someone feels called to do this they must remain honest about where they are and as soon as temptation grows out of hand they must leave the place for a while to “recharge”. Also, and I am not saying this to any one here, but sometimes we hold a little piece of the world in our hearts with out fully turning everything over to Jesus Christ, and it can sometimes be a longing created in our minds from this little “reserve” in our hearts justified by the appearance of concern for others. I have recently experienced temptation and noticed that in my heart of hearts I will rebuke the tempting spirit and woo it back at the same time.

If anyone feels lead to do a ministry like this you should let other believers know what you are doing so that they can pray for you and or hopefully go with you – i.e. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Remember, even Jesus took his disciples with him to these places.

God Bless you in your endeavors.

 2005/4/10 11:23Profile

Joined: 2003/6/13
Posts: 210
Southern California


Hello all,

So much in my heart. So many excellent points, encouragements, truths, healthy warnings to pray about and put into practice, to allow to be incepted and nurtured and birthed through us, His Body. After all didn't our Lord say, "Wisdom (the practical outworking of knowledge) is known by her children"?

I don't want to write a book here, that gets tedious. But the Lord has taught me alot over the last few years (I know there are far more wiser than me in these areas, and I am by no means a pioneer in street ministry, only one who is desiring to stand in the ways, and see, and asking for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and I shall find rest for my soul...I want to be willingly obedient, as we all should, whatever 'way' He might have for each of us. We're not called to follow each other, we're called to follow Jesus and the leading of His Spirit in accordance with the truth of His word.

I would like to keep this thread going because I think there is alot of wisdom to be shared with the size of the body that feeds and grows and gets pruned here.

And I would like to answer some of the excellent points that have been brought up, and like to hear what you all have to share, as the Lord leads.



 2005/4/11 12:21Profile


"Jesus never went anywhere he wasn't invited to go". And when he went He preached the gospel using alot of different object lessons, parables and teachings.

I think thats very key... we were asked on this thread if we're building relationships with people like this... and then it turns into evangelizing in bars. I dont recall Jesus doing that. He went where He was invited, which I think shows us His unwillingness to force Himself on an individual.

I think street preaching is great, but to enter into a place the is designed for sin... like a bar, without being invited is beyond what Christ did. Public square, where all have a right to speak, is different then private places where sin abounds.

I know for me... I would have a hard time in a bar, especially if there are women there. I used to live in bars, and I know how the women dress there, and I know myself well enough to know I cant go there. [i]Job 31:1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?[/i]

But we [b]all[/b] know unsaved people. Thru work, school, family etc... There is no excuse not to evangelize and witness to them.

If we're invited to a party where there is drinking.. by all means, GO! But to "crash a party", I dont see that that is very effective, and is not the example that we see in the Word.

Charles Spurgeon Said:
"If sinners be dammed, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one GO there UNWARNED and UNPRAYED for."

Amen... that's why I love Spurgeon's writings and sermons!


 2005/4/11 15:00

 Re: An Invitation

Someone wrote:

"Jesus never went anywhere he wasn't invited to go". And when he went He preached the gospel using alot of different object lessons, parables and teachings.

I agree with this, to go uninvited is seeking something other then salvation for lost souls, but to seek ones own pleasure.

I remember a dear preacher years ago (Apostle Franklin Walden) who was invited into a hotel/bar room. I forget how he and his team ended up in the bar room, but he asked the owner of the place if his people could get up there and sing some gospel songs. The man who was chinese let them sing.

They started singing some songs and some of the people got up to dance, but then felt uncomfortable and sat down.

The preacher asked the LORD what in the world was going to happen, the LORD said, "Just watch". His singers shared a testimony, and the drummer who played for the bar confessed that he was a run a way prodigal, other people started confessing as well, and the stage was used as an alter.

The chinese man spoke to the preacher and said, "I once knew the God that you are speaking about, I remember when missionaries came to china when I was a boy and told me about Jesus, I want to know Him". He gave his heart to the LORD and thru an act of repentance, he turned to those who were still in the bar room to leave, the "bar is closed".

This is a classic example of an invitation in places of ill repute.


 2005/4/11 17:41

Joined: 2003/6/13
Posts: 210
Southern California


Hey All,

I was reading through the posts again and was wondering where you were picking up on the idea of people going where they weren't invited and where that was said? (i.e. Bars, etc).

Sorry, maybe I missed something? Thanks for the help.


 2005/4/11 18:19Profile

 Re: Another gospel of hope for Homosexuals

RobertW wrote:

Homosexuality, harlotry, etc. are sins that devestate lives. We meet them on the streets all the time in homeless ministry. These people's lives are wrecked! Wasn't it Ravenhill that said that we had better have a Gospel that could reach these folks? Something to the effect they couldnt hear a 'flip Gospel'- they needed to hear the real deal. Where would some of these people even begin to get their life right?

There is something to be said about Ravenhill's words. I can attest to the fact that the Church offers little or no hope for those who are trapped in certain sins.

Even though I have heard from well meaning brothers and sisters stating that homosexuality is no different than any other sin, yet in the mind set of the majority of the Church world there is.

I know, when I first confessed to someone in the church that I struggled with this problem, that was fodder for the masses. It went around like wildfire. I instantly became an outsider. I trudged along in that church, and I have no animosty against no one, I love people. They couldn't understand why I was so happy all the time while they were miserable. But finally the LORD told me to leave that assembly. I struggled with that command but finally gave heed.

People have a hard time with homosexuality, it's foreign to them, it's like the worst of all sins that has ever been committed, it's even worse than murder.

I think the only ones who will deliver that message of hope is homosexuals themselves and those who don't care what the main stream fundementals church thinks about them. I am one of those who don't care about what denominationalism thinks, they are like the Catholic Church to me when Martin Luther came on the scene, corrupt and full of dead men's bones.

It's a shame and a disgrace right now that homosexuals and those who were once in the faith have turned aside to another gospel. These pentecostal gay tolerant churches are cropping up everywhere.

I am not completely free, and yet I can't stand what is happening. I know what it is like to live in this cess pool.

It's crazy!


 2005/4/11 19:01

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: In context

Here's where I came up with that saying and why. pj wrote about going to resturant - bars to lead people to the Lord. I do believe its ok to stand out side of these establishments and ingage the people though the preaching and tract distribution, but to enter into an establishment with out being asked is wrong. I was just using an observation about Jesus' life and ministry that shows He never went to the publicans and sinnners homes without an invite. When He was invited it was used as an occassion to reach the lost sheep of Israel, Matthew- Zach- ect... Other than that He allowed for the Holy Spirit to draw the people to Him and then He taught the people and healed them and delivered them.


 2005/4/11 22:02Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: All good stuff

While I don't subscribe to going street witnessing alone, I do believe that God'll give you another person to go with. However has anyone considered the possibility of different types of ministries--2 brothers in the Lord called them selves "mall missionaries" and used to frequent the mall and pass out tracts. I know of sisters who when they go for thier groceries to feed thier families, they pray and ask God to lead them to those who need Jesus. The testomonies are wonderful to hear.The bottom line is this, even though street evangelism is a good work, we are called to BE Jesus where we are daily in our lives, at the malls, work, school, in our neighborhoods, in life. When we walk out the front door we should be a ready vessel for the Holy Spirit's use. Then hell will tremble. I know sooo many wonderful christians who simply live Jesus in thier world that are much closer to him than I ever was when I was witnessing on the streets in my early years, it really humbles me. A life lived is a better gospel preached than a message just preached, but combine the 2 and you have power! God Bless Bro. Daryl


 2005/4/11 22:18Profile

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