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Joined: 2005/1/6
Posts: 2359
Hemel Hempstead

 What is the difference between christian and non christian music?

What is the difference between christian and non christian music and why cant christian cd prices come down

Dominic Shiells

 2005/4/6 10:02Profile

 Re: What is the difference between christian and non christian music?

What is the difference between christian and non christian music

Depends on the artist... sometimes there really isnt any difference.

why cant christian cd prices come down



 2005/4/6 10:25

Joined: 2005/1/7
Posts: 267
Morehead, KY


I get this one all the time. What makes music christian is it the music or the musicain? I have to lean more toward the music--POD--no one stone me for mentioning them--- gave the now famous line "we;re not a Christian band, we're christians who play in a band"...
Now we have all kinds of junk lyrics by those who are on "christian labels"--it is a big fat mess. You really need discrnemt when buying a cd anymore. When people like Dolly parton (no offense to any fans) can spit out a "gospel album' and then do a song for the Gay and Lesbian record project. . there are some that love Jesus and make music that pleases him. I think it all boils down to the heart and the words. Do theyn please God? Are the words of 'worship' so vauge that they could be singing about a piece of steak, frisbee or Jesus? Just a thought. Don't really want to rant. AS for the price of Cds? All i can say is that they charge me what they charge me and i have to make somethig to stay in buisness. If it is greed it's not on the grass roots level it be the big wigs with thier pockets lined with "christian" dollars.


 2005/4/6 16:04Profile


POD--no one stone me for mentioning them--- gave the now famous line "we;re not a Christian band, we're christians who play in a band

Actually... Stryper said that a long time before POD ever stepped on the stage. (I kinda like Stryper, I grew up listening to hair bands. They're back ya know...)

AS for the price of Cds? All i can say is that they charge me what they charge me and i have to make somethig to stay in buisness. If it is greed it's not on the grass roots level it be the big wigs with thier pockets lined with "christian" dollars.

I wanna say that my comment on greed should have been clarified. I dont blame the mom & pop Christian bookstore... they're trying to make a living. And I understand the concept of Walmart being able to sell items for less because of the amount they buy at one time. The greed come from the executives at the very top of the food chain in CCM. And those companies are secular companies, and they have their hands in CCM for one thing... and one thing only... MONEY. If there was no money, they would drop it like a hot potato.

I have always had a problem with the merger of CCM with the secular record companies... it's a yoking together that is grossly unscriptural. And since that is a fact, is it any wonder CCM is in the mess it's in?

On a more positive note, some of the people in CCM that I am impressed with (because of their stand for God) is as follows (and this is not an exhaustive list):

Steve Camp [i](get ready to feel convicted!)[/i]
Darryl Mansfield
Third Day
Randy Travis
Stryper [i](God has really worked in their lives since they broke up 10 years ago... and are now back together)[/i]
Randy Stonehill
Glenn Kaiser
Greg X. Volz [i](former lead singer of Petra... I've met him on several occasions, and my band opened for him once about 2 years ago. He's as real as it gets for God. He put Petra on the map with More Power To Ya back in 1982)[/i]


 2005/4/6 16:33

Joined: 2005/1/7
Posts: 267
Morehead, KY


No offense taken Krispy. I know it was not a shot at the locals. I guess im a little cyncial because i see thje other side now. There are MANY that are out there that sprinkle a little religion or throw out the name Jesus just to get signed because Christians are so despreate for something "cool". Look at the whole Creed thing--they where in CCM Mag all the time--people really didn;t care if thier heart was right, they where on the radio and people thought they where cool.. . so if they listened to it and "sactified" them--they where cool by association.
I too have a major problem with the mergers--EMI, Columbia and RCA have all bought up Christian labels--soooo, now they have a hand in the content of the record and where does that leave us. . . . . :-o


 2005/4/6 16:41Profile


Look at the whole Creed thing--

U2 is a shining example of what you're talking about. They mentioned Jesus in their song "Sunday Bloody Sunday", and boom... they got labeled a Christian band. A label, I might add, that they said they did not want.

True, at one point they expressed a belief in God, but at best they were Easter/Christmas Catholics... but they have never shown any fruit of being believers in the God of the Bible.

I respect their stand on social issues (even tho I dont agree with them a lot of the time... too liberal), and I think Bono wants to do good in this world, but lets not fool ourselves here... they have shown no evidence of being born again, Spirit filled believers.

We have to be very careful and very discerning about who we listen to... even someone who is in CCM. Why? Well, I can listen to a song and say "wow... that really touched me", and the artist may not even be saved.

Example: Without Him, by Mylon LeFevre. Mylon wrote that as a teenager, and it's a powerful song, and has found it's way into some hymn books. However, Mylon confesses now that he wasnt saved when he wrote that. He spent years in secular music, and just as many years addicted to cocaine and herion. The Lord finally saved him in 1980.

Now, the Lord has used that song. No doubt. But for me, as a parent, I know that my kids will immitate people they look up to. I did... when I was going up I loved Lynyrd Skynyrd. I was a big ol' redneck, hard drinkin', foul mouthed guy. Life immitates art.

So as a parent... I dont just accept that an artist is a Christian because they have a hit on Christian radio. I take the time to visit their website, listen to the music, read the interviews... and without judging their salvation, I do make a judgement based on discernment whether my kid is going to listen to thier music.

It's something we all need to be better at.


 2005/4/6 16:57

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


Although I agree with the concern and need for discernment with CCM, I wanted to plead a case for those CCM artists and even the retailers.

As a commercial artist and occasional musician I find the churchs' fuss over the sactification of the arts somewhat flustering. Like most believers, artistic believers want to walk in the talents given to them. Yet because artists are dealing in symbols and communication they are viewed differently then engineers, contractors, and bankers.

I'll be honest...I also feel for the Christian bookstore owner. In order to make Christian products available,they have to run a business for profit (the redundancy needs to be stated...)while many people show outright disdain for their American commerce. Meanwhile the big retailers are cherry picking the juiciest "inspirational" products...often selling them as loss leaders. To add injury to insult, many churches have opened retail "ministries" in their lobbys' carrying only the high volume merchandise.

If you attend a CBA convention hoping to find something like the "John the Baptist" conference you'll end up tearing your camel skin tunic and overturning the moneychangers kiosks and showcases. It's a glossy trade show with many sincere individuals making a living in the shadows of large souless companies. The facts of modern life...affordable products flow to into our eager hands through the commerical river of manufacturing and distribution. Even King James bibles cost money to manufacture and be merchandised under the attractive POP displays the choosy faithful have come to expect. If we didn't demand it...these companies wouldn't invest their money making it.

Commercialism is an easy target for Christians. Well it may not be the third world but its' still a jungle that requires the help of local translators and guides for missionaries to navigate through. For instance, Richard Wurmbrand's organization "Voice of the Martyrs" chose to brand the dear stories of suffering saints as "DC Talk Jesus freaks". Why? To increase the odds that the stories will find their way into more people's hearts.

These aren't deep thoughts...just some more kindling for the discussion.


Mike Compton

 2005/4/7 2:28Profile

Joined: 2004/3/31
Posts: 901
Melbourne, Australia

 Re: What is the difference between christian and non christian music?

Anyone interested in reading the last time we dealt with this, check out...
[url=""]Christian rock music....?[/url]

Personally, this thread impacted my life, in a profound way, and like the apostle Paul, heard the words of Jesus asking why I was "kicking against the goads". I challenge anyone to follow it in it's entirity, listening to the recomended sermons within, and come out the same as you went in.:-)

Aaron Ireland

 2005/4/7 6:53Profile


Compton... I appreciate your thoughts on this. You make some good points in it.

Let me share with you something about Christian retailers... clarify that to mean Christian chain stores.

I went to a local Christian chain store (with a Family emphasis... if you know who i mean) recently to price Bibles. My two oldest (ages 10 and 9) are old enough now for a study Bible, and my wife and I are in need of new Bibles since ours are falling apart.

I was sticker shocked to say the least. The Bibles I wanted to get the boys were $35. The Bibles I wanted to get my wife and I were almost $50. So I went to Christian Book Distributors website... and bought the exact same Bibles I was looking at... but instead of $35, they were $16. Instead of $50, they were $29.99. I saved $78, and paid $9 for shipping.

Why the huge mark up?


 2005/4/7 8:05

Joined: 2003/8/15
Posts: 179


I just read this article concerning this subject. The article mentions many top artist on the Christian chart and has some very troubling facts about them and actual quotes they have made. I would challange everyone to read it, it may change your mind on who you and/or your children listen to.

Here is the link.

God bless,



 2005/4/7 8:30Profile

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