Dhobi, Hindu of NepalThis caste group from India and Pakistan specializes in washing clothes. The word Dhobi is derived from the Hindi word dhona, which means to wash. Dhobi usually operate door to door, collecting dirty linen from households. After a day or two, they return the linen washed, sometimes starched and ironed. A Dhobi is likely to be of many different origins, from those whose ancestors took the occupation of washing clothes evolving over time into a distinct community bound by rules of endogamy (marrying only within the community). They live in multi-caste villages, but occupy their own distinct quarters. Each of their settlements contains an informal caste council, known as a Biradari Panchayat. The Panchayat acts as an instrument of social control, dealing with issues such as divorce and adultery.Ministry ObstaclesThe Dhobi speak a number of languages in Nepal, and each language subgroup may need its own church planting project.Outreach IdeasThere are growing numbers of Christian believers in Nepal. Pray that some of these will be led to help disciple the few Dhobi who are presently Christians, helping them to mature enough to take the Gospel message to all of their community.Pray for the followers of ChristA few Dhobi have identified themselves as Christians to the census of Nepal. Please pray these people will grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray also they will regularly fellowship together for mutual encouragement and edification.Pray for the entire people groupPray for a rising literacy rate among the Dhobi, especially for the youth. Pray also for improved medical care and adequate employment opportunities.Scripture Focus"Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised." 1 Chronicles 16:24-25
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon