Probably won't get a lot of support for my thoughts on this on SI pro or con, and basically this is just an opinion for the record. I think that by Pres. Obama sending a bunch of gays over there to the Olympics was a slap in the face to Putin, was maybe the straw that broke the camels back. I will never understand why our government feels the need to push their policies on other countries, our policies as for as the way we want to live, should be kept inside our borders. Just because our government seems to have as a top priority the homosexual agenda, is of low priority or of no priority to other countries. I continue to keep this government homosexual agenda in prayer, I am sure none of this has taken God by surprise, but he will find ways to deal with this, and his ways are not our ways, and this Russian thing going on could be one of his ways to get the focus off of it. You might force this government homosexual agenda on the people of the United States, but you not going to force it on God. I just pray our whole country does not have to suffer, because of the agendas of such a small percentage of people.