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Discussion Forum : News and Current Events : Pastor Cho Yong-gi of One of the World's Largest Churches Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

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Joined: 2009/2/11
Posts: 179
Los Angeles, CA


Hi just-in,

Definitely, I absolutely agree with you, but they are few and far between. Not sure if you had a chance to visit SK recently, but there are cults everywhere, which are more militant in their evangelism than the "real" (and I use that term loosely) christians. Materialism and vanity has swept through the land and the people are in utter bondage to media and technology. They have massive churches, and on every block, literally, you can see endless rows of red crosses that light up at night littered all across the city scape, but powerless to turn the society away from it's addiction to games, high suicide rates, plastic surgery, etc. It is because the people of SK have turned away from the once humble place they used to be; where the Word and gospel used to be central and they had tender hearts before the Lord. Now SK, an asian nation where respect for your elders is paramount, has turned into a nation where students will curse and beat up their own teachers with the teachers not being able to do anything about it due to the fear of being sued. Where children are raised by television and internet and worship their gods in the form of k-pop stars and computer games and korean dramas and worldly success. To be honest, I think SK is in a far worse condition than the US. I even heard that people are returning to buddhism in droves, saying "it's not a religion, but a philosophy for living" because of people like Cho who have turned people off toward the church, causing the name of Christ to be blasphemed. Yes there are godly men in Korea, just as there were 7000 that did not bow the knee to baal during elijah's time, but sadly, I feel that SK has crossed a point of no return and that judgment is nigh. I wish this wasn't so, with all my heart I wish SK would return, but the opiate of prosperity and a pretense of religion proves to be too strong a drink as testified throughout history, namely the Israelites.


 2014/2/25 18:15Profile


Well, thank you for the "in country" report. And to think that God could have a "servant" to the North to correct and reprove.

Jer 27:6 And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, MY SERVANT; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him.

 2014/2/25 18:34


A brother has suggested that the Korea's are divided so God will protect the purity of the persecuted church to the north. I have no doubt God does have a remnant in South Korea. But in some ways it is more difficult for them to live out their faith walk with Christ.

I have often wondered if God would use a North Korean invasion to bring judgment upon South Korea. This may certainly drive the SK churches to their knees.

Simply my observations.


 2014/2/25 19:25


I hope the North Korean Christians will one day bless the South Korean Christians with their spiritual reality.

I wonder which environment is harder to be a disciple of Christ, in?

 2014/2/25 19:33


We can see the strategy of the enemy time and time again. Israel almost always abandoned God in the midst of prosperity and only captivity brought them back. This is the great danger that faces China. No surprise that following a huge move of God amongst the people, along comes prosperity to challenge the very heart of what we believe, that we will serve the Lord our God and Him alone with our whole hearts. We cannot serve two masters as we all know, as does the enemy of our soul. Well the Lord said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God..........bro Frank

 2014/2/26 8:37


Just-in I think saints in both NK and SK have challenges living out the reality of Christ. I think the saints in NK more readily embrace a crucified walk because of the persecution. Those in SK are are more challenged to live a crucified life because of the materialism.

K P Yohannan has said it is easier for him to live out India in the midst of persecution than America with its materialism.

Oh well. Simply thoughts.


 2014/2/26 11:36


I think this verse encapsulates the difference between North and South.

Heb_12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

So, we in the West as well as the South Koreans, should

"consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds." Heb 12:3

 2014/2/26 11:46

Joined: 2011/6/15
Posts: 562


Bearmaster: "K P Yohannan has said it is easier for him to live out India in the midst of persecution than America with its materialism."

I find such sentiments strange - can anyone back this up with Scripture? Israel for the record didn't fare very well in either abundant prosperity or their wilderness years.

It is said that circumstances reveal the man. Surely it is not a matter of importance to a regenerated soul where he is placed if he abides in Christ.

 2014/2/26 13:57Profile


Bro Yuhan a person may bear fruit wherever they live. But to live s fruitful life in America or SKi s more difficult because of the sensual desires of those cultures.

My thoughts only


 2014/2/26 15:19

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


this would be good for all of us who commented to read:

Setting the Record Straight on David Yonggi Cho by Bob Rodgers

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/2/26 15:36Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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