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 Question about state lotteries

North Carolina Legislature passed a bill to introduce a state lottery yesterday, where the proceeds would supposedly go toward education. It passed with a vote of 61-59. It's expected to fly thru the Senate today, and be approved by the guv'nah.

I havent really give this issue much thought. I dont play, and I know a lot of money is flooding out of NC and into lottery states like SC, GA, etc. I know that on the Cherokee Indian reservation (about 40 minutes from here) there is a Harrah's Casino, which was supposed to really boost the economy for folks there... but the poverty level on the reservation has risen to an all time high since they built the place. Can a lottery have the same effect?

There are two fundamental independent Baptist radio stations in this area... and for the last 24 hours they have (in my opinion) turned into alarmists about this, asking the question "What is next? Legalized prostitution in North Carolina?" Thats a bit of a stretch, I think... or is it?

So I'm asking those who have given this issue more thought than I have, and those who have studied this out in scripture... what do you all think? I have no opinions to offer on this... I just want to learn from others.


 2005/4/7 12:12

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: Question about state lotteries


KrispyKrittr wrote:
I have no opinions to offer on this...Krispy

No Way!! Just kidding Brother Krisp you know me.
We have the lotto in TX. and I play it about an average of one $1 quick pick every two months or so "Gods ways are not our ways" maybe he wants to Bless me, O I am going to be in for it now with all those not being a good Stewart of Gods money folks, well go ahead I can take it because God has already forgiven me because I ask him to forgive me. Well back to your original question to be honest with you sometimes it is just better to keep some of our opinions to ourselves "hard to do for some I know" I used to be there but I will keep my real opinion to myself on this, but I wonder if the folks that voted yea on this if they have been saved wouldn't that fall under Romans 8:28? O I have really opened up this discussion sorry Krispy I ruined you post. :-?


 2005/4/7 12:27Profile

Joined: 2003/11/3
Posts: 61
south carolina

 Re: state lottery

I work in a store that sales lottery and I think it one of the worst mistakes South Carolina has ever made.
I can't find that the Bible speaks directly against gambling but it is an addictive behavior and society certainly doesn't need another. According to scripture I feel it is being a bad stewart of God's money. You may think it is only a dollar or so but one dollar will buy 100 tracts for a native missionary.

The other problem I see firsthand is that the people that play it the most are the ones who can afford it the least. The lottery gears advertising to the poor community and you will find many more lottery machines per capita in poor areas than any other. It is no coincidence that lottery sale are way up at the first part of the month when the government checks come out.

On a not so funny sidenote I have actually heard people say as they are buying lottery tickets "I prayed and the Lord sure knows I need to win"

In Christ,

marvin geddings

 2005/4/7 12:42Profile


No Way!! Just kidding Brother Krisp you know me.

Yea, proof that miracles still happen today!

O I have really opened up this discussion sorry Krispy I ruined you post.

Naw, dude... a lively post is good.


 2005/4/7 13:16


I work in a store that sales lottery and I think it one of the worst mistakes South Carolina has ever made.

Hey, two of our local networks (NBC & CBS) are out of Greenville/Spartanburg, SC ... havent I seen on the news that there is some controversy about the lottery money isnt all going to education like the South Carolina government said it would? (in other words... the people were lied to about the money's intended purpose?)


 2005/4/7 13:18

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924


Down here in Tx people are debating whether or not to legalize gambling. I think they should, it would save many gambling texans from driving all the way to louisiana... :-P

Farai Bamu

 2005/4/7 13:48Profile

 Re: Gambling

Geddingsm wrote

I work in a store that sales lottery and I think it one of the worst mistakes South Carolina has ever made.

I agree. I remember some years ago when the Video Lottery Terminals otherwise known as VLT's came out, hosted by the government of Canada, that I started putting a loonie in the slot (loonie is our one Canadian dollar coin). And I won 75 big ones. Well that wasn't enough for me, I practicaly took all my pay and threw it into that thing and I kept losing. I wasn't playing them long, when I just started to cry right then and there and cried to the LORD to save me. And the very next day I had no desire whatsoever to go back to that, I won't even tempt God by putting in a loonie or a toonie, (a canadian two dollar coin).

I want you to notice something, when the government of Canada changed the paper one dollar bill to a coin, the very next year these VLT's began to appear in our convinence stores. Then when people started losing money like I was doing, the government instituted gambling addiction aynonomous, and other government funded foolishness. They are making a killing off people and they know it and they try to help remedy the situation, it's hypocisy and it's an oxymoron.


 2005/4/7 13:52


I want you to notice something, when the government of Canada changed the paper one dollar bill to a coin, the very next year these VLT's began to appear in our convinence stores. Then when people started losing money like I was doing, the government instituted gambling addiction aynonomous, and other government funded foolishness. They are making a killing off people and they know it and they try to help remedy the situation, it's hypocisy and it's an oxymoron.

Thats interesting... it's kind of like a voluntary taxing, except 1 in every 100,000 gets a tax return.

Thanx for that observation. Thats something to keep an eye on here...

A "loonie", eh? Makes me glad I'm an American. :-)


 2005/4/7 14:12

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


I have heard in Canada the Terry dollar,after one legged runner Terry Fox, the one dollar coin will feature the image of Terry on the coin, I believe it is only a commemoration coin. The loon won't be replaced, but shoved aside for about 11-14 million coins featuring Terry Fox.
Very good idea, to keep his spirit and cause going.


 2005/4/7 14:40Profile

Joined: 2004/10/16
Posts: 528


Not going to address the rightness or wrongness of gambling as each of us needs to decide and act on what we believe on this issue, but I will address the $$ for education. To me, it appears to be a crock. It usually is touted as a vehicle to increase educational monies to better educate our children. Sounds good. Many vote on it for that very reason. However, the problem is: when the money starts rolling into the state, the state yanks out the monies the schools WERE getting before the lottery and then the schools are in the same exact position they were in BEFORE the lottery came to town(needing more funding!). Someone benefits, but it sure isn't the schools. If you want to know the truth of this, talk to some public school teachers in the Lottery states. Ask them how much comes out of their own pockets to provide supplies their students need that the schools are not paying for..... :-o


 2005/4/7 14:46Profile

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