As servants of the Lord, we are constantly in danger from the enemy. Our love for Jesus is a threat to all of hell and we cannot undertake any holy work without encountering all kinds of snares set for us by Satan.A marriage counselor recently called me. “Everywhere I turn in our church, couples are breaking up,” she said. “It’s a literal plague in the Body of Christ right now.”I hear every kind of reason given for the turmoil in Christian homes: incompatibility, lack of communication, loss of affection, infidelity. But in truth, it is much more than that. Behind it all is an attack from hell against God’s saints.The cause of broken homes among non-Christians is no mystery. But among the righteous, all such turmoil has a cause. Think about it. How can dedicated Christians who have sat under godly preaching for years suddenly have no authority in their homes? They know full well God’s covenant oath to be their strength. They know He promises to destroy every satanic power that comes against them. So, why is the devil prevailing? Why is their marriage under constant threat?I believe it is because at least one partner has opened the door to a satanic delusion. Perhaps they both have allowed some compromise in their lives, or they have become spiritually lazy. And now an enraged devil has gained a stronghold in their hearts and home.If you are under such an attack, you should be asking what the disciples asked: “Master, why could we not cast out those demons?” Jesus answered that certain demonic bondages will not respond to the laying on of hands or a halfhearted, one-time prayer. Such strongholds are so deeply entrenched that the only way to cast them out is by sustained prayer and fasting.Yet the Church today is in a stupor regarding the power of prayer. A veil has fallen over the eyes of millions. And now, whenever they face trouble, the last place they turn is to Jesus. They abandon the secret closet and, instead, turn to psychology, counselors, books, friends—everywhere but to the Lord.If you say your marriage is a wreck and you want it healed, I wonder how much time you spend shut in with God. How many times have you turned off your television for an hour just to sit before Jesus and unburden your soul? How many meals have you missed so you could fast for your marriage?“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Excellent word. More should read it.But it sure is telling, how satan seems to be prevailing over marriages amongst professing Christians.Prayer and fasting. Then, watch for God.
WhenI got saved back in 68 our chur h had a focus on prayer.We had prayer meeting prior to every meeting and nearly the entire church was at every one of them.Ae hadamid week prayer meeting which the entire church turned up to and prayer every morning which was well attended.It is a great saxness to me and often with tears that I co template the sgate of the churches I have attende and the church I general. My sheep hear my voice... if no one is listening then how xo they expext to traverse the endtime events with any citanty of safety? The counterfiet church is already here preaching "we dont believe in repentance" and I beard one poor idiot in melbournr preaching tbat the doctrine of a sinner saved by grace is legalism. Certainly not a stairway to heaven.Why are people duped with what cN only be a message directly from the hearg of hell? Be ause we do not know his voice we do not recognise the Holy Spirit or there would be discernment. Forget tbe church if thereis no prayer meeting or it is a place for tbe leaders to bore you to xeath with long religious performances. Get some friends over for an informal meal and pray together afterwards . I know David would support this.There areeternal consequences to this decision. Thanks Greg. Blessings Oskar.
_________________Oskar Abley
Wombat1,Sorry, but it's a little difficult to understand some of what you have written.But, I guess the gist of it is, to prayer.God bless.
RE: ///Such strongholds are so deeply entrenched that the only way to cast them out is by sustained prayer and fasting.///I agree with Wilkerson. The problem is that the church no longer believes or else understands the power of prayer that is accompanied with fasting.Those whom understand breakthrough prayer understand how often times accompaning prayer with fasting helps bring a breakthrough. Unfortunately the church at large and some of the modern translators of our modern versions seem to not comprehend this understanding, some seem to be of the impression that fasting is a heretical practice that is used by ascetics to manipulate God. KJV Matthew 17:21 : 'Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.'ESV : Matthew 17:21 : ??NIV : Matthew 17:21 ??Mark 9:29 fasting is ommitted also from Mark 9:29