Riddle me this:
Why is it… that conversing about “today's weather” or “the weather forecast” for tomorrow is a conversation on the tip of every tongue of almost every human on six continents (NOT the seventh continent, probably, but then I’ve never been there — maybe there, too :) )??!!
Why IS that?!
The answer of why everyone everywhere all the time talks incessantly and shamelessly about “the weather” (results of a very unscientific survey) is this:
1) Weather affects decisions about day to day life and priorities 2) Weather affects human comfort
and therefore ... “The Weather" is the most obvious and universal of conversation topics in every human language on the planet. Bar none. Test the theory yourself next time your are traveling to another country, or listening to conversations in the workplace or marketplace.
NOW Riddle me THIS?
WHY would a person “go everywhere spreading, declaring, announcing, proclaiming, gossiping" the Words about the Christ-Event?
"Those (the 20,000 new Christians driven out of Jerusalem by death threats from the government and religious enemies) went from place to place everywhere spreading the Good News of God's Message."
WHY would a person “go everywhere spreading, declaring, announcing, proclaiming, gossiping" the Word about the Christ-Event?
They WOULD if….
1) Jesus' Coming, then and now, and to come... "affects all of their decisions about day to day life and priorities," 2) The Christ-Event is all that matters relative to their “human comfort" day to day.
Know anyone who constantly thinks about and talks about how anything and everything relates to Jesus and His Church and His Words and Priorities -- but is not “religious" or over-bearing or judgmental or pushy in any way? They only represent Jesus and the Christ-Event, not a system or program or attendance or doctrine or cultural religion. Know anyone like that? That’s what a true CHURCH is meant to be — “the Body of CHRIST.” :) Know anyone who speaks as easily about the Christ-Event, and His Words, and His Priorities as if speaking of “the weather”? :)
We know MANY MANY who Live this every day in their families and neighborhoods and universities and workplaces!
You can be this person too, by HIS Spirit and with His Courage and with HIS PRIORITIES.
It’s not any harder than “talking about the weather” — when you REALLY believe Him and “long for His Appearing” and are “not ashamed” of Him and His Words!
He WINS — we KNOW this. What’s to be ashamed of or bored by? :)
(Acts 8:4)4 Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.
i read this over and i just really liked the heart behind it. so simple, so honest, so Jesus :)