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Joined: 2006/9/13
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 Happiness or Holiness? - Tozer

We inhabit a world suspended halfway between heaven and hell, alienated from one and not yet abandoned to the other. By nature we are unholy and by practice unrighteous. That we are unhappy, I repeat, is of small consequence. Our first and imperative duty is to escape the corruption which is in the world as Lot escaped the moral ruin of Sodom. It is of overwhelming importance to us that we should seek the favor of God while it is possible to find it and that we should bring ourselves under the plenary authority of Jesus Christ in complete and voluntary obedience. To do this is to invite trouble from a hostile world and to incur such unhappiness as may naturally follow. Add to this the temptations of the devil and a lifelong struggle with the flesh and it will be obvious that we will need to defer most of our enjoyments to a more appropriate time.

Against this background of fact our childish desire to be happy is seen to be a morally ugly thing, wholly foreign to the Spirit of the Man of Sorrows and contrary to the teaching and practice of His apostles.

Any appeal to the public in the name of Christ that rises no higher than an invitation to tranquility must be recognized as mere humanism with a few words of Jesus thrown in to make it appear Christian. But only that is truly Christian which accords with the Spirit and teachings of Christ. Everything else is un-Christian or anti-Christian, no matter whence it emanates.

Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. Hebrews 12:10

There is peace and joy in following Christ. However, that peace and joy are sometimes experienced in the difficult times of life which are not "happy times." Sometimes we must choose between happiness and holiness.

Thank You, Lord, for discipline that leads to holiness. It may not make me happy but it grows me in Christ.

Source: (3/16/14)

 2014/3/16 22:50Profile

Joined: 2006/6/6
Posts: 41

 Re: Happiness or Holiness? - Tozer

True :)

I say no person has repented until he or she has brought himself or herself to feel he or she killed the Savior. I don’t believe any person has repented who would rather be happy than holy. We are living in the gloomiest age of the Church, and yet the Church is seeking happiness avidly, and not finding it, because she’s not looking for it in the right place. As long as a person would rather be happy than holy, he or she is an unrepentant man. As soon as this realization hits our conscience, we don’t care whether we are happy or not. We need to be hit with our conscience, smitten, wounded within, until contrition becomes a part of our life.--A.W. Tozer

In his (Paul’s) epistles, there are references, how he was the least of all Christians and the worst of all apostles, because of his sins. In this happy, happy age – this age of cheap, infantile giggling, we want to get repentance over with so we can have fun. Oh, my God, wound us; wound us with the wound of contrition so we’ll never quite get over it, so we always will carry around with us the knowledge that we’ve been sinners and never forget that we’ve been sinners.--A.W. Tozer

 2014/3/16 23:32Profile

Joined: 2006/6/6
Posts: 41

 Re: Happiness or Holiness? - Tozer

It reminds me of Ten Shekels and a Shirt
By Paris Reidhead


Now in order to understand the implications of that in the twentieth century, we must go back 150 years, to a conflict that attacked Christianity. Just after the great revivals in American with Finney, the Spirit of God having been marvelously outpoured onto certain portions of our country, there came an open attack on our faith in Europe under the higher critics. Darwin had postulated his theory of evolution, certain philosophers had adapted it to their philosophies, and theologians had applied it to the Scripture. About 1850 you could mark the opening of a frontal attack upon the Word of God. Satan had always been insidiously attacking it. But now it was open season on the Book, open season on the Church, and Voltaire in France could declare that he would live to see the Bible become a relic, placed only in museums; that it would be utterly destroyed by the arguments that he was so forcefully presenting against it.

Well, what was the effect of this? The philosophy of the day became humanism. And you could define humanism this way, humanism is a philosophical statement that declares the end of all being is the happiness of man. The reason for existence is man's happiness. Now according to humanism, salvation is simply a matter of getting all the happiness you can out of life. If you're influenced by someone like Nietzche who says that the only true satisfaction in life is power and that the power is its own justification, and that after all the world is a jungle. And it is therefore up to the man to be happy, to become powerful, and become powerful by any means he can use. For it is only in this position of ascendancy or as we saw in the worship of Molech that one can be happy. This would produce in due course a Hitler who would take the philosophy of Nietzche as his working operating principle and guide and would say of his people that they were destined to rule the world. Therefore any means that they could to achieve this was then salvation.

Somebody else turns around and says, "Well no, the end of being is happiness, but happiness doesn't come from authority over people, happiness comes from sensual experience." So you would have the type of existentialism that characterizes France today, that's given rise to beatnik-ism in America and to the gross sensuality of our country. Since man is essentially a glandular animal whose highest moments of ecstasy come from the exercise of his glands, salvation is simply to find the most desirable way to gratify this part of a person. And so this became the effect of humanism, that the end of all being is the happiness of man. John Dewey, then an American philosopher influencing education, was able to persuade the educators that there were no absolute standards. Children shouldn't be brought to any particular standard, that the end of education was simply to allow the child to express himself and expand on what he is and find his happiness in being what he wants to be. So we had cultural lawlessness, when every man could do as seemed right in his own eyes and we had no God to rule over us. The Bible had been discounted and disallowed and disproved. God had been dethroned, He didn't exist, He had no personal relationship to individuals. Jesus Christ was either a myth or just a man, so they taught, and therefore the whole end of being was happiness. The individual would establish the standards of his happiness and interpret it.


Now religion then had to exist because there were so many people that made their living at it, so they had to find some way to justify their existence. So back about the time, in 1850, the church divided into two groups. The one group was the liberals, who accepted the philosophy of the humanism and tried to find some relevance by saying something like this to their generation, "Ha, ha, we don't know there's a heaven. We don't know there's a hell. But we do know this, that you've got to live for 70 years! We know there's a great deal of benefit from poetry, from high thoughts and noble aspirations. Therefore it's important for you to come to church on Sunday, so that we can read some poetry, that we can give you some little adages and axioms and rules to live by. We can't say anything about what's going to happen when you die, but we'll tell you this, if you'll come every week and pay and help and stay with us, we'll put springs on your wagon and your trip will be more comfortable. We can't guarantee anything about what's going to happen when you die, but we say that if you come along with us, we'll make you happier while you're alive." And so this became the essence of liberalism. It has simply nothing more than to try and put a little sugar in the bitter coffee of their journey and sweeten it up for a time. This is all that it could say.

Well now the philosophy of the atmosphere is humanism; the chief end of being is the happiness of man. There's another group of people that have taken umbrage with the liberals, this group are my people, the fundamentalists. They say, "We believe in the inspiration of the Bible! We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ! We believe in hell! We believe in heaven! We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ!" But remember the atmosphere is that of humanism. And humanism says the chief end of being is the happiness of man. Humanism is like a miasma out of a pit, it just permeates everyplace. Humanism is like an infection, an epidemic, it just goes everywhere.

So it wasn't long until we had this, that the fundamentalists knew each other because they said "We believe these things!" They were men for the most part that had met God. But you see it wasn't long until having said "These are the things that establish us as fundamentalists!", the second generation said "This is how we become a fundamentalist! Believe in the inspiration of the Bible! Believe in the deity of Christ! Believe in His death, burial, and resurrection! And thereby become a fundamentalist." And so it wasn't long until it got to our generation, where the whole plan of salvation was to give intellectual assent to a few statements of doctrine. And a person was considered a Christian because he could say "Ah hah" at four or five places that he was asked. If he knew where to say "Ah hah", someone would pat him on the back, shake his hand, smile broadly, and say "Brother, you're saved!" So it had gotten down to the place where salvation was nothing more than an assent to a scheme or a formula, and the end of this was that salvation was the happiness of man because humanism had penetrated. If you were to analyze fundamentalism in contrast to liberalism of a hundred years ago as it developed, for I am not pinpointing it in time, it would be like this:

The liberal says the end of religion is to make man happy while he's alive, and the fundamentalist says the end of religion is to make man happy when he dies.

But again! The end of all of the religion it was proclaimed was the happiness of man. And whereas the liberal says, "By social change and political order we're going to do away with slums, we're going to do away with alcoholism and dope addiction and poverty. And we're going to make HEAVEN ON EARTH! AND MAKE YOU HAPPY WHILE YOU'RE ALIVE! We don't know anything about after that, but we want to be happy while you're alive!" They went ahead to try and do it only to be brought to a terrifying shock at the first World War and utterly staggered by the second World War, because they seemed to be getting nowhere fast.

And then the fundamentalists, along the line, are now tuning in on this same wavelength of humanism. Until we find it something like this:

"Accept Jesus so you can go to heaven! You don't want to go to that old, filthy, nasty, burning hell when there is a beautiful heaven up there! Now come to Jesus so you can go to heaven!"

And the appeal could be as much to selfishness as a couple of men sitting in a coffee shop deciding they are going to rob a bank to get something for nothing! There's a way that you can give an invitation to sinners, that just sounds for all the world like a plot to take up a filling station proprietor's Saturday night earnings without working for them.

Humanism is, I believe, the most deadly and disastrous of all the philosophical stenches that's crept up through the grating over the pit of Hell. It has penetrated so much of our religion. AND IT IS UTTER AND TOTAL CONTRAST WITH CHRISTIANITY! Unfortunately it's seldom seen. And here we find Micah, wants to have a little chapel, and he wants to have a priest, and he wants to have prayer, and he wants to have devotion, because "I KNOW THE LORD WILL DO ME GOOD!" AND THIS IS SELFISHNESS!!! AND THIS IS SIN!!! And the Levite comes along and falls right in with it! Because he wants a place! He wants ten shekels and a shirt and his food! And so in order that he can have what he wants, and Micah can have what he wants, THEY SELL OUT GOD! For ten shekels and a shirt. AND THIS IS THE BETRAYAL OF THE AGES!!! And it is the betrayal in which we live. And I don't see HOW GOD CAN REVIVE IT! Until we come back to Christianity, as in DIRECT AND TOTAL CONTRAST WITH THE STENCHFUL HUMANISM that's perpetrated in our generation in the name of Christ.

I'm afraid that it's become so subtle that it goes everywhere. What is it? In essence it's this! That this philosophical postulate that the end of all being is the happiness of man, has been sort of covered over with evangelical terms and Biblical doctrine until God reigns in heaven for the happiness of man, Jesus Christ was incarnate for the happiness of man, all the angels exist for the happiness of man..., Everything is for the happiness of man! AND I SUBMIT TO YOU THAT THIS IS UNCHRISTIAN!!! Isn't man happy? Didn't God intend to make man happy? Yes. But as a by-product and not a prime-product!


On Albert Schweitzer, good man highly admired by the fuzzy thinkers of our day, lived for years in Congo, East Africa. He was a brilliant man, a philosopher, doctor, musician, and composer. But he should never be called a Christian. He doesn't see Christ as having any relevancy to his philosophy or life. He is a humanist.

A favorite sport of the Belgian government officials who were expert marksman was crocodiles shooting from the deck of a streamer on the Congo River. They kept tally by means of a knotted string around their gun barrel, counting the number of crocodiles killed. Schweitzer was rightfully appalled by their revolting sport. He deemed it a colossal waste of life. From these experiences Schweitzer gleaned the essence of his philosophy, summed by these words__ reverence for life. Crocodile life...human life...and other kinds of life. Dr. Schweitzer was so convinced of reverence of life that he didn't like to sterilize his surgery. He had the dirtiest surgery in Africa. Bacteria are life and must not be destroyed.

George Kline, a veteran missionary with the South Africa General Mission, lived about 60 miles from Dr. Schweitzer station. George was an accomplished organist and organ repairer. He was asked by Dr. Schweitzer to come to his station to check out his malfunctioning organ, donated by a friend in Germany. George went over to see the good doctor.
"George, do you think you can fix my organ?"
"I'll try." he responded. George took the back off the organ and to his amazement discovered a huge nest of cockroaches. With characteristic, American enthusiasm and zeal George started trampling all over the cockroaches not to let a one of them get away. And the good doctor came out, his hair standing straighter than it had for a long time, and because of his anger he said "YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" George said, "Why? Their ruining your organ." He said, "That's alright, they were just being true to their nature," he said, "You can't kill those." So one of the boys came in and said, "It's alright Mr. Kline." And he reached down very tenderly, picked them up, and put them in a little bag, and crimped the top, and he took the roaches out into the jungle and let them loose.

Now here was a man that believed his philosophy, reverence for life. UTTERLY COMMITTED TO IT! UTTERLY CONSISTENT! Even when it came to the matter of cockroach or a microbe. Do you see? This is humanism, this is consistency.


If you'll ask me why I went to Africa, I'll tell you I went primarily to improve on the justice of God. I didn't think it was right for anybody to go to Hell without a chance to be saved. So I went to give poor sinners a chance to go to heaven. Now I haven't put it in so many words, but if you'll analyze what I just told you do you know what it is? Humanism. That I was simply using the provisions of Jesus Christ as a means to improve upon human conditions of suffering and misery. And when I went to Africa, I discovered that they weren't poor, ignorant, little heathen running around in the woods looking for someone to tell them how to go to heaven. That they were MONSTERS OF INIQUITY!!! THEY WERE LIVING IN UTTER AND TOTAL DEFIANCE OF FAR MORE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD THEN I EVER DREAMED THEY HAD!

They deserved Hell! Because they utterly refused to walk in the light of their conscience, and light of the law written upon their heart, and the testimony of nature, and the truth they knew! And when I found that out I assure you I was so angry with God that on one occasion in prayer I told Him it was a mighty ..... little thing He'd done, sending me out there to reach these people that were waiting to be told how to go to heaven. When I got there I found out they knew about heaven, and didn't want to go there, and that they loved their sin and wanted to stay in it.

I went out there motivated by humanism. I'd seen pictures of lepers, I'd seen pictures of ulcers, I'd seen pictures of native funerals, and I didn't want my fellow human beings to suffer in Hell eternally after such a miserable existence on earth. But it was there in Africa that God began to tear THROUGH THE OVERLAY OF THIS HUMANISM! And it was that day in my bedroom with the door locked that I wrestled with God. For here was I, coming to grips with the fact that the people I thought were ignorant and wanted to know how to go to heaven and were saying "Someone come teach us", actually didn't want to take time to talk with me or anybody else. They had no interest in the Bible and no interest in Christ, and they loved their sin and wanted to continue in it. And I was to that place at that time where I felt the whole thing was a sham and a mockery, and I had been sold a bill of goods! And I wanted to come home.

There alone in my bedroom AS I FACED GOD HONESTLY WITH WHAT MY HEART FELT, it seemed to me I heard Him say, "Yes, will not the Judge of all the earth do right? The Heathen are lost. And they're going to go to Hell, not because they haven't heard the gospel. They're going to go to Hell because they are sinners, WHO LOVE THEIR SIN! And because they deserve Hell. BUT, I didn't send you out there for them. I didn't send you out there for their sakes." And I heard as clearly as I've ever heard, though it wasn't with physical voice but it was the echo of truth of the ages finding its' way into an open heart. I heard God say to my heart that day something like this, "I didn't send you to Africa for the sake of the heathen, I sent you to Africa for My sake. They deserved Hell! But I LOVE THEM!!! AND I ENDURED THE AGONIES OF HELL FOR THEM!!! I DIDN'T SEND YOU OUT THERE FOR THEM!!! I SENT YOU OUT THERE FOR ME! DO I NOT DESERVE THE REWARD OF MY SUFFERING? DON'T I DESERVE THOSE FOR WHOM I DIED?"

I was there not for the sake of the heathen. I was there for the Savior who endured the agonies of Hell for me. But He deserved the heathen. Because He died for them. My eyes were opened. I was no longer working for Micah and ten shekels and a shirt. But I was serving a living God.

Do you see? Let me epitomize, let me summarize. Christianity says, "The end of all being is the glory of God." Humanism says, "The end of all being is the happiness of man."

And one born in Hell, the deification of man. AND THE OTHER WAS BORN IN HEAVEN, THE GLORIFICATION OF GOD! And one is Levite serving Micah, and the other is a heart that's unworthy serving the living God, because it's the highest honor in the universe.

 2014/3/16 23:37Profile

Joined: 2006/6/6
Posts: 41

 Re: It also reminds me of this:

DR. DAVID JONES, PHD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
DR. RUSSELL S. WOODBRIDGE, PHD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Every day on radio or TV there’s a gospel being proclaimed—the gospel of prosperity. The gospel teaches that God wants to fulfill our every desire for health, wealth, and happiness, and all it takes is sufficient faith. The preachers of prosperity tout their own opulent lifestyles as proof of their message: God wants His children to have it all. IS this the gospel? Or is it is just a feel-good, self-centered appeal to our materialistic impulses that omits the message of Jesus and the cross? The Bible has plenty to say about wealth and possessions, but those teachings are routinely twisted out of context or carelessly misinterpreted. . Authors David W. Jones and Russell S. Woodbridge go back to the Scriptures to set forth a truly biblical understanding of wealth, poverty, suffering and giving. They identify five crucial areas of error related to the prosperity gospel movement. Health, Wealth, and Happiness challenges readers to rediscover the true gospel of Jesus.

Over the years however, the message preached in some of the largest churches in the world has changed. A new gospel is being taught today. This new gospel is perplexing—it omits Jesus and neglects the cross. Instead of promising Christ, the gospel promises health and wealth, and offers advice such as: declare to yourself that everything that you touch will prosper, for, in the words of a leading prosperity gospel preacher, “There is a miracle in your mouth”. According to this new gospel, if believers repeat positive confessions, focus their thoughts and generate enough faith, God will release blessings upon their lives. This new gospel claims that God desires and even promises that believers will live a healthy and financially prosperous life.
This is the core message of what is known as the prosperity gospel. This gospel has been given many names, such as the “name it and claim it” gospel, the “blab it and grab it” gospel, the “health and wealth” gospel, the “word of faith” movement, the “gospel of success,” “positive confession theology,” and as this book will refer to it, the “prosperity gospel.” No matter what name is used, the teaching is the same. This egocentric gospel teaches that God wants believers to be materially prosperous in the here-and-now. Robert Tilton, one of the prosperity gospel’s most well-known spokesman, writes,”I believe that it is the will of God for all to prosper because I see it in the word [of God], not because it has worked mightily for someone else. I do not put my eyes on men, but on God who gives me the power to get wealth.”
Without question, the prosperity gospel continues to grown and influence Christians. Fifty of the largest two hundred sixty churches in the United States promote the prosperity gospel. The pastors of some of the largest churches in America proclaim the prosperity gospel, including Kenneth Copeland, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Frederick Price, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Hagin Jr., and Eddie Long. Through the internet, television, and radio, the prosperity gospel reaches millions around the world everyday. …”American lifestyles have led African believers to equate Christian faith with wealth”. Influenced by American affluence and prosperity, native preachers readily take up the message of the prosperity gospel. Additionally, American prosperity teachers export their message on television networks such as the Trinity Broadcasting Network, one of the most watched religious stations of the world. … hypocrisy of prosperity gospel….self-centered bent of the prosperity message.
Eventually, Quimby claimed to have developed his own clairvoyant hyptnotist. Powers and became a successful hypnotist. Quimby believed that sickness follows a disturbance of the minds; therefore, disease is really mental and the cure is to correct false reasoning or error in the mind. Quimby asserts, “If I believe I am sick, I am sick, for my feelings are my sickness, and my sickness is my belief, and my belief is my mind. Therefore, all disease is in the mind or belief”. … Wallace Wattles: “Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.” In these New Thought works, one can discern some of the key recurring elements of the prosperity gospel: speaking the right words, invoking a universal law of success with words, and having faith in oneself. …no mention of sin, repentance, or the gospel…
Norman Vincent Peale: The Power of Positive Thinking, Guide to Confident Living, In the Tough-Minded Optimist. (He quotes metaphysical teachers…. Salvation is a self-generated mystical experience with the infinite, which entails channeling the divine influx for personal health, wealth, happiness and success.

The prosperity gospel is built upon a quasi-Christian heresy, popular in the late 19th and early 20th century, known as New Thought
Key New Thought thinkers include Emanuel Swedenborg, Phineas Quimby, Ralph Waldo Trine and Norman Vince Peale.
New Thought is marked by a distorted view of God, an elevation of mind over matter, an exalted view of humankind, a focus upon attaining health and wealth, and an unorthodox view of salvation.
Distorted view of God: Jesus as just a prophet. Pantheism. Lack of Trinity. Jesus falsely as an impersonal force or creative energy field. “New Thought” teachers and pastors. Problems with Napoleon Hill, Charles Fillmore. Occultist nature of thoughts.
Problems with these quotes by “New Thought” advocates: “directed toward positive thoughts and success will become a reality” and “visualize what you want and meditate upon the picture, and you will create it in reality”. Problems with Charles Haanel and law of attraction.
An Elevated View of Humankind. Dr. Jones’ and Dr. Woodbridge’s definition of “New Thought”: “a human-centered philosophical asserts that people are intrinsically good, spiritual beings, with the potential for godlike—if not divine—status”.
Dr Jones and Dr. Woodbridge speaks on problem with “New Thought” advocates: “that humans can become gods, there is no mention of sin and redemption within New Thought. Since the proponents of this philosophy neither acknowledge the deity of Jesus not the inherent sinfulness of humanity, redemption is both impossible and unnecessary.” Problems with New Thought advocateS: Ernest Holmes, Walter Felt Evans.
Dr Jones and Dr. Woodbridge: “IF people are essentially gods, then what kind of redemption do they really need? In New Thought there is no place for a sinless Savior who died on the cross in order to have propitiation for sin. Humans can save themselves from their dire circumstances through using the divine energy in the universe. They are, after all, in control of their fate. Problem with Ernest Holmes: “IF we partake of the divine nature we must know the same thing in our lives that God knows is His. I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul”. “New Thought’s belief in the deification of humans”
A Focus on Health, Wealth [and Happiness]. “New Thought proposes that people become sick because of negative thoughts or an account of the fact that they are not properly attuned to the Infinite [inferior]. People allow disease to enter their bodies, thus giving disease its power. The solution to illness is to think about being health and have faith that the law of attraction will work….mind over matter ”.
Problems with the following quotes by Quimby, Thomas Troward: “send out our Thought for the healing of disease, for the suggestion of good and happy ideas…”
An Elevation of Mind over matter: Definition of “New Thought”: The focus on the mind being the key to success. New Thought: Think a certain way and change reality. Problems with New Thought advocates: Henry Hamblin, Emanuel Swedenborg, Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Robert Collier.
Ex by Dr. Jones and Dr. Woodbride: “think about how devastating this philosophy can be to someone with cancer. According to New Thought, you are the reason you have cancer. According to New Thought, you are the reason you have cancer. You are at fault. You must have done something or thought something to attract cancer to your body. The cure is not found by going to the doctor’s office; rather, it is in your mind. Change your thoughts and the cancer will be removed. If you think in the right thoughts or believe in the universal laws or harness the divine influx. Perhaps you did not have enough faith in the universal laws. In New Thought, you did not have enough faith in the universal laws. In New Thought, there is absolutely no consideration of God. His providence, or His purposes in human suffering and sickness. New Thought promises not only good health with right thinking but also financial prosperity and personal success. Whether the topic is related to health or wealth, the method is the same: control thoughts and success will materialize… In New Thought philosophy, fulfillment is not possible without money. Everything exists in order to assist people in their pursuit of money. How can one attain the use of things? By the proper use of the mind and the exercise of faith. Thoughts will actualize desires in the physical realm. Moreover, Hill says that the main reason people do not achieve wealth is because “many fail to impress Thinking Substance”. By the phrase “Thinking Substance,” Hill refers to the divine. In other words, one has to form clear, mental images of what is desired, whether that is a house, a job, or some form of personal success. This positive thought, then, is the correct method to supernaturally achieve material wealth…Like Hill, Wattles, and Collier, Ernest Holmes contends not only are thoughts critical to acquire success, but also spoken words are of great importance. Thoughts and words are forces that create reality. He writes, “If the word is the way that God creates, it is the right way. If it works for God, shall it not work for us?... All words have as much power as we put into them when we speak. ‘The Word is already in our own mouths.” That word is all that you will ever need to bring happiness, health and success to you… If you want to be healthy and wealthy, then first realize that health and wealth is your rights. Then you must think positive thoughts about your health and wealth. In the New Thought system, the only reason you do not have the health and wealth you desire is because you think incorrectly. Since your thoughts and even your words create reality, simply visualize, believe and speak the right words repeatedly and you will see your circumstances change”.

An Unorthodox View of Salvation: “Denying the historic orthodox doctrine of salvation by faith…Furthermore, according to New Thought, religion is not redemption from sin but simply the process of learning to love one’s neighbor…rejects the uniqueness of Jesus as the only way to salvation…Trine argues that all religions possess the truth and that we must find oneness with the Infinite. The end result is that all religions are the same as they afford man the opportunity to discover the Infinite. According to New Thought, true religion will be attractive to all and repulsive to none. The gospel of New Thought is acceptable to everyone because it omits sin ad each person defines the gospel for him or herself. In Summary, for New Thought, salvation is not placing one’s faith in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who died for the sins of humankind on the cross. Rather, salvation is a self-generated mystical experience with the Infinite, which entails channeling the divine influx for personal health, wealth and happiness and success…experience of personalities”
Similarities with Hinduism, Oriental philosophy, the occult, a general self-centered pagan approach to life.

New Thought teaches that the key to health and wealth acquisition is thinking, visualizing, and speaking the right words.
New Thought ideas are often taught using biblical words and are justified by distorting Scripture.

THE TEACHINGS OF THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL Key historical figures in the prosperity gospel movement include EW Kenyon and Kenneth Hagin.
Many contemporary prosperity gospel teachers are associated with the Word of Faith organization and/or Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN).
The prosperity gospel is a broad movement, and there are many differences between the doctrines espoused by various prosperity gospel advocates.
Like New Thought, the prosperity gospel movement is marked by several commonalities, including a distorted view of God, an elevation of mind over matter, an exalted view of people, a focus on attaining health and wealth, and an unorthodox view of salvation.
Joel Osteen is an example of contemporary soft advocate of the prosperity gospel.

The Prosperity Gospel distorts the true gospel in that it does not point people toward Christ but rather focuses on the attainment of human desires (happiness).
Prosperity gospel teachers misinterpret the Abrahamic covenant to be a promise of health and wealth for Christians who are obedient to God.
Prosperity gospel advocates teach that the death of Christ results in financial and physical well-being for Christians.
Common passages that are appealed to and misinterpreted in order to endorse the prosperity message are Ecc 11:1; Mark 10:30; 2 Cor 9:6; and 3 John 2.
A foundational reason why the prosperity gospel is off base is its fault view of the relationship between God and people.
(Translation used isn't as good. Excellent book, however. ) The OLD KJV (Textus REceptus) is a blessing! Enjoy your days, Pastor and Mrs Stanley! I hope all is going well! You have been such a blessing for many years! I want to give back some to you!

by Dr. David Jones, PHD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
by Dr Russell Woodridge, PHD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

The prosperity gospel focuses upon the avoidance of suffering, including financial [suffering], mental [suffering], and physical suffering.
Pain and suffering are common among biblical characters, including David, Jesus and Paul.
Suffering is a normative part of the Christian life and, this side of the grave, is likely to increase with maturing faith.
Three main sources of suffering exist in this present world:(1) the curse on the created order, (2) personal sin, and (3) the sins of others. (Ex. JOB; Personal sin is not always the cause)
Considerations for suffering include the following facts: everyone is a sinner, everyone possesses a free will, there is value in suffering, God is acquainted with suffering and God is sovereign.
Why does God exist and what does He control in the world? What is the purpose of suffering and how do I react when I suffer? Many prosperity gospel teachers teach that God is dependent on people in order to act. When you suffer, do you blame God? When suffering comes, do you think that since you have worked hard to obey God, you do not deserve it? Mental and physical suffering: When you start thinking that you control your own future, then you demote God. Such ideas are at the heart of the prosperity gospel. Within prosperity theology, people are the focal point rather than God. According to the prosperity gospel, you are in control of your own destiny; thus suffering is an indication of your failure to utilize divinely designed means of blessing. In contrast, the Bible teaches that suffering is an instrument to make you more like Christ and that God is working all things in your life for HIS purposes (Romans 5:1; 8:16-18)


One of the best defenses against the teachings of the prosperity gospel is a holistic understanding of scriptural teaching on wealth and poverty.

God created people with material needs, as well as both the desire and the ability to meet those needs

The Old Testament economic laws are built upon the ideals of laboring and resting, as well as preventing God’s people from wealth and poverty related sins.

Jesus gave no systematic, detailed economic plan; rather, in the gospels, His example and teachings on wealth and poverty are wideranging and their spiritual impact is what is usually emphasized.

There is a nonrequisite connection between material wealth/poverty and spiritual wealth/poverty.
What do I deserve in life? According to the prosperity gospel, you are entitled to a good life that is marked by good health, beneficial relationship, an abundance of resources and overall success. But is this really true? The bible teaches that if we have food and clothing, we should be content(1 Timothy 6:8)—anything beyond this is pure grace.

Why did God save me? Did God save you because HE needs you on His team? Did God save you so that you could be famous and wealth? Did God save you so that you can fulfill all of your dreams? (i.e. American dream) No. God saved you on account of his great love for you. God saved you so that you might glorify Him forever and so that He might display his grace for all eternity (see Isaiah 43:25; Eph 2:4-10) We were rescued to glorify God and do good works. We did not deserve or earn salvation and this fact alone ought to humble us and cause us to express our gratitude toward God. A major problem with prosperity gospel teaching is that people are encouraged to think too highly of themselves (see Romans 12:3)

Reasons for Christians’ giving include obedience, to demonstrate love, to bring glory to God, because it is a result of the gospel, and because it results in reward.
Contrary to the prosperity gospel, the biblical emphasis is not on present physical rewards for giving but on future spiritual rewards.
Evangelicals disagree about the concept of tithing, but all agree that generous giving is a biblical mandate.
Christians ought to faithfully give to the local church, other Christian organizations, and directly to those who are in need.

Christian nonprofit organizations such as the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and Wall Watchers serve as resources to get information about reputable Christian charities and organizations. or

Why do I give to God? What is your motivation to give to the church, to Christian charities and to those in need? Cheerful heart or do you expect God to pay you back for your generosity? Do you give to please God, who has given you everything or do you give in order to see if God will come through to for you? Do you give out of guilt and obligation, or do you give out of love? If you give to God in order to get something from Him, then you have adopted a framework similar to that of the prosperity gospel. Such a rationale for giving sets one up for failure and short-circuits the true motivation for giving—grace.

Objection: How can the prosperity gospel be false if so many people follow it? Reply. Ex. 16th century Europeans believe that Earth was the center of the universe…Both history and other religions demonstrate that millions of people can be deceived and follow a lie.

Objection: But most prosperity gospel teachers seem sincere, and it seems that they genuinely want to help people. Reply: Prosperity teachers may be sincere, yet they can be sincerely wrong. It is possible to be passionate about an issue or problem, but to offer the wrong solution. Sincerity and passion cannot be the standard for evaluating the truth.

Objection: Everyone does not agree on everything in the Bible. Reply: Prosperity theology deserves a place in the church. AS far as the claim that Christians do not agree on everything in the bible, this is a true statement, but it misses the point. As we have documented in chapters 2 and 3, prosperity gospel teachers promote false teaching about fundamental beliefs such as who God is, the sinfulness and abilities of people, and the way of salvation. These are not insignificant issues. In fact these are core beliefs that with lead to God and to salvation or away from God and to condemnation. The prosperity gospel is not a harmless movement that is slightly off; rather it is a dangerous movement that has eternal consequences.

Objection: This verse supports the prosperity gospel. Reply: prosperity teachers use a wide variety of verses to support their teachings. [Read the bible in the context of things] The Bible contains many verses that declare God’s blessings toward us and we should rejoice at this. God blesses us in order to meet needs and enable us to give generously. The book of Proverbs teaches that hard, diligent work can lead to prosperity, but the prosperity gospel leads to idolatry: people worship God’s blessings instead of God Himself.
Objection: I’ve given money to prosperity gospel ministries and I’ve seen results. Reply: If there has been a restoration of health or an improvement in someone’s financial situation, it is appropriate to rejoice. Roman 12:15. Yet, to correlate sending money to a prosperity gospel ministry with God’s blessing is faulty. EXPERIENCES MUST BE judged by Scripture. Feelings and results cannot be the arbiter of truth. Just because something supposedly works does not mean that it is true. Christians have a responsibility to evaluate the means as well as the end. In other words, believers must discern if the end was reached in accordance with Scripture.

The goal of this book is to inform readers about the prosperity gospel, including its history, theology, and errors as well as to give biblical teaching on wealth, poverty, suffering and giving. The prosperity gospel is a false gospel that contains false promises, promotes self-exaltation, and ultimately does not satisfy. It is our hope and prayer that the Lord will use this book to draw people away from the prosperity gospel

 2014/3/16 23:40Profile

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