Mangkong of LaosThere is some uncertainty about the population of this group in Laos. They are often mixed with the So group, which is much larger. According to a government survey, one-quarter of Mangkong are able to read, including only one-tenth of women. More than three-quarters of Mangkong people in Laos have never attended school at any level. The majority of Mangkong are animists. For centuries they have lived in fear of evil spirits, to who they make regular sacrifices in attempts to placate them. Ancestors are also held in high regard. Incense is burnt and prayers are offered for the dead on certain occasions throughout the year.Ministry ObstaclesA low literacy rate suggests the need to carry the good news of Christ to these people in oral form, as well as in written form.Outreach IdeasPlease pray for a growing band of prayer warriors to direct their prayers toward the many unreached groups in Laos.Pray for the followers of ChristThe Mangkong believers have endured great persecution and hardship from the Communist authorities in recent years, but most have stood firm in their Christian faith.Pray for the entire people groupPlease pray for a greatly improved rate of literacy among this tribe. Pray that parents will see the need to send their children to school.Scripture Focus"And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations." Mark 13:10
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon