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Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 154
Owasso, OK

 Thoughts for the Day


I am not a Calvinist nor an Arminian; I am neither Catholic nor an Evangelical; I am not in a denomination nor a non-denomination; I do not GO to church nor reject the meeting of the fellowship. I am not contained to a certain building nor extra-biblical name. So what then is left? Simple.

I am a Christian. I have been regenerated by the power of God Himself. I am a member of His body, the bride, the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Brothers and sisters, the time for taking a label or extra-biblical titles is now over. It is time to get serious. It is time to stand and walk in The Truth, the Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ. Nothing else compares!

bro jeremy

Jeremy B Strang

 2014/3/27 14:32Profile

Joined: 2008/5/3
Posts: 435

 Re: Thoughts for the Day

"Brothers and sisters, the time for taking a label or extra-biblical titles is now over."

Good to hear that this label thingy has now officially expired :-) Well it has been dead for a long time, however i agree that if someone is still bound by that system we may have another use for the phrase "left behind". Just an idea, not a declaration.

"Nothing else compares!" -> Nobody else compares.

Amen, and that's also the reason. Why get stuck with secondary systems, when you can have Him, the Lord Jesus Christ. And also:

John 14:17  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

 2014/3/28 20:46Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Appreciate the heart behind this post. Praise God.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/3/28 20:47Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA


Why get stuck with secondary systems, when you can have Him, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen! So often we focus on secondary things when Christ is all in all. Why do we settle for anything less than Him? I'm tired of ever learning but never coming to a knowledge of The Truth. I sometimes feel a mile wide and an inch deep. Just give me Jesus!

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2014/3/28 21:19Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 154
Owasso, OK


a-servant - you are so very correct! Amen and glory be to our Lord Jesus!

bro jeremy

Jeremy B Strang

 2014/3/28 22:48Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 154
Owasso, OK

 Re: Thoughts for the Day

Ok, thought I would post this from bro. Brian's recent message, "A Fresh Encounter With The Real Jesus."

"Brothers & sisters, when your eyes are dry, and your faith is old, and your heart is hard, and your prayers are ice cold, you need a fresh encounter with Jesus.

"When the thought of the cross no longer move you to tears, when the Bible--God's holy Word seems dry to you, when the things of this world have so distracted you from the Lord Jesus Christ that the vision of Him seems to be growing strangely dim--you need a revelation of the real Jesus! --You need an encounter with Him, a fresh encounter!

"When your worship is just religious motion and your singing is stale, when you honor God with your lips but your heart is really far from Him, when the subject of your conversation for the most part is not about Christ, but it's about sports or the weather --you need a fresh encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ!

"When its been a long time since you've witnessed to anyone about Jesus, when your joy is gone, when you're faith is weak, when church seems to be stagnant or in a rut, and it looks more like a valley of dry bones than it does an exceeding great army,-- it is because we need a revelation, an encounter with the real Jesus Christ!

"A sight of Him will take your breath away! It will make you fall on your face...when you get a revelation of Him. He will reach down and touch you with compassion. Our Lord Jesus who is kind and merciful will bring about a fire again. You will never be the same! Seek Him in His Word. He is the Alpha and Omega. Jesus Christ is the end of your unquenchable thirst. Are you thirsty for His presence? Seek Him and search for Him with all your heart, you will find Him! Worship Him! praise Him! He is worthy! He wants to reveal Himself to you and I in ways you and I have never seen or known before. Seek Him diligently! Repent if there is anything in your life you need to turn from, and seek Him...He will meet with you!"

-Bro Brian Long

Get all the messages from the recent conference here:

Not sure where they are on S.I. yet.

Jeremy B Strang

 2014/3/28 22:53Profile

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