[b]PREACH IT, BOY![/b]Never considered myself a "protestant" either. That's mainly a lie thrown around by the catholics (along with the idea that Peter was "THEIR" first pope) in order to try to prove some superiority...But the anabaptists and more go all the way back to pretty much day ONE. I number my (spiritual) ancestors among that crowd, not the Lutherans, methodists, or any other "catholic-lite" traditions.
I was amazed myself at hoe much media time the pope got, I mean after the 1st day I was all poped out...I mean on every single channel...even the tabloid channels...it was crazy. IT was...disgusting. How the church has changed from what ot was at it's first inception. Poor people with little to live for giving all they had and the were to a man who called himself the son of God and asked them to follow him. Once the church existed for Him to serve Him unto death, but now the church exists to serve itself. There is no power in the church as we know it now for there is no Spirit in it. It is depsairing how many people have their faith in this system of deception.
_________________Farai Bamu
you know bro krisp et al, the word saint is used often in the bible and it seems to point to people who are believers in Christ as being saints. it seems as though the word has since been blown up to mean something it shouldn't. I mean isn't sainthood being a believer in Christ? is that not the only criterion (believing in Christ meaning being born again and living in the spirit etc) as opposed to the incorruptibility, being able to live in the host alone etc as per the catholic church?
WOE unto all who have misled the children of God for the children's blood will be on their hands. WOe unto all who exault themselves over God the father, son and Holy ghost for they shall be cut down with great vengence and furious anger.