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 IS THERE ANY HOPE? by David Wilkerson

In desperation, David cried out, “Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications” (Psalm 130:2). This sounds to me like the plea of a dying man. David obviously wasn’t just uttering “thought prayers.” He was facedown on the ground—broken, contrite, pleading with God from the very depths of his heart.

David knew his soul needed a release and he turned to God alone to find that release. He concluded, “I'm in such a dire condition, only the Lord can help me now. I can’t rely on counselors, friends, even family. My only hope is in prayer. So I’m going to cry out night and day until God hears my plea!”

Many Christian marriages desperately need the kind of release David sought. All across the land I see couples sinking into dark pits of despair. Spouses claim to love one another, but they are not even civil in their communication. They show more kindness to strangers than they do to each other. Over time, their home has become a deep freeze of downright meanness. They don’t know it, but they are free-falling into destruction, their relationship fast spinning out of control. Perhaps your marriage has fallen as far down as it can go. You and your spouse have hit rock bottom, and you wake up every day wondering if there’s any hope left.

Beloved, you need to wake up to your condition. You have fallen into a black hole, full of ungodly attitudes, and this condition will not simply wear off by itself. Unless you take action, it will only get worse until one of you finally kills the marriage.

Wake up now to the Holy Spirit’s voice! There is sin in your marriage and it is being committed by both you and your spouse. You must deal with it or you will remain at the bottom of the dark well forever.

So, to whom are you taking your grief? Are you spilling your guts to your best friend? If so, are you merely building a case against your spouse? If you’re seeing a counselor, are you actually seeking a justification for ending it all?

Please don’t misinterpret my remarks; I believe in marriage counseling. But if you seriously want to get to the source of the problem, there is only one place to go. You need to look no farther than your own heart! The sin is right there inside you and, like David, you need to cry out to the Lord for mercy.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/3/13 11:56Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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