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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Obama Has More Than Doubled Marketable U.S. Debt

The marketable debt of the U.S. government has more than doubled--climbing by 106 percent--while President Barack Obama has been in office, increasing from $5,749,916,000,000 at the end of January 2009 to $11,825,322,000,000 at the end of January 2014, according to the U.S. Treasury's latest Monthly Statement of the Public Debt.

During the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush, the marketable debt of the U.S. government almost doubled--climbing 93 percent--from $2,977,328,000,000 at the end of January 2001 to $5,749,916,000,000 at the end of January 2009. ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/2/19 0:05Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Obama Has More Than Doubled Marketable U.S. Debt

This is quite eye-opening that almost every country in the world is in debt:

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2014/2/19 0:07Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: Where do we stand?

Or what is coming?

Thanks sermonindex for sharing these articles and facts. It's my own personal opinion that Pres Obama and those of his political and social mindset don't really care about the deficits and the debt because whatever they see as necessary by the way of gov't spending to bring abut their idea of society is okay by them. Spend it!

But as Christians who can help us determine where we really stand in regards to what is coming? I've heard for years within the body of Christ that a eventual financial collapse is coming and is just a matter of time before it occurs. But we are still rocking along as they say. I'm of the opinion that the national debt is so large that it will never be cleared up and is indeed a ticking bomb. Secular economists and prophet/seers (take that with a grain of salt as always) within the body of Christ seem to indicate and agree that something negative is coming. But I've heard that for years. What happens if a nation defaults on what it owes? Does it declare bankruptcy, wipe its books clean and start over from scratch thus avoiding a full scale societal crisis? Common sense and being able to crunch basic numbers tells something negative is coming but this supposed coming collapse has been bantered about and talked about for years in society and the body of Christ. So how do I get my thinking and subsequent actions lined up with what is really coming whatever that might be? Are we as a nation definitely going to experience a financial collapse that will exceed the crisis during the Great Depression or we going to work our way through the debt? I find myself doing things and thinking about the future which has to include a bit of thinking and planning regarding finances. But then I find part of my mind thinking of and reminding me that a inevitable financial collapse is supposed to be on the way so therefore I think that perhaps all that I'm thinking may not work out because of this coming collapse. What is the definitive and true word, yes we are or no we aren't? My main concern is not really political but how the body of Christ should be preparing in light of what it believes is to come. But is it going to come or not? How can we know for sure one way or the other?

David Winter

 2014/2/19 8:27Profile


They can always keep printing money and they will to protect their own fortunes. QE4 is on the way. Yellen can't stop printing. The U.S. Treasury is a like a crack addict.

Oil and food is where the trouble may be coming from.

 2014/2/19 8:44

 all of them

in debt, because nothing is new under the sun.

they, we all gone whoring after the golden calf.

sure I lead a simple life brother Greg, but I CANT proclaim "they", as if I was some "super" saint.....WE.

me. unprofitable servant. If I didn't have Jesus, hell would swallow me whole....and that's no mere religiostic palaver.

"what I want to do, I don't do"....and what I want to do, is to be swallowed up in secret prayer like Brainerd, or Evan Roberts, or Frank Bartleman, John Sung.....and i'm not.

i'm so convicted right now...I think i'm going mental.

about the debt, and this is an "innocent as a dove, shrewd as a snake issue", the only WORLDY move to make is take a portion of ones resources, and put them into silver coinage.....some might accuse me of "idolatry", my conscience is clean, I have an elderly mother, and a young son, I wish to keep fed.

God love you.

 2014/2/19 9:21

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: all of them

Ding,ding,ding! Neal I can so relate to your post. I live in a travel trailer on an acre of property, with bills of $500.00 a month, my 82 year old Mom lives next door and I take care of her, I am BLESSED!


 2014/2/19 11:44Profile


Pro_22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

So true.

It is a blessing to be out of debt. The best thing for any believer is to get out of debt and stop borrowing.

 2014/2/19 13:18

 Brother Bill

I live in a travel trailer on an acre of property, with bills of $500.00 a month, my 82 year old Mom lives next door and I take care of her, I am BLESSED!

You're a good son Bill, and your Mother must love you very much, with great tenderness. My prayer is that the LORD, Majestic and Powerful, shield both you dear hearts for all your days on this earth, In Jesus Name I pray this, neil

humble.....there's Something so beautiful about that Word, isn't there....share a not so private secret? I lived 15 of my life in a trailer...its like when we were young'uns, and we'd get an old refridrator box and make a fort out of it.....God bless your fort, amen.

 2014/2/19 15:57

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: Brother Bill

Thanks Brother Neil, you really inspired me. Yes brother, sometimes less is best, especially if you want to have some time to smell the roses along our journey.
God Bless!
Brother Bill


 2014/2/19 20:24Profile

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