greetings RobertI have truly been blessed reading the book you wrote. I am grateful that FATHER has put it upon your heart to share these things with us. I really do believe there is much that you wrote about that needs to be said and read in this generation to understand how we have gotten to were we are now. Thank you for being faithful in this.God blessmaryjane
You are most welcome Mary. I appreciate your feedback as well. An undertaking such as this can leave a person wondering if it is comprehensive and meaningful. It's a lot to take in, but I trust it is understandable in such a way that christians and ministers will reevaluate their perspective of evangelism, etc.
_________________Robert Wurtz II
Just wanted to bring this up once more before the deadline Saturday evening. The Kindle book will be FREE until midnight Pacific time. After then it will be several months before I can do another promotion. Please feel free to share this offer with your friends. Blessings, Robert
I was able to get the free copy and looking forward to reading and reviewing it. Thank you.
You are most welcome, just-in. Reviews are certainly appreciated as they help potential readers know about the contents from different perspectives.